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Do I not know what normal is anymore

Newimprvmodel's picture

I have two older teens who both live at home. My ex has been dating a woman who lives a plane ride away and she sent the boys Xmas presents and now she sent them valentine chocolates, all coming to my house. They have met her a few times. My first inclination was that is very nice. She is reaching out as I had done with my dh's daughters. However, never in a milion years would I have sent packages to her (the ex)home. I would have sent them to my then bf's house. I think likely his ex would have had a nasty reaction. Territorial sort of thing? Now I have an ok relationship with my ex, so likely the gf knows that.
Anyway, I have become so jaded and cynical. I should say that I told dh (jokingly) that now I look bad because I stopped with chocolates a few years ago for the boys.
Any thoughts? I know, too much free time this afternoon.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Oh know, I really don't have a problem with it. I just don't think that I ever would have done it myself. Too forward perhaps? Especially as I have never met the woman. And yes I sound critical when I truly don't mean to.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Oh know, I really don't have a problem with it. I just don't think that I ever would have done it myself. Too forward perhaps? Especially as I have never met the woman. And yes I sound critical when I truly don't mean to.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I think there is a separate world out there for the divorced folks. Always strangers to navigate, very tricky waters. Wasn't life so boring and uncomplicated with first marriages? Although you could throw n some nasty in law problems, but the step world is quite a trip!!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Interesting... seems like we are all reading from the same script. Couple of years ago i would also send something to the skids ( the girls) for V-Day. Something like a card puzzle, where you sign your name and take the card apart... some little gift. So one went to the OSD's college, one to the BM's house for the YSD. ( The response was tepid in both cases). I was actually not concerned about how the BM was going to take it. My boys' SM has on occasion ordered gifts for them that would be delivered to my house - i am fine with it. So why don't you let it go and tell the kids that they are very lucky they have someone who sends them chocolates - and now hand them over Smile

But you are certainly right that once you are on your 2nd, 3rd marriage you enter a very weird territory indeed. Very tricky waters... how true.

bearcub25's picture

I feel Vday is for adults in romantic r'ships.

I agree with Pilgrim. I am a widow but I do know I'd hate to be one of the BMs we all bitch about and just get along and live my life.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I guess sueu2 I was just thinking back to my own per marital days with my dh's ex and daughters. I just never would have done that because I think she was hostile even then to me. I do think it is a nice gesture, and I have told the boys they need to be kind to her in return.
I guess I was just comparing my own situation, and am somewhat wistful that I could have done the same and the response that this is getting.
That is all my intention in posting was I guess.
The step world is a bit like the twilight zone, remember that show?

Newimprvmodel's picture

I know that my boys have a ton of respect for their father and I have never heard them utter one negative about all my ex's gift, and there have been about 3 over the years. They just never would disrespect their father like that.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Oops, should have been girlfriends, I guess at first they were gifts!

Newimprvmodel's picture

Yeah she has met my brother and sis in law, my ex and my brother stay in touch, so yes I think she knows I would not see it as anything other than a kind gesture. However, if I had done to my dh's ex, she would have charged me with harassment she is that horrible a person!

Newimprvmodel's picture

Which brings us to another topic. What do you and your honey do to celebrate V day. My first husband would give me roses, chocolates, dinner, and now second husband was planning on being gone for the day, see how romantic he is! But he is a great guy, (even though he s hooked to the whack a doo and daughters! I did get him to agree to at least be home, sheesh

oncechoosetosmile's picture

My exhb's gf is almost too nice, too.Whenever she sees me she tells me what a great mother I am(how does she know??lol) and generally tries to be super nice.Coming here to vent as a SM and knowing how hard it can be being a SM myself I make the kids buy bd presents, christmas presents etc.But she sometimes plays "(step-)mother of the year" for my kids and has an opinion about everything in regards of them (she only dates my ex since 8 month or so).I don't say anything though because I know that she probably still finds her role in being my exhb partner and with the kids plus I feel she has lots of good intentions.But I sometimes feel as if she is a little bit of a threat, being a bit" Disney-stepmotherish", I guess, lol.I like her though:)

Newimprvmodel's picture

I am so not threatened by this. I am curious however, and am just going to sit back and observe someone else in a position I was in once. But I do think there is a separate world for the divorced/widowed set versus the only been married once group.

Anon2009's picture

I don't know what "normal" is anymore. Not just in "stepfamily" matters, but in a lot of things.

You are not alone. Smile