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Bi-polar Adult stepdaughter trying to destroy marriage

mlwilson19's picture

I have been struggling with getting my step-daughter to like me for the last 10 years and now I am just over it. 

She is 27 years old. She dropped out of college and came home for a year, then she got her own apartment. 

She lost her job at Christmas and moved back in with a pogo stick dog.

I wouldn't mind if she had any respect whatsoever, but she will walk into the house and not speak to anyone until Daddy comes home. Then she acts like she is the perfect child.

I have asked my husband to have her help out around the house since we are paying for a roof over her head and food in her and her dog's belly. He agreed, but didn't enforce it.

She is supposed to clean the floors once a week, but she halfway does that and not every week. She moved to a different room upstairs and left a serious mess.

I am trying to make it a guest room, but I have found used tampons, food and silverware dropped in Christmas decoration boxes or thrown behind the bed. The bathroom upstairs looks like it was condemed years ago and she has only lived her since Chrsitmas.

When I started on that room on Saturday, princess went shopping (she should be saving money for an apartment, but that is another story). 

I was so mad when after 7 hours of cleaning, I still wasn't done. Pigs don't live in filth like that.

Today, I went upstairs to put some winter clothes up in the room I cleaned out. I found fresh dog poop in the floor that I swept and mopped. 

My husband doesn't want me to confront her because he knows that she is crazy and is afraid that she will hit me and send me to the hospital.

I told him that if she hurt anyone in our house, that she better never set foot in our house again and if she was that crazy then she should be in a mental hospital somewhere.

He said at this point, he just wants her gone. He said she should have enough money in another paycheck or two to get out and he said she is never returning to live here. 

I did tell him that if I find one more mess in that room that she has been told to stay out of then I will confront her. I am done not saying anything. I cook and clean for Ms. Piggy, but she does nothing. 

I am not a mean person, but I am so sick of her. I resent my husband for not doing anything about her. I fear that it will end up destroying our marriage.

When I talk to friends, they say that is what she wants. She would be perfectly happy if my husband and I split up. Then she would not have to grow up or move out. She could live like a pig for the rest of her life and Daddy would keep her up. 

If she doesn't leave soon, I guess she will get her wish becasue I can't take it much longer.

hereiam's picture

Give her a drop dead date to get the hell out. And stop cooking and cleaning for her. Any mess that she or her dog makes, is hers to clean up.

My husband doesn't want me to confront her because he knows that she is crazy and is afraid that she will hit me and send me to the hospital.

If your husband believes she would hurt you, why would he let her move back in?

Aunt Agatha's picture

you have a DH problem.  His daughter is doing what he allows.

I agree with what’s above - time for an exit plan for little Ms. Messy.

marblefawn's picture

Do you think she'd hit you or is this just an excuse for your husband to keep peace at your expense?

I can't imagine living with someone under a threat of violence. Agreed, she never should have been allowed to move back if she's violent. That's crazy.

I pity her dog. You can get rid of her, but the dog is stuck with her and most landlords won't allow her to have a dog. Someone had better make a Plan B or she'll never get out.


momjeans's picture

I cannot imagine living with someone under a threat of violence, too. 

I don’t doubt or discredit her mental illness, but your DH playing THAT card is inexcusable. 

I agree, give her 30 days. Then she is out! Not your problem she hasn’t saved money. Your DH better get on that. 

So sorry you have to live with this.