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2 Stepdaughters - 8 years now and they still resent me

Minnow's picture

I have been married for 8 years and have 2 SDD and my own biological daughter. Ages are now 29, 25 and 24. Both of my stepdaughters have been married (one is currently seperated and has 2 children) Bio daughter is unmarried and in med school. My husband lost his first wife to cancer 5 years prior to meeting me. We married with all 3 daughters in the teen years. Needless to say it was tough but our goal was to finish raising our children and then we figured we would be on "easy street". Not so much. To this day both of my SDD's are resentful, disrespectful to me and make no attempt to have any relationship with me or my daughter. My husband just wants to have a family and have everyone get along. There is so much more to this story but I thought I would start here because I really feel my marriage is being slowly destroyed by adult children.

diggerodel's picture

Minnow sounds like hubbie needs to choose you or his kids. If he loves them more go find a more loving and caring guy. 18+ we are responsible to them as fellow adults not for them. Welcome here and good luck.