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Why are BM's so MEAN?

BLUEEYES's picture

My mom had sugery monday (kidney removal) my sd's where very concerned they would be at their moms for 2 days and didnt want to wait to find out how everyting went. So i told them to call me before they went to bed and I would let them know how everything went. They texted me mid day telling me their mom said they could not talk ot me -call me or text me when she has them. that is so rude!!! Why is she such an ass???? I let the girls call text their parent when ever they want!!! she is such a mean person.

always wrong's picture

LOL, she is jealous of you. I remember when mines BM told SD that SD had to call her every day she was with us. LOL, we use to go camping every weekend, so how was that possible? We would purposely not be home so we didn't have to end up on the phone with BM.

BLUEEYES's picture

i know right, and to think she is keeping them from knowing... What a thing to show on her part no concern of how her children fee.

skylarksms's picture

This is why in a nutshell. It isn't about the CHILDREN'S feelings, it is about the BM's feelings (in their narcissistic jealous little minds).

Starla's picture

Sad but true! Keep being yourself with them & as for the BM...shes setting herself up for chasing her kids away from her. Some women just don't deserve to be mothers. Sadly, she sounds like one of them! BM is probably jealous of you & with you being nice, that gets under her skin all the more. Of course she don't want you knowing that..its an ego thing. Hey i hope your mom is doing good Smile

BLUEEYES's picture

Hey thanks to all of you... I knew she was a jealous person but this one really threw me away.... my mom was in a major surgery and all of my children that includes my sd's too love my mom and my mom does so much with all of them... like before the surgery she took all the girls shopping and the bm was telling my sd its nice you missed dance to go shopping with her mother ...she made my sd cry-she told her that she didnt care if any of grandmas were in the hosiptal dying that she wouldnt miss dance... i was standing there when she said so i heard it too..... I am always nice about their mom infact when they text me telling me they couldnt talk to me i text back i am sorry, it is really sad of her to say that you cant talk to me.but okay i wioll just talk to you girls wednesday then.. i know she probably read the text too i sent tohe girls..

midnyt's picture

OMG I seriously hope that when my ExH finds someone else that i dont turn out like the BM's on here.......

planningMyEscape's picture

She is totally jealous of/threatened by you. I guess I'm *lucky* because our BM isn't mean. STUPID...yes. Very, very stupid. But I wouldn't call her mean.