Disengagement steps
Hi. I am currently in the process of disengaging from my adult sd28. We don't get along and she treats me terribly, even in front of my small children.
Last week she ordered some things on her dad's Amazon acct, totaling $200. It snowed here for the first time this year and after her father refused to shovel her driveway she had to do it herself. She didn't speak to him for three days. Then she ordered all this stuff on Amazon, $50. Heated gloves, longhorns etc so that next time it snowed she didn't 'catch a chill'.
My h thought I had ordered it and I said no. I guess on his phone he cancelled it by accident. The next day she called him screaming that I had cancelled her order, that Amazon had told her so. My name is nowhere on the acct, even in the addresses.
Well, I know it seems like a little thing but he didn't realize he had cancelled it yet and kept asking me if I had. I blew a gasket and told him I had actively been trying to disengage since Thanksgiving, that I don't care what she orders and she can shove it, that I am done being her punching bag. He was pretty mad that she automatically blamed me, but said nothing to her, of course, only telling her that it was he who had it on accident.
I asked if she was coming to our Christmas party and he said he didn't know. It will be at our home this year and I told him I would not cause trouble but if she said or did one negative thing I would call her out.
I just don't know how to disengage! I feel like this is HIS fault because he allows her to act this way and won't stand up for me. I just wish there were concrete steps to disengage. Any suggestions?
At 28, why does she have
At 28, why does she have access to Dad's Amazon account? Why would she assume Dad come shovel her driveway?
Doesn't sound like you're the one who needs to disengage. It's Daddy. He's raised a nonfunctional baby.
This! That Amazon password
This! That Amazon password would have been changed yesterday.
I completely agree. She is
I completely agree. She is an only child and a spoiled brat. I have stopped talking about his relationship with her because it is ridiculous.
this is also what i was
this is also what i was thinking. at 28 she is not a teenager, should have her own job and amazon account.
Thanks for this advice. It
Thanks for this advice. It really helps when you feel stuck in the quagmire.
Thanks for this advice. It
Thanks for this advice. It really helps when you feel stuck in the quagmire.
Too bad that it has to come
Too bad that it has to come to this but you are being used by both DH and SD as a whipping post. They have both failed to take responsibility for their actions and weaknesses so you are very convenient to blame when SD does not have the courage to address the real problems she is having with the failure of her parents' marriage or when DH does not have the courage to insist SD respect you as his wife. You have to disengage for your own emotional survival.
When you disengage you allow your DH to handle everything with SD. This means she does not take up any emotional space in your brain. Try to refrain from having any conversations with DH about SD. If your DH relays any dealings he has with SD or tells you she is blaming you, just say, "Hmmm, don't know anything about it. You'll have to discuss it with her", and leave. If she comes over for the holidays ignore, ignore, ignore. If she makes any demands of you simply say, "You'll have to talk to your Father." This forces SD and DH to communicate with each other - something that should have taken place a long time ago.
Don't be surprised to find that SD shuns DH and DH gets more frustrated. At this time is is hard not to feel sorry for DH but remember - he did it to himself.
Your husband IS the problem,
Your husband IS the problem, not the SD, who just does what she is allowed to do without question by your husband. You are not alone here. You need to protect yourself because you cannot count on him to protect you. Every time she says something unpleasant to insult you directly, call her out. Ignore her otherwise until her behavior improves or she stays away from you altogether.
Disengaging is not easy and it is a last resort when you have a husband who is a dadeeee doormat to grown people.
As I have learned recently
As I have learned recently through my therapist, there is disengaging and there is passive aggressive disengaging. Turns out I have been doing passive aggressive disengaging for years which has helped me somewhat but not nearly enough had I been actually disengaged Only get involves if it affect you directly, otherwise, just remember, she doesn't exist and means nothing to you. Good luck!
I come from a large family
I come from a large family and have several kids. We were wealthy but I still learned how to care for myself. I am sorry, I just don't get it. My kids work for what they get too. We buy them nice things but they have chores etc.
I think my h likes the attention and also feels guilt for breaking up her family, which is obscene as he was miserable.
He did apologize to me, told her what she did was shirt, but that doesn't solve my problem as she will not change her treatment of me. I plan to do what was suggested and begin to make her a non entity.
I don't really see any other option. She is just a terrible person in my eyes.
I come from a large family
I come from a large family and have several kids. We were wealthy but I still learned how to care for myself. I am sorry, I just don't get it. My kids work for what they get too. We buy them nice things but they have chores etc.
I think my h likes the attention and also feels guilt for breaking up her family, which is obscene as he was miserable.
He did apologize to me, told her what she did was shirt, but that doesn't solve my problem as she will not change her treatment of me. I plan to do what was suggested and begin to make her a non entity.
I don't really see any other option. She is just a terrible person in my eyes.
I am not afraid of my
I am not afraid of my husband. I don't want a bunch of Christmas drama and am looking for the calmest path.
If you don't get along with
If you don't get along with her and she treats you badly, why is she invited to the Christmas party?
Tell your husband she has caused enough drama for the season and she's not to come.
Yes, that is true. I wish I
Yes, that is true. I wish I had the guts to not invite her. It would be difficult to explain to my husband's parents, siblings, nieces nephews etc and would probably cause a family rift.
If, after all these years,
If, after all these years, why would you permit her to ruin another holiday? Of course, she's not coming your holiday party. Why would invite someone who is rude and disrespectful? If he wants to see her at some point over the holidays, great. But you shouldn't be her punching bag. And it's too bad he didn't speak up. That's so cowardly. Change the Amazon account yesterday. As for the family rift, there's already one and that's the elephant in the room everyone pretends isn't there but they all know is. So the rift is already there. If anyone asks (and they will), simply say, that plans changed. Everyone will know. I feel for you. Wish you weren't going through this. Hope you're able to stand up for yourself so you don't spend one more holiday in misery. Remember, by continuing the cycle, you're enabling her bad behavior. It ends when you decide it ends. At least in your house.
You are right, the rift is
You are right, the rift is already there because my SD is a snotty little jerk. I am thinking of not inviting her at all. I hope I can stick with it.
If you keep doing the same
If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same result or worse when it comes to SD's. They up the ante....Maybe staying away from the drama will bring you peace and make your doormat husband think about how to address his role as husband, at the very least.
I would not invite her. With
I would not invite her. With that said, this is the most difficult part of it all. It's like saying "NO" for the first time; it gets easier after you have said or done it the first time.
Just don't invite her; you owe nobody an explanation. I quit caring about what my SD thinks and for sure I do not explain to anyone my feelings or reasons for my decisions.
Good luck and hope you can stick to it; it is very liberating. You will feel good about your decision and you will respect yourself for setting boundaries on how you are treated.
Good Luck. I understand your frustrations; been there too.
I did not invite my SS and
I did not invite my SS and his GF to the Christmas dinner I had for DH's family last year. DH pouted for a couple of days after I told him they were not invited. But he got over it. No one else cared.
I would do what ybarra
I would do what ybarra suggested in the first response to the OP. No way you have to put up with any s**t from a 28 yr old!
Don't disengage. IMHO
Don't disengage. IMHO disengaging gives the partner a get out of jail free card in dealing with their toxic spawn. You handled this well. Informing DH that you would call her out on any crap was exactly the right message IMHO.
Keep DH clear on that message and let him know that SD will get shredded if she steps out of line and if he wants to prevent that then he needs to keep a very focused hairy eyeball on her every second she is there.
I really appreciate this.
I really appreciate this. While i am disengaging emotionally to protect myself (i don't want to spend my life feeling bad), I plan to hold my ground in that she should respect our relationship because she loves her dad. If she doesn't, I will call her out. I do worry that when I get upset I have a razor sharp tongue and would be cruel. I dunno, maybe it is necessary right now to make sure that she gets in line and knows that I won't take her crap. This is my home, be nice or get out. I will say I worry about the fallout because if anything happens I will be blamed by everyone. She is an only child and the only grandchild. If she murdered someone my h's family would say the dead person made her do it. I am preparing myself for the possibility because I don't plan to back down. I can only control myself.
I have had my last holiday ruined by her and plan to be sure she knows it especially because the other kids are young and I don't want them having bad holiday memories because of her. I really fear they will grow to hate her because of her treatment of me. The older two already see it, it is only a matter of time for the younger ones.
We just moved to a new home,
We just moved to a new home, in a new State (150 miles). It is a new beginning for us, because we have had a rough couple of years in our marriage; we lived just down the street from SD56 for almost 14 years (other posts).
Long story, short, I set boundaries (2 years ago) before ever moving, and have moved them with us. SD56 and SGD31 (mother/daughter) are not allowed in our home, unless they show respect and recognize me as DH's wife, not their pissing post.
I also told DH; "You can address the respect issue with them, or I will". He has chosen to address it. I do not know what he has told them, but they stay away from me, because they do not want to show me respect. My wishes have been granted. I don't care what he does with his family, as long as I do not have to participate and take the disrespect.
New development: Yesterday, SGD31 texted DH (her grandfather), and asked if she could stop by with the two SGGD14 and SGGD8 and a Christmas bag for us. DH asked me if it was ok. I told DH, no problem. He thus related it was ok to SGD31. I reminded DH; "if there is any hate and discontent brought into our new home and our new beginning, SGD31 will never be allowed in our home again". The visit went ok, SGD31 and girls were very respectful and only stayed long enough to exchange a few holiday wishes. They did not ignore me nor say anything out of line. SGD31's actions are an effort for her, and she hates the idea that she has to be civil; I am willing to be civil and get the visit past us. I believe she only wanted to see our new home and relate all the updated news (how we are doing) to SD56. No problem. SD56 has not came to our new home and I don't believe she ever will; we'll see how that goes. SGD31 will just relate all gossip to her Mom, SD56, thus I will ignore the past, ignore them, and move on with our new life.
There will never be a relationship with SD56 or SGD31 and myself again; but my thoughts are (I related this to DH), we can agree to disagree and move forward. I don't trust them and if at anytime there is an attitude brought into our new life, it's over! I will take it upon myself to set them straight, and they will not be allowed in our home.
The last paragraph is pretty
The last paragraph is pretty much where i am as well. I let DH know there will be no more disrespect toward me no matter what. He seems on board, but we will see when push comes to shove what he well do. I don't plan on making a huge scene or anything if she is awful, just to address it in front of whomever is there, then smile and keep it moving. I hope it works, party is a couple of days after Christmas so we will find out then.
"You can address the respect
"You can address the respect issue with them, or I will" I totally agree with you, Sammi. My DH is much like yours. He does not have the courage to tell SD that he expects her to respect me in as his wife. Therefore, it is necessary to protect myself to save my sanity.
To the OP, my SD is an only child also. From what I've read on this site, I don't know which is worse - only skids or multiple. I DO think only-children skids present unique problems. With my SD she was led to believe that she is better than anyone else - in all ways. She is number uno and gets vicious if any attention is given to anyone else. I am lucky in that my DH's family does not like her or her attitude. DH only sees her as his little princess so he says his family is jealous of her. I suppose he thinks that of me too but if you could see her and listen to her you would wonder why. I had to set boundaries much like Sammi did, and I've never been sorry.
I have two grown SS's, but
I have two grown SS's, but SD56 thinks she is the only child and I must say is treated like the only princess on earth, by DH.
It will never change and she will always be the sexiest, smartest, most intelligent human that walks the earth; if you don't believe this "ask her". NOT.....Lol....
She's fat, she makes mistakes every day (like us all), and she only shows her intelligence when she shuts up; which never happens. So goes life!
Jesus! We all have the same
Jesus! We all have the same SD!!
I am amazed at how many of us
I am amazed at how many of us here share the same actions from our stepkids.
When I joined this site, I had no idea.
Double post
Double post