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Will BM's divorce cause DH's child support to go up?

chickadee11's picture

Heard from SD that a divorce is in the works between BM and SF. I don't think SF held much of a steady job to begin with, but does that affect the child support? I mean I don't think that my salary comes into play with how much DH pays BM a month just as I don't imagine SF's salary, or lack thereof, came into play. But I was just wondering if anyone has had experience in that area.

Rags's picture

No, a SP's income should have no effect on CS. At least in most states that is the case.

However, as the custodial SP in our blended family adventure my income was considered. My SS's CO was based in Oregon where Sparent income is specificially excluded from consideration in the calculation of CS. The caveat is that there is a rule that allows custodial Sparent income to be considered to lower the CS obligation of the NCP if the custodial Sparent makes a significant income that could "artificually elevate the standard of living of the child". Aparently this is designed to give idiot NCPs a way to lower their obligation to support their child(ren).

As the judge said in our case "BioDad should not be punished by having to contribute excessively to an artificially elevated standard of living of hte child that is due to StepDad's elevated income."

It chapped my ass that the idiot in the black robes gave the SpermIdiot any benefit of my income at all but in the relative scheme of things it was irrelvent. SpermIdiot got a $1000/mo reduction in his monthly income for CS calculation purposes which was the maximum credit allowed under the rule. It only lowered his CS by $50/mo.

sbm014's picture

It shouldn't...where I live it is only DH and BM's income factored into CS. We want to catch BM working so bad as she works under the table but DH just got a raise so it is like a wash we don't want to rat ourselves out. My income is completely different....

If it is auto-pulled from his check you might want to look up your attorney general's website as it can answer many questions