Getting impatient...
Ok, so I've posted bits and pieces of what has been going on lately but here is the whole story. We are getting impatient waiting on the court date.
About 5 months ago my DH filed to take BM back to court because she is trying to exclude my DH from my SS's life. She has even asked him to sign over his rights several times in emails. Here are the main reasons for taking her back to court...
1. Denies court ordered vistation for no reason other than "she has plans"
2. Excluded DH from his 5 year old son's first season in football
3. Excluded DH from anything and everyting to do with school...DH wasn't even listed as a legal guardian
4. Posted pictures of SS when he was 3-4 years old online for anyone and everyone to see (full on nude pics)
Now, this is what we've found out since my DH filed for modification 5 months ago...
1. She had her live-in BF listed as SS's legal guardian at school and also had him on the check-out list at school. My DH & I aren't even listed on the check-out list!
2. We got a letter in the mail about a month ago stating that she and the kids were moving nearly 2 hours away from us due to "child's step-father obtaining a new job". At this point she had only been married a month so it was obviously planned.
3. We found out that up until about a month ago she was letting my SS and his 10 year old sister ride the bus home from school and stay by themselves for 2-3 hours every day.
4. Now, we've gotten a letter in the mail stating that she is asking the judge for more child support & that we also pay her attorney fees as she doesn't have the money to pay them.
5. Also, just found out that BM quit her job a few weeks ago to be a stay at home mom even though both kids are in school.
Ok...I think that about covers atleast the main issues. Anybody got any clue as to what might happen in court? My DH is fighting for primary custody with her only having weekend, holiday, and summer visitation.
Yeah, I am sure the judge
Yeah, I am sure the judge will love her requests. Especially seeing as how my husband is fighting for primary custody while all she is worried about is money.
I think it is like 30 days.
I think it is like 30 days. We go to court in 5 weeks and they are moving in a week. Our attorney knows about the move but said no need for emergency will get added to the petition and brought up in court. She is supposed to be the best attorney around for these types of things so we are going to trust her on this one.
I would agree, get the
I would agree, get the emergency hearing now. If she gets out with the kids it will definitely be even harder to get them back as they will be moving too much and need to be in a stable environment (which is what she will most likely push for as her being the reliable and stable parent). Good luck!
I would at least have the
I would at least have the attorney send them a registered letter objecting to the move and file an objection with the court - even if it doesn't get heard until the upcoming court date.
I wholeheartedly agree. MY
I wholeheartedly agree. MY DH had to bring BM back from another state, it cost us 10 grand.
Try to stop this before she goes... it is not easy once it's done.