What would you do if the possibility the skid may not be your significant others?
My significant other has a 5yr old with his exwife that they currently share 50/50 custody (every other week, this probably will change as the child ages). He has mentioned to me more than once & usually in a very passing way that there may be a possibility that he is not the bio father. We have contemplated our future together (we already live together), marriage, children, etc..and every since he mentioned to me that he is "unsure exactly" of the paternity I have viewed the child differently for some reason. I hate myself for admitting this, but a part of me feels distant from this poor kid now. He seems to get on my nervous system more frequently (baby talk just kills me) & I feel like I want/need to know if I will one day have this man's first child or his second (and why does it matter, it would be OUR first together?!) I catch myself staring at this child wondering & telling myself "wow, he really does not look anything like his father" even though I know logically a kid can look nothing like their bio parents & it means nothing. Argghhh, I never want to be seen as the woman that pushes him into taking a DNA test if he does not want to. I know that he won't abandon the child if he is not his bio father & would never expect him to, but I worry that what if this kid can "feel the doubt" I know sounds very hippy like, but what if he was a better father to this kid if he for sure knew he was his. Or what if it is found out later when the kid is an adult that he is not the bio & the kid resents him for not finding out (everyone has seen tv where it is found out they cannot donate organs because they are not related!) OR wait, here is the selfish part, what if we could move into the CITY where his ex does not live if he is not the father This is something we have talked about & he says "okay I will order the test" but months later nothing. I know he is putting off for obvious reasons, but I really want to know! Part of me wants to order the darn test through the mail, but I really don't want to be pushy as it should really be his decision. I am just not sure I can see a future with us not knowing (I cannot believe I am admitting that, he is a great man!!) Suggestions? Would you want to know for sure or should I just let it go? Darn the dilemma!!
If he doesn't feel compelled
If he doesn't feel compelled to get the test done himself, I really don't see a way you can get him to take it. What I mean is, you could insist he take it but you open yourself up to accusations of not liking or wanting it. If the child is his, in the back of his mind he may always consider how you wished the child wasn't his. If he's such a wonderful man, you may have to wait until if and when he feels the urge to take the test for his own reasons. You also should be prepared he may not ever want to know the truth. The next time HE brings up the child may not be his, you could strongly suggest he order the test right then and there. Even though you're dying to know the truth, I wouldn't keep bringing the subject up.
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
Very interesting. So what
Very interesting. So what should she do if she finds out the child is not his? Now she knows the truth and he doesn't. If she tells him, he would be angry that she did this behind his back. If she doesn't tell him, the secret will eat away at her as she continues enduring a situation she isn't happy in, resenting every moment of it. Too much drama for me. lol
"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."
OH NO, I never meant that I
OH NO, I never meant that I would sneak & do the test! I would never do such a thing (even though I must admit in my devious dreams it would be an option
Just thought that if I paid for it the "I can't afford to" excuse could never come up. But, the test probably would just sit in the cabinet as I would never want to betray anyone in that manner. Either way I guess if I ordered it then I would get my answer as to if he ever really plans to go through with the test. It is hard to say this without being in the situation myself, but I would want to know if my bio parents where really not my blood relatives, if for anything just for medical history purposes (physical & mental) later in life, but that is just me, not everyone would agree. Thanks everyone for the thoughts, I really appreciate hearing all dimensions of this issue!
My DH has major doubts of ss
My DH has major doubts of ss being his (ex wife was his girlfriend at the time ss was conceived but was also apparently sleeping with her ex) but he won't get a test and I've never asked him to. There have been times where I wanted to know for sure, but what is that going to do? I have thought about sneaking behind his back, but if it came back that ss wasn't his, would I be able to live with that secret? I surely wouldn't be able to tell DH that I snuck and did it behind his back. In my case, SS9 lives with us because my DH has sole custody. If DH did get the test and it came back that ss wasn't his, it would ruin both of thier lives. As many problems as I've had with ss9, I wouldn't want to do that to him. And I also wouldn't want to push DH into doing something that might break his heart.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
We had a situation where due
We had a situation where due to his divorce, DH had to get a DNA test done on SS then age 13. DH had suspected SS wasn't his for a long time, but he never did anything about it. The DNA results proved DH was not the bio father (I would have sworn he was because SS looked just like him). The test caused some really major problems within the family. Even though SS wasn't DH's bio son, DH still treated him as if he was until BM decided to wreak havoc on the whole family. She now refuses to let SS visit with DH's parents, SS's half sisters or DH. SS is extremely immature for his age, he'll be 16 in Feb but acts like he's about 9. DH wanted to break the news to SS in a calm, loving manner, letting him know it didn't change his feelings towards SS and he would always be his father, but BM wouldn't hear of it - she went nuts and told the kid all sorts of stuff - it had to be very traumatic for him. BM told DH that he should have SD (then 15) tested too as she didn't belong to him either. SD (now 18) threw a fit and didn't want to get tested and DH was afraid to push it; I don't think he really wants to know but I really wish he had done the test - I know that's selfish of me, but it would explain a lot. It would not have affected how DH feels about SD18 on his part, but I don't know how SD18 would react. If I was SD18, I would want to know the truth. No matter the circumstances, DNA testing can really screw up peoples lives.
Damn, I wish the SD's
Damn, I wish the SD's weren't DH's. A girl can dream!!!!! Actually, DH wishes that he had reproduced with someone else instead of BM...he just told me that last night...he hates that woman with a passion for cheating and destroying his family!
**Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!**
I would be indifferent. I
I would be indifferent. I mean it is what it is..if I found out my sk's where not my DH...then I would be lying if I said I was not relieved or happy.
" Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it's still dark"-R.Tagore
You need to leave it alone
You need to leave it alone or you will be the one he resents. He will take the test when or if he even wants to know. If he is content on raising the child as his own even with the possibility of it not being his then I think he should be commended. It doesn’t take a womb to be a mother just like it doesn’t take a sperm to be a father.
I completely agree SM
I completely agree SM
This is true...BUT, in the
This is true...BUT, in the case of adoption, it is a choice to adopt and the kids are almost always told they are adopted, so they are given the respect of being told the truth.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Let it go. It does not
Let it go. It does not matter what the results of the DNA are he is the father of the child in every way that matters. It's not your business to get involved in something that is none of your concern. If you cant care about the child because of his biological heritage you are going to have a major problem.
I respect everyone's opinion
I respect everyone's opinion until I hear a silly comment such as "it is not your business" "none of your concern". What is said & done in MY household is always MY business. Agree to disagree on this one.
Absolutely I get the point.
Absolutely I get the point. Regardless this is a child! Neither one of us would ever mistreat a child regardless of who's it is, ever ever. My point is that what if this child can "feel" something from his "father". His "father" treats him perfect, but would he be even better if he really knew for sure he was the bio father? My concern is not for me, if I can't take not knowing I will leave & be out of their lives, but regardless of my decision I can't help but wonder if their lives would benefit from knowing in the long run. Sure I know it would painful if it was not the desired answer, but at least it would be an answer & neither of them would ever have to think "what if". I am simply not the type of person that lives life on "what ifs" if there is a definite answer to be had, then I want it. I realize not everyone is this way, have to respect everyone's opinions & personality traits (even if I disagree
Let me throw this in for you
Let me throw this in for you think on.... several years back perfectson's SM put the notion into EH's head that perhaps perfectson wasn't my EH's kid. Well EH actually snuck perfectson off and did a DNA test on him to be sure. Perfectson is the one who told me about it. The damage it did to their relationship was unbelievable. Perfectson now has always questioned, well what if he wasn't his bioson, what would EH have done then? Walked away after 10 years in his life? Why did it even matter after that time?
What if I had been given the wrong baby at the hospital? It happens you know. After I had loved that child and raised that child as mine, it wouldn't matter to me one way or the other if I found out perfectson wasn't my own bioson.
If you found out your baby
If you found out your baby was switched at the hospital, would you want to find your bio-child too? Or could you live with just letting it go, knowing you had a kid out there? There was a movie made on this scenario, it was very interesting. Both moms of the switched babies were fighting for custody of both kids.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I would sit down with him
I would sit down with him and suggest he does do the test. Because you want a future with him, if this child is not his and he is not legally obligated to support him and you guys have children, why should your children get less than him. Sorry that is how i feel. If it wasn't my So child, i would tellhim , you can support him if you want but at least you wotn be forced to! There is a difference between forced support and honestly wanting to do that. And if you gusy love the child and you want him in your life , then it shouldn't matter of the test. But if there is doubt, i think its best to honestly find out, and then make a decision whether to continue support for him or not. And to honestly openly know what the future holds for all of you.
You can't force him to take the test, but if he has doubts , tell him its better if he does so the answer is solid. Just cause he may not be his child, doesnt' change the fact , that he can continue to support and love this child as his own. Nothign wrong there.
Not true. He is the legal
Not true. He is the legal father & would still have to pay support unless the bio father came forward and petitioned the court for rights. SS12 is not DH's bio child, we did a test a couple years ago, but he is still his legal father and responsible for him.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
There are many people on
There are many people on this forum that know their H is not the father of the child, but their H is paying CS. The judge did not simply let them off the hook because a party that is not the mom or dad decided they wanted to know where the kd came from. If you find out that he is not a bio will that breed more contempt for the child?
I personally (if I dig deep
I personally (if I dig deep down) believe this child IS his (yes even though they look nothing alike or have similar personalities). I would rather him be completely in denial of the possibility he isn't. Trust me I would love my man to believe whole heartedly that this child IS his (that would be much easier!), but I cannot change the fact that his ex was a hoochie & the only answer I have for him is pretty black & white, either do the test or stop insinuating that he is not the bio father (he would never say anything around the boy!) I appreciate ALL of your input (besides it not being my none of my concern!) this is exactly the type of perspectives that I was hoping to find here. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your experiences. Whatever is decided on HIS part will be the best I hope *staying optimistic*. Thanks again!
I think it's too late at
I think it's too late at this point. DH had a blood test (not a full-blown DNA test) done on SD16 when she was still in the hospital before he legally accepted her as his child. So no DNA test, so I could wonder if she was REALLY DH's child, but they have the same toes (not much, I know). It wouldn't matter to DH at this point if she was NOT his, he raised her. He's bonded. Funny, the thing that would make me think she is not DH's kid is how dark her skin is (almost black). Like one time she was wearing a long black shirt and her legs were ALMOST the same color as the shirt. DH is caucasian and American Indian, so he's fairly pale but with a reddish tint. BM is Mexican and American Indian, but she also does not have particularly dark skin. My only explanation is that SD16 got ALL the genes (Mexican and American Indian) for dark skin from BOTH her parents.
My sister just told her son
My sister just told her son (8 yrs old) that daddy (her husband) is "not the daddy that put you in my belly, but he is your daddy because he loves and cares for you". Difference is her and her husband both knew from the beginning that he is not the bio father, but they started dating when she was pregnant and he has been daddy from day one. My newphew basically said "okay!", he had a few questions which she answered and he was fine. She thought it was important to tell him young so that its just a fact of his life, not some big secret to tell later on. In cases like yours, your DH doesn't even know for sure. If he did the test, would he want to tell the child the truth, so when he's older he can find his bio dad? Is he considered about medical history? Or would he never tell him and is just curious? My stepbrother is "daddy" to his stepdaughter, who is 11, and still hasn't told her he's not her bio dad. He is taking the route of waiting until she's older. I am interested to see whose situation turns out better, my sister's or stepbrother's. My DH isn't SS's bio dad either, he is 12, and hasn't told him the truth yet either. DH and I did the test almost 2 years ago with SS's toothbrush (we didn't want him to know we were doing it). We already knew it was mathematically extremely unlikely he was the dad, but the test laid the question to rest once and for all. He goes back and forth between telling SS very soon and waiting until he's an adult, or never at all. I leave it alone, I don't want to be the one responsible for that decision. Its tough stuff. Either way, you'll still have to pay support and everything else that goes along with raising a child, because he is the legal father. So many people use the idea of not having to pay support anymore as their motivation for finding out, and its NOT TRUE! So if that thought crossed your mind, erase it! I already knew that fact before we did the test, but its still a hard pill to swallow. Good luck
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Wow, I would certainly be
Wow, I would certainly be interested to see what situation turns out to be the better one. I always pull for honesty is the best policy for everything in my life, but that does not always work for everyone. The money is certainly not a motivation at all, we are lucky not to have to have worry about the monetary implications of finding out versus not finding out (right now at least!) since the ex is loaded (trust fund baby never had a job a day in her life & the son will have the trust fund too) & we are just comfy, no child support either way & was all documented thorugh the divorce court. If my man ever did go through with the test he says he would tell him at a young age (maybe not yet), but he waivers on that too, obviously that would also be HIS choice as well. Thanks for the luck, I know from reading all the posts on this forum that I need a lot of that!
Common sense makes it seem
Common sense makes it seem like he is not in any burning hurry to find out. Even though this is something people should know, at least for medical reasons, maybe it just doesn't matter to him because either way at the end of the day, they are father and child. He accepts his child even in the midst of doubt so you need to accept it to be that way as well.
Wanting to separate them can only cause resentment. And why punish a child who's done nothing wrong?
Men usually go after things they want. And it doesn't seem like he's putting too much effort into finding out the paternity. He mentions it in passing and has not done anything yet. And for all intents and purposes, they are father and child and pushing them to take a paternity test will change nothing.
And anyway, how would you be able to react to the news regardless of what it is? It just looks like you are looking for an excuse to not be in a blended family situation. Accept him and his life the way it is.