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23 yr old stepaughter

lilysnana1's picture

Well my husband and I remarried and very happy.I have 6 kids from a previous marriage and he has 3. I have met only 2 of his kids. When I met his daughter last tear she was very sweet to me.She is married and has 2 children of her own. When she found out her father married me she send me alot of nasty text messages.My husband called and asked her why she was texting me that and she hung up on him.I text her back and told her to grow up! I dont understand why she is that way,because she never calls him or at least send a card.She has also put ugly stuff on facebook saying her father and I R STUIPID.She also lied to her mom and told her alot of lies about me.It hurts me.Dont know what to do.............l

lilysnana1's picture

well things got so bad that we had to change our cell phone numbers.I'm tired of being nice!!!

KittyKat's picture

I can certainly relate, Lily!

My three adult SDs were the same way. They thought it was "cute" when Daddy was dating me, but how things changed when we became serious. And, downright NASTY when we married....

And, like your brat, my three SDs had very little to do with their dad, either. They were all in their 20s when we met, two had gone away to college, one got an apartment with her then BF when she was 18, so it's not like a "broke up" this very tight knit group of people!! My H didn't even get a cell phone til he met me!!

All of the sudden, when he got serious with ME, they just couldn't get enough of their DADDY. I found it weird, too!

Best thing I've done (we've been together for 7 years) is just DISENGAGE. You have YOUR KIDS, he has HIS. Let HIM handle her and her behavior, she's not YOUR PROBLEM, she's not your kid. If she wants "daddy" all to herself, do something with your OWN kids.

In my case, it was the only thing that worked. There was/is no way to be "big happy family" when three members (His Ds) would rather CAUSE TROUBLE than cooperate!! Can't keep trying to put a square peg in a round hole!!

lilysnana1's picture

thanks kitty!
Im tired now and It does get to her when I say God Bless you.So pray for me,havent heard from her in weeks! THANK GOD!!