My husbands ex wife filed my stepdaughter despite court ruling allowing my husband to claim her as a dependent. What are some things we can do? Honestly, I feel like being extremely dirty and doing her like she did is. She posted something on Facebook now my husband should have no right to claim her or even see her despite signing court papers saying he could claim her... and then did it. It wasn't like it was accidental. I really want to know she can't walk over my husband like she did when they were married. We talked to a lawyer already and has a meeting set up soon. I don't know what else to do about it. She's making this so difficult for us.
My ex just filed his taxes
My ex just filed his taxes according to the court order. BM claimed both kids while they were living with us, and despite the court order. My ex claimed them both and provided the court documents. He got his refund and BM had to pay the money back and was fined. It was a process, and took a while to get the money, but it was worth it. But, that's in Canada. I'm not sure if it's different in the US.
Dd2's dad court order says he
Dd2's dad court order says he gets to claim both kids. She claims them
On her taxes down but if you divorced before 2008 you can attach your court paperwork but they divorced in 2010. And they actually live with her so I don't think he can do anything about it except file contempt charges on her
File accurately and include a
File accurately and include a notarized copy of the court order granting your DH the right to claim the SKid as his dependent.
The IRS will deal with BM.
Talk to your attorney to get a clear understanding of any other consequences you may be able to bring to bear.
Good. I know it's mean to say
Good. I know it's mean to say it, but I want her to suffer. She's ultimately hurting her daughter cause that's her college fund money.
Nope, not mean at all. You
Nope, not mean at all. You are doing BM and the Skids a favor by holding BM accountable.
That the consequences of her behavior will be painful is a bonus. }:)