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Don't know what to feel, ss has moved into my old bedroom

enuf's picture

Dh, who is 72 years old, divorced me this past May after we had been together for 25 years. He relationship with his ds, who is 47 years old, was extremely enmeshed. SS has never been married, has had only had one very short term relationship, is a very recent recovering alcoholic, only child.

It was only in my ex's and my last year together that my ex was able to put a boundary by telling his ds to call only if there was an emergency when we went on an overnight trip. His ds called anyway, first thing in the morning. He called my ex everyday numerous times in the day and my ex answered even if we were in the middle of being intimate.

His ds moved 5 minutes from us and that really changed the dynamics of my dh and my relationship as my ss wanted to spend 4-5 days a week with my dh and dh could not say "No". So they ended up going to each other's Dr.s' appointments, Dentist appoinments, grocery shopping, all things I should have been doing with my Dh. Apart from this they spend weekends watching sports on t.v. together. Not to mention the numerous daily phone calls.

SS shunned for the entire 25 years, even in my own home, he raised his voice to me, was generally very unkind to me. My ex expected me to just accept the behavior and I did to keep the peace between my ex and I. When I finally complained last September, my ex got really angry at me and proceeded to shut me out of my home and divorce me. I was never allowed to complain about his Ds as he would go ballistics if I did.

So, I just got an email from my ex and he mentions that his ds is down and out. My ex had given him over $200,000 to put into his retirement account. He gave my ex his word he would not touch it. With his alcoholism he went through every penny.

SS has not worked in a couple of years, applied for Social Security Disability but was denied. So now I get an email from my ex telling me about his ss, and that his ss has moved into my old bedroom. That both he and his ds do not think it is a good situation, but what else can be done as his ds will be homeless. In his email, he also states, that I not "comment" on his ds situation.

My heart sunk. I do not know how to process this information. His ds worked so hard to come between us. The fact that he is now in my old bedroom, shows me that "he absolutely won". Not only did he manage to affect our marriage to the point of divorce, he now has my old bedroom, furniture and TV. He has triumphed. My heart is broken!

WalkOnBy's picture

Why is your ex-husband sending you emails???

If you're divorced, then you don't need to be communicating with him about anything.

Delete the email, block his email address and THANK DOG that you are no longer in that relationship.

I know it hurts to think that SS "won", but YOU are the winner in this dysfunction junction.

uofarkchick's picture

He wants to vomit his problems in your lap. I really loved how he told you not to comment back on any of this. Eff him.
You have a life, time to go enjoy it. Let Bert and Ernie enjoy their snuggle time in your old room.

Twinkletoes's picture

why did he email you in the first place? Is he looking for sympathy? seems that way. He is expecting you to feel bad for him. Do not respond unless you are telling him that details of his life to you are unnecessary since you are no longer together. Don't make his problems your problem.

enuf's picture

The situation is so complicated and intertwined. I sent my ex an email regarding visiting my gkids and ds for the holidays. My ds and my gkids rent the upstairs 3 bedroom apartment. My old bedroom was on the same level and there is a door that I could enter their apartment right outside my bedroom. When I left, after the divorce, my ex had mentioned to me that I could leave some of my things in the bedroom, and that I was welcomed to stay in the bedroom should I come to visit the gkids. My ex sleeps on the main floor, so there would be separation.

I could also stay at my ds place, but I do not feel right staying in his apartment without also confirming and getting my ex's approval since it is one big place.

All of this has changed now that ss has moved into my old room. Personally I think sh*t is going to hit the fan. As his ds also shuns and is rude to my ds and gkids. I worry of the impact ss moving in will have on things in the house.

While I would like to block my ex and have nothing to do with him, open communication seems to be necessary due to my ds and gkids living there. I hate all of this. I sincerely thought my ex was being true to his words, but he got so bent out of shape when I asked about visiting. I had also stated that I could stay in a hotel if it was not possible to stay in my old room. He replied that he did not think that it was good for the gkids, who are 12 & 11, for me to be back in their lives so soon.

I feel like I am having to ask permission from him to see them. This sucks!!! I am so confused at the moment.

Miss T's picture

What do ds and gkids have to say about all of this? If it's anything short of "Ex, go f@ck yourself" then your new set of problems is with them. Ex is out of your life, and your family members' living arrangements--including their strong efforts to find another place to live--should reflect this.

ESMOD's picture

"He replied that he did not think that it was good for the gkids, who are 12 & 11, for me to be back in their lives so soon."

Either you are leaving something out or your EX is overstepping his bounds.

It is NOT his decision as to whether you see your grandchildren. That should be between your son, his wife (if she is in the picture)and YOU period. I am assuming that this DS is also your EX's son? If so, I can see how it might be awkward for him if you are around his home... but he absolutely should not be dictating whether you see the kids elsewhere!

I am guessing your DS stays there because his dad is giving him a deal on the apartment. He needs to figure out if that benefit is outweighed by his Father's attempt to control his access to his own mother

All that being said, your EX owed you some communication when he decided to let someone use "your bedroom" (were there other issues in your marriage already?). He should have allowed you the opportunity to get any of your belongings out of there. It is 100% within his right to allow his son to stay with him to help him get back on his feet. He probably didn't want your "opinion" of what a loser the kid is. Since you were separated, what difference does it make? I would have said, fine, I can come get my stuff on Saturday.. or whatever.

I would feel lucky I dodged the SS bullet because he was going to end up there whether you were in the picture or not.

Honestly, though, I can't imagine why he wants to keep you from the grandkids unless you had done something to "cause" the split.. or he is telling them you did.

WalkOnBy's picture

You are free to communicate with your son independent of your EXH, you're aware of that, right?

Make YOUR plans with YOUR son and grandkids and who gives a f&8k what your EXH says???

enuf's picture

Now that things have settled in my mind a bit. It was quite a shock to read his email and it really threw me of guard, just did not expect it. I need to work on that! Anyway, here he is telling me that it is to soon to see the grandkids and it is not good to have me popping in and out of their lives, but yet he could not go a day without talking numerous times to his middle aged ds, finish what he started when we were intimate because he had to go chat to his ds on the phone, see him numerous times a week. But yet he thinks it is not emotionally healthy for my gkids, whom adore me, to see me. I am way across the country, it is not like I even see them monthly.

I think what frustrates me is that he lied to me about being able to keep my things there so I could visit the kids in the winter. I think I am more angry at myself for being naive enough to still believe him. I also feel that he is still trying to control the shots. It really stinks!!

Also, in the area that my ds lives, there is very limited housing and the costs are very high as the area has a big recreational lake. One of my grandsons has disabilities and the school that he goes to has done exceptionally well with him. My ds, a single parent, would more than anything love to move as he is aware of my ex's control issue and now with his ds moving in, it will really have an affect on the household environment. I think my ds will try to work through the issues for the sake of his situation and his kids, but I do foresee him moving to be near me on the other side of the country in the near future.

twoviewpoints's picture


enuf's picture

My ex is not my ds father. My ds pays rent and also helps around the house. It has 4 acres and an inground pool which all need maintenance. My ds deals with that apart from paying rent. Even though my ds pays rent my ex goes into their place and adjusts the heater thermostat to 59 degrees to save on money. We had purchased laptops for the children but ex confiscates them says they are only for school use. Very, very controlling. When I lived there he would throw away my things in the trash, fortunately I was able to rescue some of them when I saw them. He also tried to have my dog put to sleep when I was visiting my mother at one point. My dog was healthy, he just did not like him.

My ex wrote in the email that my ds had also agreed with my ex that it was not a good idea to have a nana that comes into my gkids lives and then exits. That is why my visit would not be good for them. It was all a lie. My ds told me that what my ex wrote was not accurate that he did not say those things. We be both came to the conclusion that the reason my ex has changed his tune as he does not want his ds to be uncomfortable with my presence. Thereby he is trying to come across that my ds does not want to see me and that I would be making life worse for the gkids by seeing them.

His ds has anger management problems to the point of kicking my dog as one time and throwing a dorm sized refrigerator of my ds because he was jealous that his df and I were cohabiting. I think that he is afraid that his ds will do or say something should he see me. In the past ex behaved like an ostrich with his head in the sand.

After talking with my ds, he mentioned that my ex has been suggesting that he move out west. My guess is that will be happening sooner than what is prudent considering the kids.

enuf's picture

After writing all that I did. I feel sick to my stomach what a sick, sordid, demeaning lifestyle I have lived.

Indigo's picture

enuf, you got OUT. Remember how difficult that was and how much better your life is? Kudos.

Your son needs to figure out something to get himself and his kids away from Ex-DH. The excuses for saying are all reasonable and are all red herrings. Son is still negatively emeshed with Ex-DH ... second generation. Hope he gets the grandkids away so that another generation is not forced to live with this craziness thinking it's a "normal expression of love."

Regarding your SS/ExDH relationship, that's just looking in the rear-view mirror. Life is in front of you.

ESMOD's picture

Your DS needs to make an exit plan. Living under the roof of a man who treated his mother so poorly is really pretty unbelievable. I honestly don't "care" about all the why's he likes being there.. the pool, the school. Eff it all, that man was abusing his MOTHER. No way should your son even entertain staying in that toxic situation.

I mean, I don't really see any valid excuse for him allowing your EX to continue to hurt you and try to keep you from your son and your grandchildren. He is just doing that to be cruel.

enuf's picture

Yes, from day one when I first set my eyes on him I knew he was not normal. My ex pretends he is the most normal person on earth. But when you look at him, you can tell immediately. My ex would say that he is the sweetest, kindness person and that any woman should be happy to have him. But he is anything but sweet and kind.

Also, my ex just divorced me this pass May. He wanted a speedy divorce and where I lived once all the proper documents are filed and you sign the documents saying it is okay, you can get divorced within 8 days. I was rather surprised by all this and I agreed as I no longer wanted to deal with the drama. My ds was surprised by all this as ex and I we were getting along quite well, having coffee together on the couch, watching tv together, making dinner for each other. I was hoping he would reconsider and he was probably hoping I would agree to all his terms and there were many. When I did not, he went through with the divorce.

My ds was taken by surprise because he thought things would be all hunky dory. Now when I talk to him, he is so stressed out by the living situation. He just told me that he feels his "spirit" has died.

smomofone's picture

Aside from everything else wrong with this situation, your son needs to get out of there ASAP. Eventually, your ex's son will want them out. And he will most likely succeed in getting them out.

notsobad's picture

You got away from this toxic man and his son. Now your son needs to get away as well.

You have no control over what your son does but you should support him in getting as far away from the two of them as possible.

As for not visiting, don't listen to anything your ex says. Make plans with DS and stay in a hotel.

Rags's picture

I think that you should feel free and fortunate that you have put that shallow and polluted gene pool in your rear view mirror.

That is how I would choose to feel were I you.

One question... why are you tolerating contact from your X? Block him. He is sharing with you then instructing you that yuo cannot comment on his stupid decisions regarding his waste of skin spawn. Really?

sammigirl's picture

OMGosh, be glad you are out of this mess! You hurt right now, but it will be a new beginning for you.

Your old bedroom is tarnished for sure; think of it this way, you wouldn't want it now any way. It is very hurtful, but move forward and begin new things in your life, beginning immediately.

Block all toxic people from your email, FB, everything! I did this 7 years ago and am still blocking SD from my life. It is the most healthy thing I ever did. My SD is dead in my life; she has a relationship with DH, but I do not want to be included and work very hard to stay away from the witch.

Go forward!!!!!!!
(((hugs))) You'll do well.

TwirlMS's picture

He probably sent you the email that your old bedroom is now taken so that you won't entertain thoughts of moving back there.

If you've been calling and emailing him begging to let you come back, he in no uncertain terms put an end to those hopes. That's a hard reality to accept that someone that once loved you no longer wants to see you. Divorce is so ugly and cruel but it's over and now you are on the road to healing and forward progress.

Is there any way you can buy your son and 2 grandkids a ticket to visit you at your new apartment, crash out on your couch for the holidays? Better yet, find him an apartment in your new city and some job leads? They need to leave that place behind as well.

For your own mental health it is too soon to return to the very place you are trying to put behind you.

enuf's picture

I agree it is too soon, now that ss is sleeping on my old bed I cannot for even a million dollars sleep in that again. SS has sores all over his body that he scratches and they bleed. I also had a hot tub and he liked to get in it. It grossed me out so bad that every time he used it I had to empty it and refill it. I finally had to tell ex to please not let him get in it. Of course, ex was offended and commented how my gkids could get in it. Everything to do with ss was always such a struggle.

Anyway, no matter how much I try, as I am really trying to take Rags suggestion of the 3-day rule into consideration something comes up. Ex just sent me an email that I had received some very important mail and he would like to forward it. I put a change of address, so what are the odds that that one piece of important mail would be delivered to that address? I am having problems with my ds who lives in the area I just moved in, the ds who lives with ex told him what happened and ex wrote the following in the email "For many, being a parent turns out to be a life sentence, not a joy." I suspect he was also referring to his situation with ss now residing with him. Karma!!!

notsobad's picture

With your son still there, why would exH need your address. He can just give it to your son and your son can forward it to you.

This is just a tactic to stay in contact and control. Don't fall for it. Please block this man totally from your life.

Trust that your son will be able to handle himself with this man and stay far away and out of it for good.

enuf's picture

You are right! It is an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning and know that the morning will be drama free. I love my new place. I could live here forever. I am grieving today for my loss, I do not remember when I grieved about my divorce. I have not allowed myself to do so. The hardest is to know that ss was allowed to do what he did. My advice to steptalkers, do your damnest, when the sk is toxic, to block them and to disengage completely. Also, do not be afraid, as I was, to ask the important questions to your dh or dw, that will force them to admit if they hold your marriage "above all others". I was always afraid to know the truth and I was conditioned to hold my tongue when it came to ss otherwise my ex would really get angry and threaten divorce. I did not believe him. He was telling me who he was, and I did not believe him. If you are told that your sk is more important, believe your spouse. It is not normal for your dw or dh to give an adult child more important status than you. It is really "sick". I do not think that enmeshment is a treatable behavior, as that is a behavior that started way before us and will continue way after us. I am really glad I survived. That sad thing is I will never be with a man that has adult children as I do not think I will be able to trust their relationship. That leaves very little to no eligible partners in my future.

enuf's picture

Thank you. I cannot stress enough how important it was for me to get the responses I did from all of you. I have been a steptalkers for more years than I can count. I was under a few other names before and I had to cancel my account as I was afraid that my ex would see my posts. During the divorce process I must admit that I was at one of my lowest point in life and I was contemplating doing the worst to myself. What helped me the most to climb out of the dark hole I was in was being able to write on ST and reading the responses. No one in my real world understood the adult stepchild dilemma. After all, as some persons would say, it is his son. However, being treated a seconds does something to the soul and little by little it just disappears. Writing on steptalk was like taking one step at a time out of the hole. You do not understand how many times I would reread over and over again your responses. It was the only thing that saved my sanity, my soul and my life. In my real world I was alone in what I was experiencing.

sandye21's picture

Enuf, You are going to be OK. You mentioned Karma. The more you disclose about DH and SS, the creepier it gets. Next year you will be thanking your lucky stars that your Ex initiated divorce.

My ex was a real a$$ just before, during and after the divorce. He didn't want me but he didn't want anyone else to either. He kept tabs on me for years after he was remarried. He seemed to get some sort of sadistic thrill out of saying things that would upset or hurt me. I finally stopped responding to him at all, and eventually he stopped. This is what you need to do. Otherwise you are still part of his life and he is part of yours.

I am VERY thankful for Steptalk. Every day I read about people who are going through what I did 6 years ago. It is a reminder of how far I've come in the last 6 years and how important it is not to go back.

I hope you continue to write on Steptalk. One day there will be a poster who is in your situation and you will be able to help them through the hurt and frustrations you are going through now. Your strength will come in steps. Sometimes there is a backslide but as you have demonstrated already, you are making a steady path forward to happiness and self-confidence. You are never alone. (((HUGS)))

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

Stay strong! Perhaps there are aid service agencies that can help your DS find a new apartment. Then you can stop playing exs game of keeping you on a hook just because your family still lives there.
He should have allowed you to retrieve your belongings. Perhaps since he did not you can invoice him for the value of the items once your son has moved out.

It is a complicated situation but just take small steps each day to move forward.

You are a strong person.

enuf's picture

I am now on day 4 of Rag's 3-day rule. I did not realize how often he was keeping in contact with me via emails. It was as if we were still married. So many emails. But, I have made it over the hump and feeling much better. I'am also absolutely sure that I will never sleep in my old bedroom. I am more resolved now to have be over. Yay me!!!

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Good for you enuf. You can do this. Stay syrong and dont respond or even read the emails. No contact is the only way to heal.

Rags's picture

Keep up your commitment to moving on. Day 4 is a great day. Particularly when you realize that it is just a bit better than days 1-3. From day 4 on... it just keeps getting better.

I suggest that you block him or at least mark his crap as spam so it goes straight to your trash folder and does not pollute your inbox. If you insist on continuing to read the emails he sends you do it with a nice bottle of wine handy after a nice long hot bath while wearing your hottest sexy robe so you can enjoy yourself to the fullest as you laugh your ass off at his pathetic crap.

Though it was pre email I used to enjoy recounting my XW's pathetic crap with my friends over a beer during happy hour. Her attempts to get me to agree to buy her a new car after she had moved out and divorce had been filed (I countered with her buying me two cars since when we married I had three and when we divorced I only had one), her offer that I could stay with her and "we can even have sex....if you wear a condom" when I was in town on business, her invitations to her family holiday events since "you will always be family", etc, etc, etc.....

It is also the tactic I used in managing the SpermClan and supporting my bride during the 16+ years we lived under a CO after we married. Relishing in their pathetic crap while laughing my ass off at them was a great stress reliever and turned what could have been a very stressful experience into slightly sick entertainment.

Take care of you. to day five and beyond!!!!

enuf's picture

My first thanksgiving as a divorced woman. I have no place to go, nothing planned. So I decide to go to the saloon next door the night before Thanksgiving and I sit next to a woman, who turns out is 5 years older and I am, we talk and she asks me "what are you doing for thanksgiving?" I replied, "nothing". She invited me to her place, she said there were 8 other persons that were going to be there. So I spent Thanksgiving at a strangers house and met 8 other strangers. It was very nice. Then 2 of the strangers invite me to karoke on Sunday, I also went and that was fun.

I was invited for Wing night today at some other place. Sadly, my son that lives at my ex's did not call me on thanksgiving and I did not get to talk to my grandchildren. I do not know how he spent thanksgiving or how my ex spent it. We would all have it together when I was married. Now I do not have a clue of what went on. If it was not for the kindness of a stranger I would have spent it by myself. It is amazing how things happen.