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Being taken seriously by the outsiders

Tulla's picture

I am very lucky. I like and love my step kids. I have their respect as well as my husbands. My home life is good. (BTW, my husband's ex has passed away) Here is my question, how do you get taken seriously by friends, teachers, doctors etc? Examples: A good friend of mine stunned me the other day when she said I couldn't possibly have any understanding of parenting and the love you have for your child because I do not have biological children. Or at a teacher conference, the teacher will never look at me, address me unless my husband or step kids give 'the nod'. I try not to, but I get seriously hurt and angry by how the biological parent world treats me, the person who cooks, cleans, dries tears, hugs good night, buries gold fish, helps with homework etc. Does anyone else ever feel this way? Any thoughts or opinions would be helpful. Thank you.