Is DH complicit in making me the target?
I have read all the posts on disengagement and adult stepchildren but I am still having problems.
I got involved with DH when his former wife had already remarried. I had nothing to do with the separation because I wasn’t on the scene.
SD (age 43) hated me from the second she met me and essentially declared war. It has been 15 years of this. No matter what I do, it is wrong so I stopped sending gifts, doing the family dinners and so on. I will not itemize the rudeness- it is similar to what others have posted. The problem is that, years later she is still fanning the flames of anger. She continues to disparage me to DH, to his family and to others.
DH won’t confront her (ie defend me). The attacks on me, my character have gone on unabated for 15 years. I have now lost respect for DH for never shutting it down.
Last week, she came to our home when I wasn’t there ( which is the only time she would come) and our security video picked up the vile things she said about me to her dad. It made no sense to me since I haven’t seen or spoken to her in two years. He stood there and said nothing, because he “ didn’t want to escalate “the situation. She yelled and swore and attacked me as obnoxious, vile, rude, on and on.
I am hurt- not by her but by him.
He is clearly afraid of her rage and it feels to me that it is better for him that I am the target So that he can continue his relationship with her and his 3 grandchildren.
I cannot make him understand that if you do not address an accusation it implies it is true.
Well, first, I am so sorry. What a lonely place to be.
If it were me, this would be intolerable. What other human would be allowed to speak about you like this to your DH? No one.
He can be married to her, or be married to you. He is at fault here for allowing this childish behavior to continue. She is using emotional blackmail to behave this way.
It is not ok and it has to stop. You may have to hold him accountable or make another choice for yourself.
This complete lack of respect
This complete lack of respect from your partner would also be intolerable to me. Our partners in life should have our back and be our biggest supporters and defenders - your DH is the opposite, weak and lacking in respect for you.
I think you deserve better and should walk away from this relationship.
I have no advice, because I
I have no advice, because I've never been in this situation. To answer your question, OF COURSE your husband is complicit. By not defending you, he's sending the message loud and clear to his spawn that it's OK to denigrate you. I'm sorry you're being treated that way by the man who is supposed to love you.
“We must take sides.
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
Tell this to your husband.
This is the entire quote:
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.” Elie Wiesel
Now this obviously pertains to oppression bigger than what your SD is doing to just you. But it holds true in your situation.
By remaining silent he’s telling SD that she right and just. If she were wrong her Father would certainly tell her, wouldn’t he? But he doesn’t, so in her mind he thinks the same as she does and agrees with her. He’s just incapable of doing anything about it.
I also feel this way when my
I also feel this way when my husband doesn't defend me to his daughter.
But if I play devil's advocate, your SD isn't getting what she wants either -- which is for you to be gone. So in that sense, your husband is choosing you, even if he's not vocal about it as he should be.
I am non-confrontational. But now that I've disengaged, I don't hear anything SD says about me. You, on the other hand, have heard it, and not because you were snooping. It's time for her to not be in your house EVER. You should not have to hear it, especially because you've disengaged. Hearing that sends you into outerspace, as it would anyone. She came into your space and badmouthed you. Time for her to be banished.
It's not much comfort -- of course it would be better if he defended you. But if you don't hear it, that will bring you a little more peace and you'll question his complicity less. Time to lay down the law with your husband and tell him she may not come to your house.
"But if I play devil's
"But if I play devil's advocate, your SD isn't getting what she wants either -- which is for you to be gone. So in that sense, your husband is choosing you, even if he's not vocal about it as he should be."
There is some truth to this, but reality is her DH (and the other DHs like him) is choosing himself and his own comfort. He has a fear of confrontation and does not want to be uncomfortable. When his daughter - or his wife - brings up these things that put him on the spot, he is thinking of no one but himself and how to get the issue to stop......which in his mind is to just sit there, say nothing and hope it will blow over soon. He doesn't want to lose his DD and grandkids, and he does not want to lose his bedwarmer and comfy life.
I agree that the video should be sent to her and she should be told she is not welcome in your home. If your DH has a problem with that, then he needs to go too.
It's about comfort
It IS about comfort. When SD had her meltdown, she and her Husband yelled and screamed at me, She came at me with a finger pointed at my face and accused me of making her uncomfortable - that was all she could come up with. Even then, they could not give any specifics about how I did this dastardly deed. Meanwhile, DH ran out the door and refused to help at all. I felt so betrayed and alone!
I banned SD from my home (I owned the house) and gave him the option of working on the marriage or leaving. He chose to work on the marriage. But it made me realize his top priority was not SD or me - it was his comfort. It's been over 7 years since I've seen SD. And now I realize it's about MY comfort too. LOL
Agree - If DH has a problem with SD staying away from your home he needs to leave too. One thing to be aware of though; if DH agrees to ban SD from your home, and you take yourself out of the equation, DH will soon become the target of SD's anger. This happened to my DH but he'll have to deal with it - just like he expected me to. Sometimes there are consequences to sacrificing others for self-comfort.
What I meant is that merely
What I meant is that merely banning SD from her house won't be that comforting when what she really wants from her husband if for him to defend her to SD. I was not addressing comfort in regard to her husband.
My reply about 'comfort' was
My reply about 'comfort' was in response to Sacrificiallamb's post - not yours. I DO agree that the OP wants DH to defend her but if he saw the video and did nothing, the odds are he's still not going to confront SD. The OP needs to focus on HER comfort, and that could mean banning SD from the home until DH takes steps to assure this stops. In my opinion, the OP should use the video to take legal action to demonstrate she means business.
You are exactly right. The
You are exactly right. The reality is that her DH like mine is choosing his own comfort. I know my DH does not like confrontation. The only thing he cares about is not making himself uncomfortable. He will never comfront his DD. She might pull the plug on him seeing her spawn. If it wasn't his DD, he would think her behavior is horrible. It is his DD so he just stands by and watches and says nothing and does nothing. He is afraid of her.
Wow. This is my situation. Is
Wow. This is my situation. Is there anything that can wake up DH ?
What a poor sad little person
What a poor sad little person she is and how awful for DH to agree to play this hateful dance just to keep the relationship going. She probably does this in front of her children as well to ensure that the drama, hate, and dysfunction gets passed along to the next generation. Yes your DH is complicit. She's throwing a grown woman tantrum and he's enabling it. He's also allowing her to emotionally abuse his grandchildren and raise lil SM hating stepford gskids.
My DH did this w/his grown son too then he'd come home and report all the nasty things ss32 had said about me. I was so shocked the first time I couldn't even speak. It's a sickening feeling knowing that your own husband will gladly throw you under the bus for a few precious crumbs of affection from his children.
No one deserves this kind of treatment. We're all "Too Old for this."
This must really sting. And you found out what she said on your security video. It was like you were there and heard both of them. Your SD has issues with you and your DH is a big wuss. It is easier for him to let her go off on you than it is to shut this SD down. He will not do it. Period.
I don't get why these grown men have no balls. They don't want to have conflict with their family so instead they let this behavior continue. And the SM is the one who always gets thrown under the bus. It is crazy because they live with us. You would think they would want peace in the home they live in with their wife. But they let the wife feel hurt and somehow they think it is alright to live this way.
The only thing you can do is stick up for yourself because Wussy is not going to do it. He has no backbone when it comes to SD. Try your best to erase that video from your memory. One day you may reach your limit. We all have one.
A little trick I use...that sometimes works...
So I can stand being married to someone I feel betrays me by not defending me, I've tried this: I try to look at this as my husband's Achilles heel. I try to think that he is as able to stand up to his daughter as I am able to swim the Atlantic or explain metaphysics.
It doesn't make it less painful, but it helps me get by knowing that I have weaknesses he endures, and they sometimes negatively affect him. I can say, "You didn't defend me to your daughter," to which he could reply, "But you don't stand up to your mother and sister, so I must endure your miserable moods when they walk all over you." This helps a little because I know why I don't stand up to my sister and mother. It doesn't make it right that I don't, but I understand it when others might not.
Trying to equate his failure to mine isn't a fix, but it can help when I'm really frustrated with him. They are hardly equal failures, but perhaps to a third party they'd appear equally baffling.
No words
... because A) so many others perfectly describe what it's like being disrespected by skid(s) and undefended by OP; B) because I was just told to "get the fuck out" of my home & blamed for DH's stress after SS pulled more of his disrespect. I heard SS mock our marriage/me & DH did not defend me or kick him out.
Just before that, SS was supposed to be on his way to school already, but was f*cking around instead, so I asked DH, "Is he going to school?" and pointed out the time. DH raged at SS and told him to get the F out, get to school on time, and go live with BM if he doesn't like it. THAT was effective as SS immediately left. Than DH raged at me, I Hope You're Happy. I just said, I'm leaving too" and DH goes Get the F out.
Too upset to type up a new blog, just overwhelmed with the scene & sad that my DH doesn't get that ignoring SS until something blows up then blaming me SUX. Another shitty morning courtesy of SS18 oh wait I mean it's my fault, right?! My fault for not being okay with stoney senior staying home again instead of attending school. My fault for watching DH do SS's ignored chores, while SS is lounging in bed planning to skip class(es), again. My fault for telling DH it made me sick to hear SS mock him & me to DH's face, uncorrected. I could NOT stand it so yes, not an official "disengeged" move to point out SS not leaving for school on time. But I just could not stsnd SS continuing to camp out in his room today - so offended by that. And I can trace the rampant class cutting to DH's failure to follow up on two skipped classes at the very beginning of the year, when I handed the school's parent account over to DH and DH promptly started never checking the online grades or attendance. Once SS18 saw the zero-consequence situation, he took it and ran. Now, in spite of failing grades & truancy letters, I'M the *ss for saying something.
So sorry you are going
So sorry you are going through this - you do not deserve it. SS is DH's responsibility. Let him deal with it. When you are out of the equation, DH will have to live with the consequences of his actions and inactions. Do you own 1/2 of the house? If so, you have the right to tell DH to leave. If you don't own 1/2 of the house, leave. You should never be held hostage by DH's threat for you to "get out".
Right now you have to do what is in your best interest. You have a right to live with mutual respect. No less.
Yikes, that's an awful
Yikes, that's an awful morning! So sorry!! I wish I knew what the solution was, because I need a solution too. My DH has told me that he often feels in the middle. And I get that. My DH has a big heart and wants to do nice things for people and wants people to like him. So I understand why he plays both sides rather than "choose" a side but it bothers me to no end, that he won't reprimand skids for acting the fool towards me. I think my DH has a lot of underlying issues with his past though. His father walked away from MIL and DH was DH was about 3. DH has seen him maybe twice??? in the past 45 years. There is a lot of resentment there (even though he won't admit it) and I often feels he over compensates with skids because he "doesn't want to be like his dad" And I'm not saying that DH should walk away from his kids, it's that DH is so terrified that THEY will walk away from him if he's too hard on them etc. He has ZERO problems reprimanding our BS8 for stupid shit even.. because our BS8 is a great kid. But again, I think it's because he knows that BS8 isn't going anywhere. I also think that's why he'll lash out at me, because he knows I'm not going anywhere.
DH hasn't spoken to SS19 more than twice in the past 1.5 years? Supposedly SS19 doesn't have a phone, so basically if he doesn't call DH on BMs phone, then DH doesn't talk to him. The other day, he said he feels like he drove SS away because he yelled at him too much. WTF? The kid NEEDED to be yelled at!! He got caught shoplifting at age 10, was having sex and smoking dope at age 12, DH had to drive around an unfamiliar city and track SS ass down on his 14th birthday, because he was at drinking/dope party all night and his phone died and nobody knew where he was, SS smoked pot while in our home, SS has been failing school since the 5th grade and mostly because of his attendance (or lack thereof) and ended up being a drop out. He NEEDED to be yelled at... what he DIDN'T need was BM2 coddling him and poo pooing him every time DH tried to talk some sense into him. Yet, somehow DH has this twisted notion that he and SS don't have a relationship because DH yelled at him and because SS and I didn't get along.
How awful
So sorry you are going through this. There are so many adult SK’s on this forum that behave like they are masters of their parents universe. This is what the final outcome of truly terrible parenting looks like. This behavior should have been dealt with when these adults were children, but for whatever reason was not dealt with. They have raised adults that I suspect very few people actually like. Your husband looks like a coward not only to you, but also to his kids and that is why they keep doing this. It must be truly awful to feel like you deserve or must take this from his own children. At some point, he must face the truth and deal with this mess that has been allowed to go on for so long. He must let his kids know, in no uncertain terms, that their behavior is unacceptable and ends now. Then the ball is in their court, behave respectfully or don’t come around his and his wife’s home. 15 years putting up with this is way too long.
Very good answer!
Very good answer!
" They have raised adults
" They have raised adults that I suspect very few people actually like. "
This is so true. These "kids" who rail on their parents, step parents, and the world because life's not fair may get pity and people nodding their heads but those same people usually don't trust them and want very little to do w/them. I see exactly this w/ss32, he gets so much pity as a grown man because poor him, his parents divorced when he was 20 freaking years old. Poor him, his father had the gall to remarry. Poor widdle ss32, his father won't still pay his phone bill and let him move in. Poor poor baby. He was going off on one of his tangets at a gathering we were at and his friend looked shocked and very uncomfortable. ss32 doesn't keep friends or significant others for very long because he's whiny and unlikeable. Wah!
I think I would regularly
I think I would regularly text DH with GIFs of him standing idle while his bride is maligned by a ranting SD. Just to keep it in front of him that he is a waste of testicles.
My dad would have skinned us alive if we had maligned his wife as your SD maligns you to your DH. That his wife is our mother would have made the skinning worse.
My Skid got clarity in a hurry when he was disrespectful to my bride.
This is what men of character do when people attack their life partner.
This. I would also consider
This. I would also consider putting it on youtube under a very unflattering title, it would go viral.
Although tempting, making it
Although tempting, making it public may be a lawsuit waiting to happen. SD never signed off on having a private conversation with her father being recorded.
That depends on what State
That depends on what State you live in. In Texas it is legal to record any conversation that you are a party to without having to notify the other parties that the conversation is being recorded. This was a great tool when dealing with the SpermClan back in the day. When we rolled their crap out in court and they played the "I never said that" card... I loved hitting play on the recording.
They tried to nail us for that in SpermLand courts but since we were in Texas during their telephone rants it made no difference. The recordings were legal.
Yes, sadly he IS complicit.
Yes, sadly he IS complicit. At the very least he should have said to his daughter that he was NOT prepared to hear her disparage you, and that she should keep her pie hole shut if she wanted to continue to have a relationship with him. As Rags said, men of character do not stand by and tolerate their life partner being verbally slated.
You are not alone. Like other
You are not alone. Like other posters mentioned, these men are just cowards worried about their own comfort zone. The only peace I have is in NEVER being around the dysfunction and that includes HIM anytime he is with them....They do not come to my house and insult me any longer, they lost that priviledge too. Blocked from FB and even texting for me---because they started "accidentally" texting me insulting things. Of course, if I said anything I would be the evil one, their goal of course. I said nothing, I just have not seen them in years and hope this peace can continue for the rest of my life. Keep this clip, for certain. This vile woman would never set foot in my home again.
I used to be repulsed at DH for being a doormat and weakling. But, after I decided to take control of my own life, I did not think of it as much, I just accepted it. I am only around people who enhance my life; life is too short to do anything otherwise.
Reality check- but a tough pill to swallow
I am grateful for the thoughtful comments. It is difficult to talk about these issues and this site is a god-send. It is a reality check for me. I often think I must in fact be the problem because my situation is so bizarre.
Well, it is neither bizarre nor unique. Just sad.
I will take the advice here. My only difficulty is how to completely disengage such that I do not expect to know anything about what goes on between SD and DH when they talk regularly. (Happily she lives far away.) It seems contrived when we talk about all other parts of our lives.
So part of the reality check is recognizing that our intimacy is affected by this nonsense. A tough pill to swallow.
One heck of a tough pill to swallow
"I often think I must in fact be the problem because my situation is so bizarre." Yes it IS bizarre! It is SO bizarre that you think there has to be something wrong with the way you are perceiving it.
We are programed in our lives by the examples we see from our parents and society. My parents were not that great but I knew never to speak ill of my Mother to my Dad. This is the example we've all seen in our culture, Even in the media or movies. When SD and her Husband were screaming at me and making all sorts of vague accusations DH ran out of the door and pushed me away instead of reacting respectfully in support of his wife. It seemed totally foreign and unreal. It's been over 7 years but to this day, I can not get the image out of my mind. A certain amount of respect I had for him died.
I love my DH, and we have managed to overcome a lot but this is one thing we never discussed. We have a better marriage than most couples I know but in my heart I know that one day it will have to be addressed - and the more time that goes by the harder it is to bring it up. This is why I sincerely hope you tell your DH now how disappointed you are in the way he allowed SD to speak badly about you and did nothing to show his support of you as his wife.
I came from a very close
I came from a very close family on my mother’s side - where we lived. My mother had 7 sisters. They were all very close and my cousins (about 30)were more like siblings. So I do know what “family “ is.
My DH has 4 married siblings with children - we all love each other. Again- great family relationships.
And then there is ss33 - mr bottom feeder that no one wants to be around. Drugs, alcohol, violence- he’s beaten up or tried to beat up his mother, father, various elderly persons and anyone else who has “disrespected” him.
I have ZERO desire to ever make him part of my family. When I first met DH I told him to invite SS to my family’s holiday meal as we always welcome another person. OMG - SS showed up at our home the night before strung out on drugs. Eek! One of my cousins is a DEA agent. - I could not bring that POS ago our family dinner.
So I do not feel that I am missing anything because DH has a relationship with him that I am not a part of.