Switching from 5-5-2-2 to 7-7. Anyone experienced this?
How hard is it to change a parenting schedule from 5-5-2-2 to 7-7(1 week then switch) if there is resistance on the other end?
Valid reasons to change are...
eliminating kids' disruption in the middle of the school week.
eliminating kids' disruption from 2 times a week to once a week.
Basically, sports equipment, school books, homework, keys, buspasses consistently get left at the other parents house. I think by simplifying the parenting schedule it would solve most of the problem. Not to mention its seems much more settling for the kids especially one who's ADHD. We would switch up every Friday.
I'm going to set up an appointment with a court appointed mediator next week but wanted to get some advice (assurance ) from those who've done this.
How old are your skids? I
How old are your skids? I think this makes a huge difference sometimes. We have 50/50 custody also. I personally think that BF's schedule made a little more sense when skids were younger (they were 9 & 6 when we met) and they would go back & forth every few days & every other weekend. However, now that skids are 15 & 12, I definitely feel that it would be less disruptive to THEM (not to mention just overall easier & more consistent for the adults as well) to do 7-7 as you suggested. Also, skids don't have any diagnosed emotional/mental/physical growth or developmental problems (i.e. ADHD) to deal with, so I'm not sure how that would factor in.
Why are you getting resistance on the other end (I assume you mean from BM) in the first place? How long have they been divorced? Why isn't your DH/BF handling this himself? Is he on board with your suggestion? Again, I would need a little more info. about your situation to be able to help.
Good luck with the appointment with the mediator! Keep me posted on how it goes.
Like you guys, the last few
Like you guys, the last few months I've came to the realization that the kids have outgrown the parenting schedule. They were 6 and 8 when it started. It made sense then because they were young and long stays from either parent was tough. Now they're going on 11 and 13. And they're my biological children so I'm the BM (not a mean one so don't shoot me). I'm getting resistance from their father for no other reason then its what he's used to. He doesn't see the problems (denial?). We live close so he figures if the kids forget something then they can go to the other's house and grab whatever but its a pain and unsettling for the them, and me included. Not to mention the teachers can't keep up with our schedule. 5-5-2-2 confuses them too..lol
DH backs me up. I'm not sure if XH's wife agrees. I'm sure she would. In my opinion it's not something to get feathers ruffled over. We're not taking more time away just simplifying the schedule which simplifies life---that's always a good thing. I hope the mediator agrees.
I'll keep you posted.
We just did this. It took
We just did this. It took some fighting, but it was worth it. The reasons she didn't want to switch it to 7-7 was because she didn't want to "look bad." We wanted to do this b/c DBf might get orders soon and we dont know how much longer we'll be here. We used to have SS3 every other weds-sunday. He asked to do EOW and she freaked out. He told her he didn't want to change the paperwork or anything he just wanted to see his kid more often. She said "well if you ever want to fight for custody then it would look like I didn't want to have him!" Even though she asks us to take him all the time b/c she always has "plans" with her BF of the week. She also just wants to keep control, so she told him "well we'll see week by week." DBf stood his ground (I'm so proud!!) and told her NO, I want to see my son so I will. Anway, from our experience it wasn't TOO hard but we still had to put up a fight. Good luck and I hop your BM isn't as selfish or ignorant as ours is...
It's my bios so I'm the BM
It's my bios so I'm the BM who wants 7-7---it's my exH that's resisting. We already have 50/50 but the schedule we have currently switches them twice a week; on wednesdays and fridays. I want to narrow it down to once a week; eliminate wednesday just switch on Fridays.
Now SD6 is another story? I can so relate to what you dealt with regarding BM. We have the same problem w/BM. DH asks for more time and she says NO! DH and I got into this the other day. Her mindset is off. It isn't up to her to LET him see his kid. Yep...same mentality as your BM and I believe for similar reasons. SD's BM probably would feel like less of a parent if she gave DH more time. She couldn't be further from the truth.
I hope one day DH realizes this and fights. Right now we have SD EOWeekend and a midweek dinner. Hardly any divorced parents w/ kids have this set up out here anymore. Most dad's have at least 40%. Its sad because SD wants to see her dad more. One day...
He does, and he stuck to his
He does, and he stuck to his guns about it so now its 7-7. I do believe its easier for the child rather than in the middle of the week and back and forth. I like sunday afternoons b/c it gives me enough time to wash and iron our uniforms for the week, polish boots, etc. Then we can start off the week with or without him. Its just easier for us b/c then I know how much to make everynight for dinner and which clothes to get ready. I hate bouncing him back and forth.
hmm...sunday's might be a
hmm...sunday's might be a better option. Especially with saturday games. They'd need their equipment.
I'm glad you let me know
About 6 months ago I got my
About 6 months ago I got my FH to switch from a 2-2-1-2/2-2-2-1 schedule to a 2-2-5-5 schedule. The previous way the weekends were FAR to complicated (FH said it worked when SS was young and both he and BM were dating and had active social lives; BM is now remarried with her own SS and a new baby).
SS10 (almost 11) leaves piano books, his saxaphone, and whatever sporting equipment is associated with the season he is in at the other parents house all the time. He has no responsibilities partially due to his not being in any one household for any sustained period of time.
I have been pushing a discussion of this- but FH and BM don't do anything for their son. They do it out of their selfish interests and each constantly "negotiating" (the word FH uses) with the other to get more out of them. Even as it is now, with SS supposed to be at one house or the other Fri-Sun nights they are constantly "negotiating" moving him for various reasons. Throw in the manipulative behavior of the BM, who threatens to take FH to court if he wants "extra" and who won't return a phone call of FH says he needs to talk to me about a switch....the schedule isn't even setup 3 weeks in advance, so I actually can't make a dinner plan with friends for FH and me for a few weekends away. Add a sprinkle of FH behaving like someone who has been abused (BM was and is psychologically abusive to him), and who worries about BM's travel plans if he doesn't capitulate and give her whatever weekend switches she wants, and it is worse.
Does it ever end? Does the 7-7 help with this constant back/forth?
I also want them to just do alternating Thanksgivings/spring breaks, instead of constantly "negotiating" these so that SS moves between each house multiple times during breaks, preventing us from having cohesive family time or time to travel during any of these.
Does anyone do this with holidays?
Does this kind of schedule help place better boundaries on the relationships with the ex-spouse? FH needs whatever help he can get in this department.
I am so tired of constantly worrying about this and trying to figure it out.
OMG steppingsf. My head is
OMG steppingsf. My head is spinning from you just talking about that schedule...if you can even call it that. Yikes.
My DH and BM don't have set plan for holidays either. It's all "negotiable" as you so eloquently put it. It drives me batty. I'm not much a of a planner but I'm not a fly-by-seat-of- my-pants person either. DH has allowed BM to assume (just like the schedule) that its up to her to decide on how to share the holidays. Although, he's getting better about confronting BM. She's a terror when she's pissed and he's not a confrontational type.
Personally, I don't like to piss off XH. I pick my battles with him but the one I pick I don't care if he gets angry or not. The schedule is one I pick. I've always been this way w/XH where as DH has spoiled BM with his complacency IMHO. I honestly don't blame her. I would be doing the same if XH left everything up to me. But he's learning
Our holiday schedule is
Our holiday schedule is every other, regardless of who's "week" its on. She used to have him all week plus monday and tues, then we'd have him weds-sun. So she had him for like 10 days and we had him for four. We just switched to 7-7 and its so much easier. He has his clothes that i bought at our house and they don't leave b/c I'm sick of buying new ones. We have a little potty here, his diaper bag, his toys, etc. Basicly its set up as if he is here full time. Its just easier like that I think (even if I'm about to pull my hair out by the end of the 7 days.) We do our switch on Sunday afternoon/evening. That way we set off the week straight.
That's how my bios holidays
That's how my bios holidays are set up...every other year.
This year I'm not doing the Xmas Eve to Xmas-day switcheroo though. I'm going to celebrate Christmas on New Years Eve and Day since we have them for that holiday. We'll combine the two celebrations with presents, watching the ball drop, confetti, they'll open up their gifts at the stroke of midnight. Just a really big "New Christmas" celebration. Not to mention we can get twice as many gifts with all the after Xmas sales. Me loves sales
I guess you can say I'm getting to old with all the shuffling. I know longer care about how I must celebrate that holiday on that day. Ugh...makes me tired...lol
LOL he goes from time out's
LOL he goes from time out's and spankins for when he's a turd here to getting his way when he acts like a turd at her house. Instead of asking for stuff or telling us something is broken or whatever he screams and bursts into tears and flops himeslf all over the place. Literally collapses into tears. I think thats becuase thats what mommy does.... And he gets his way there when he pulls that shit. He dosent do that here. If he does, he goes straight to time out. He talks back and screams at us "NO!!!" when we tell him to do something. If he doesn't, he goes to time out until he stops acting like an asshole. If that doesnt work, daddy spanks him (I don't b/c Im not his mom." It sucks but after a few days he usually turns around. I dont know how you do EOD! I couldnt!! I NEED my break!
Oh Ms Freeze, I can
Oh Ms Freeze, I can completely see why you do the schedule the way you do. Honestly I'm a bit worried myself of the "de-programming" problem although not as severe as yours. XH and SM's household is more lax then ours. We'll see how lax it is when we go from week to week.
Hmm you may have figured out the answer to XH's 7-7 resistance. Naturally, kids will act up more in a relaxed household. Other parents may not be able to deal for a whole 7 day stretch. hmmm....
Only time will tell. It may all work out with the kids feeling more settled with the new schedule. I'd like to think so.
How SS comes back from BM's
How SS comes back from BM's house is an issue. When he is there for an extended period he is mouthy, rude to FH, and he stops answering FH's calls during this period.
FH panics, takes it out on me, and then treats SS with kid gloves when he is back with us, waits on him hand and foot, etc.-- thinking this will make SS return to him or something.
All of this--- all of it-- is about them (FH and BM). I am so tired of it, and so tired about how selfish they both are! It is about serving their needs to be with their child. WITHOUT considering the fact that this child has no choice in it, that they chose to have a baby knowing they did not love each other, and that now they are serving their own interests. None of the interests of SS, of raising a kind, thoughtful, compassionate child, etc.
It kills me.
I feel for you steppinsf. Do
I feel for you steppinsf. Do you think BM and FH are both guilt parents? They parent out of guilt instead of love and discipline? Is SS playing both sides? Have things improved or gotten worse over time?
My kids mouth off, more so my BS than BD, when they come back from dads. BS calls his dad names, jokingly, but still inappropriate in my opinion. BS knows not to pull that stuff over here but every once in a while it slips then crack goes my whip! lol My lil' BD called my DH a jerk one time and SD pushed her almost to the ground. BD knew from that point on that calling a guy a jerk isn't funny. Meanwhile, XH thinks its no big deal to be a called a jerk ??? Yeah, we had a little talk. I think SM laid into him too...Woohoo!
SD's BM vs DH? We are a much stricter household but we only have her EOWeekend so we don't have much influence. I think SD would benefit more from a 3-4-3-4 schedule if DH pursued more time. I would hope our parenting style would sink in enough so SD is sound while being with BM then return again without to much "reprogramming".
I am worried if this is really the right decision. I figure 7 days isn't much different than 5 but will only know when we try.
YES! They are both guilt
YES! They are both guilt parents. They also did this "attachment parenting" b-s. This means co-sleeping forever (my SS, who is 10.5 years old) slept in his dad's bed until a year ago. FH has always given him and taken him wherever he goes-- adult dinner parties? check, SS is sitting there at the table. A friend's 40-year old birthday party? (where there are NO kids). Check. Work functions. Check. SS has no responsibilities, leaves the toilet seat up and then he and FH joke about it. He interrupts conversations that FH and I have by saying either we need to include him in it or change the topic to something he can be a part of. He does not seem to appreciate all of the privileges he has in his life, but rather expects that he will be given these privileges. SS has never been with a babysitter or left at home while FH did anything social.
So, there's a lot of issues. I'm just so tired of all this being about the parents, their own emotional b.s. that's wrapped up in this, and NOT about what is best for SS and helping him develop into a thoughtful, responsible young man. I think b/c FH and BM each have 50/50 physical custody they literally battle each other for exactly a 50/50 split of days and when one goes over more the other makes demands to get it back. It is so so so unhealthy. So many of those things about him that I think were "cute" when he was 6, 7, 8 years old are just not anymore. And I really look at him and see him at 15 as mouthy, spoiled, and even more self-centered than he is.
Steppinginsf...you're 100%
Steppinginsf...you're 100% right on that! Ding ding ding...give that woman a prize!! My SS12 was 6 when I met BF - and those "cute" things will turn him into exactly what you said in a few more years. He is spoiled, whiney, rude, momma's boy, whimpy and feels that he is "entitled" to things that are supposed to be privileges...JUST. LIKE. HIS. MOTHER. (BM). Don't get me wrong, I love SS12 & he has good qualities, too - but FOR THE SOLE REASON that I instill those good qualities in him (studying to get good grades, respect, etc...), not BM that's for sure.
BF never has allowed SS12 to sleep in his bed (later became OUR bed) - except when he was MUCH younger, maybe 6 or 7, and he'd have a bad dream in his room and come to our room crying & we'd assure him it was just a dream, let him lay down for a little while, then put him back in his own bed.
Your FH's actions are giving him "adult spousal status" as many posters here on ST have blogged about before. It has to stop ASAP and if it doesn't, you should consider your options NOW before the skids get older.
I never said thank you for
I never said thank you for this last night. FH and I talk A LOT about SS's adult spousal status. I feel like it's 1 step forward (e.g. he only reads 1 book chapter to SS at night so is only in his room with him for 20 min. versus up to an hour) and 1.5 steps back (e.g. last Saturday night he chose to stay home with SS rather than attend an adult birthday party with me, saying "I only get every other weekend with him and I prefer his company over the people at the party." As if it was about the other people at he party, rather than being somewhere with me! He also does not respond when SS tells us to "change your conversation topic b/c I am not a part of this one and I'm getting bored." I say nothing, yet, when I've told FH that I want him to cut back on the time in SS's bedtime he responds by being tense and telling me how I'm fundamentally changing his relationship with his son.).
I need strategies to communicate effectively with FH about this, or I need someone to tell me that over time, and maybe a long time, it will continue to get better.
My sense of value and self-worth in my relationships with him is at an all time long, I feel so disconnected from him, and I end up directing so much anger at him, which only makes him retreat.
I told our therapist in a v.m. that I need to be able to communicate a list of needs I have in this relationship that I cannot compromise on any more. And I need validation and praise, like he does, for all of the positive ways I contribute to his life, the family life, etc. (beyond laundry, organization, etc.).
any advice on this?
oh..no worries steppinginsf.
oh..no worries steppinginsf. I'm glad I was able to help
There are possibly two things going on here:
1) The compartmentalizing factor.===DH and I before we ever met, kept our time with our kids as time with our kids....ie...we would only go to nonkid events that fell on the days without the kids. I know you don't have children (yet
) but it is VERY hard to break out of this cycle. In my opinion it shouldn't be broken unless its something very special like a wedding or funeral. We have plenty of time with-out the kids to go out and do nonkid things.
2) The "I simply don't want to" factor==DH doesn't have a lot of time with SD which is very true but often times it was an excuse to get out of something. Usually it was with me and my kids (refer to reason number 1) I know he wasn't doing this as a personal attack against me. Its more so that it didn't sound like fun to him.
I think you are dealing with a little bit of both.
I had a talk with DH. I boil it down to a need of mine. I know its not important to DH but it's important to me to have him involved in my life outside the home with or w/out kids. Not every activity--there's a happy medium I can compromise with, but a real effort made on his part. Or, this will be a major setback in maintaining a romantic relationship with him. I explained this to DH almost the exact way. Notice I don't "blame him". Its about me and MY need not his. I recognize what makes me happy without putting fault on him.
Is this what you meant as advice?
I'm sending you a p.m. in
I'm sending you a p.m. in response to this!
I have a 5522 setup now and
I have a 5522 setup now and it both works and sucks at the same time. Transitions during the school year are at least easy as we use the school system to send the kids back and forth. BM does not take kids to their activities or to doctors appts so things can be hectic.
Every other week we only have the kids for two days and there is very little down time between running to doctors offices, dance, therapy, allergy shots, etc. It is difficult on us and the kids with all the running around. On the weekends that we don't have the children they miss their weekend sports which is frustrating to us, the children and their teams.
If the schedule was 7-7 would things be better? It could make enrolling them in other activities even harder but it would allow us some downtime with the kids.
Luckily XH is a willing
Luckily XH is a willing participant in taking the kids to sports and such. The main problem is their stuff being left between the homes...ie papers, books, sports equipment. And its not exactly organized over there so we waste all this time looking for things. Sometimes things have been left in XH's car! Then we have to drive over to his work on the way to practice then we end up being late...major frustration going on...lol If I narrowed it down to once a week I wouldn't have this problem.
Originally I approached DH with me having the kids until he gets off work at 6:30 during the work week but still keep the 5-5-2-2 schedule. We would still have the advantage of that schedule while stuff is essentially kept at one place. I approached the 7-7 after he said no to that. Currently no changes--he still says no with no real reason other than he doesn't like change. So either its time to give this idea up or get legal if I'm serious.
I can see where your situation is difficult. BM not contribuiting to the drive arounds at all? Does she have a crazy work schedule or just doesn't want to? That would be very frustrating and hectic.
My kids BM just doesn't want
My kids BM just doesn't want to be burdened by things that I sign the kids up for. She also doesn't like that I insist on keeping all equipment and I'm one the who spent all the money on it and when I tried to let her borrow stuff she'd hassle me about having to go out of my way to get it back even though her daycare is in my neighborhood.
Two of my kids play hockey and their equipment is worth over $1,000. I have offered to take the equipment to hockey practices and games and get the kids ready and then I'd pack the bag at the end and leave. XW didn't like me having that much control plus XW and SW have had a couple of nasty run-ins and it is very awkward. XW won't spend her child support money on buying the kids equipment.
Other child does dance which is only on days that my daughter is home so their is no need for her BM to ever take her.
With regards to XW's schedule I can't comment but she missed like 4 dentist appointments this past year despite insisting on taking the kids and got them thrown out of the dental practice. Plus she doesn't bother to give kids prescription medicine. I think it all comes down to something called responsibility.