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Wow, I'm Impressed!

Mizcece32's picture

I was able to have a conversation with my DH is morning regarding his daughter. I was already peeved about the noise situation while I am working in my home office and watching her while I work, etc. But the final straw for me and this has been going on from day one but for some reason it has gotten worse this summer. My SD13 has found a new habit of questioning my every move. "Why are you leaving? Are you going to be? What are you doing?", etc. I told me husband that I do not appreciate being interrogated by a 13 year old and that I spend more than enough time with her when she is here and if I want to leave a room, I will not be questioned by her as to why. I also told him another pet peeve of mine and that is her knocking on my bedroom suite door when I am in here trying to enjoy some me time since my bedroom area and home office are my only escape, I do not want her knocking on the door to bother me period, I told him that he is her parent and that there should never be a time that she has to bypass him to bother me when I am in my office or bedroom area with the door close. I explained to him that I am her stepmother and not her parent so therefore my obligation to spend time with her and answer to her is non-existent. I do not have to spend time with her, I do not have to answer to her. I also advised him that my children are grown and out on their own so my level of patience is different than his and my level of commitment is way less than his. I also explained to him that it does not in any way mean I do not like his daughter or do want to be around his daughter, it just means that when I have have had enough or choose to go off and do my own thing that is the choice that a stepparent has and I choose to exercise it now and then. I told him her really needs to explain that to her and soon. Because the next time she questions me or knocks on my door, I will start to ignore her and then how would she feel. I think my DH got it and he has agree to explain that to her. One more lil' victory!