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Wife Finally seeing truth

totallylost's picture

Well its been a while since I had to post but 2 weeks ago my ss parked the car I was letting him borrow because it was not running right and who is left to repair thats right me. I let him use another car for a week since I did not need it at the moment but the weekend came and I told him he would start driving my truck. He cussed and fussed and refused to drive it at first because it used too much gas. He finally started driving it and ran it out of gas last Friday night he put 2.00 in the tank but still could not get it cranked and run the battery down. He left the truck on the side of the road and did not tell me till the next day. My wife and I got the truck started after putting more gas in it and my ss drove it home(he was to suppose to stop get more gas). Over the weekend he borrowed my car and left me with less than a half tank of gas. Monday came and he could not get the truck started again so he got his grandparents to take him and my sd to school. I came home and discovered that the truck was once again out of gas and that he expected me to put gas in it. To make a really long story short, he has cussed me out, and his mom since she is not siding with him and to make matters worse my sd is blaming me because he refuses to drive truck and go to school(he also refuses to ride with me). He is 18 and this is his last year of High School but I can not believe I the one who is to blame for all this. I told them its easy to blame me because I am the Step parent. Sorry just had to vent a little.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Methinks you should show him where the bus stop is.

♥ Georgia, the un-stepmom ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

evilsm's picture

I wouldn't worry about the bus to school, I would be thinking more along the lines of the greyhound out of town! I am glad your DW didn't side with him but that is totally unacceptable. I would not offer another thing to him, not a ride, not gas and certainly not a vehicle of mine to drive. Uggg, the nerve.


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

frustrated like nobodies business's picture

you are never too big to get your butt whooped!!

stired_crazy's picture

Sounds like to me he is very unappreciative, Gas is so high right now that its crazy!
Here in Florida gas is going up 22 cents tomorrow as everyone was lined up for gas today.

I would tell SS if he wants to ride then he needs to get a measly part time job on weekends to help pay for his road trips. Sounds like for being 18 he is acting a little immature.

You are in the right, dont let any of them take advantage of you because you are step-parent!

Sometimes SK ( even adults) can mistaken peoples kindness for their weakenss.

" This is not the life I ordered".

frustratedinMA's picture

better yet.. tell him to do what the rest of us already do.. tell him to get a job, then he can BUY A CAR of his OWN, then he can pay for the gas in that vehicle, as well as the insurance.

Point blank, if the kid cant be thankful for the use of the car, free and clear of the car payment and the insurance costs, and put gas in it.. apparently his only requirement.. then its time to show him what owning a car REALLY means.

My dh's ex got the car in the divorce.. (dh was still making the payments when I met him) she refused to buy insurance on HER vehicle, and when she needed new tires, she called the car cheap and MADE my dh pay for the tires.. ON A CAR HE NO LONGER DROVE (this was like 2 yrs after the divorce).. DH als paid the insurance on the vehicle.. this is UNTIL the car was paid off.. then she was left to her own devices.

I say, dont let him use the car/truck anymore. He can walk, bus it, or ride a bike.

frustrated like nobodies business's picture

and a car and i can't even afford to drive my own car!! sometimes kids forget about value because no value is placed on anything. they dont have to pay for it so they dont know what it takes to pay for it and how long it takes to earn it. if the gas money was coming out of his own pocket he would be more mindful.

sparky's picture

He should be graduating soon so give him a one way bus ticket for the graduation gift.

frustratedinMA's picture

Or.. perhaps you can charge a deposit on the vehicle. He gives you $50, then he can use the car. Whatever he doesnt use in gas will be given back to him, and the rest used to fill up the car.

Nah.. I like earn the car and the right better.

stired_crazy's picture

Hey thats a good idea frustratedinMA,
I will have to remember that one when times comes for kids here:)

" This is not the life I ordered".

totallylost's picture

Well since I last posted my SS has agreed to pay for insurance and his cell phone and has give the money up front. He wanted to driver one of my other cars that gets better gas mileage but I told him no that he had already tore it up too many times. So he is for now driving the truck and putting gas in to the tune of 65 to 75 dollars a week, and paying for cell and insurance. I told him that if I had to work on the vehicle he would pay me just like he would a mechanic(at a discounted rate) because of his attitude and refusal to in the past. He has a part time job and about 1200 dollars in saving on top of his regular checking account. My wife has said if needed she would get the $ out his account since her name is on the account also (she had to sign for him to open a year ago). So we will see how long this last. I have informed SS that if he misses one payment he walking and will continue to do so until he has his own car.