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Another day, another issue with SS13

Eagle Eye's picture

We went to dinner for my son's college graduation this past Friday! SS13 refused the invitation to join us for dinner. I didn't feel like making him go!

We got home around 9pm and SS13 said he had eaten already. There was no mess in the kitchen so dead give away to me. He told me he went to Mc D's with a friend who bought him food. I mentioned to DH and he thought it was unusual right away and got up and looked in his drawer where he keeps cash. Sure enough $50 was gone. He asked his son how he paid for it and this time the kid said he used his debit card.

He had no cash. He saw BM this weekend so DH told her if he had cash it wasn't his that he had taken it. She said he had $20 and bought a cap with it.

We know he stole the money. What should be done now? DH says he doesn't want to yell at him and call him names. My guess is nothing will happen! The sad part is this isn't the first time. A couple of years ago it came out that he had taken money from his grandparents. A couple of months ago BM says she thinks he stole her credit card...she cancelled it so nothing happened.

I can't do anything about this behavior so I just watch my purse and tell my BD not to leave cash around! This really sucks!


Rags's picture

$50.00 stolen .... sounds like 50hrs of forced yard work labor with no work gloves for the first few days. Let the blisters on his hands be the consequences.

IMHO of course.

Eagle Eye's picture

Hard labor sounds good to me!! BUT DH already made it a point he didn't want to get mad at him because he thinks it will have an adverse effect. :?

We are on the same page about most things EXCEPT SS. I told DH about the NMMI that you highly recommend but that will never happen! Just like if he doesn't pass his class they are holding him back. Ya right!! He has failed 2 cores classes and is discussing his summer break and the upcoming graduation ceremony for 8th graders!! Just sooo frustrating!!

Shine's picture

Its a good idea. maybe not 50 hrs, lol, bt 3 wknds worth of yard work.

Buy a litte fingerprint safe--cost $99. well worth the money.

Eagle Eye's picture

I know he took it and I know DH knows deep down!! We have no hard proof so that is where it will stay!

So sad because I have to remember to take my purse in my bedroom every night! If I forget I get back up!! I just can't take any chances!! Sad

Done WIth It's picture

Get online and request security camera information. YOU DO IT!! No one else!!

Let the husband and kids see you reading it. You say nothing. In a few days, leave the information with the part you send in cut they think you sent in for the equipment. If anyone asks what you're doing, tell them you've had items taken and you want to know who it is. Period...that's all the info they get.

You make everyone squirm because they don't know if you're putting it in or not.

Hey, if you can swing genuine security them in your bedroom.

If my husband's kids were living with us, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Since we've installed security cameras outside, guess who now doesn't come over unless we're here. Stopped his thieving a$$!!!!