NO NO This ring was the step mothers 1st engagment ring from his father..she has since bought a larger ring, this was the ring the step sons father gave her, there still married...should the ring not come from his mother instead of the step mother...?
It sounds like you are questioning wether or not you want to give SS the ring... I think that if it is coming from a place of love and support, it is a beautiful gesture. Especially since you guys are still married. I think offing the ring from the failed marriage of his parents would be a little bad luck, honestly. However, if you aren't into the idea of giving him the ring that you were married to his father with, don't do it.
Some SParents are far more a parent and far closer to their Skid(s) than the corresponding BioParent is.
She has a nice ring that is no longer being used and the SS may not be in a position to afford as nice a ring as his SM is contributing.
It may be nothing but a nice contribution/gesture from a SM who has a good relationship with her SS.
What the BM may think... is irrelevant IMHO. As you describe... this ring has nothing to do with the BM. BioDad gave this ring to his subsequent wife and later they replaced it with another. This ring originally came from dad and has never had anything to do with BM.
Why should it be transferred to BM to then be given to Dad's son?
I think its very proper for
I think its very proper for you to offer and its very generous of you.
NO NO This ring was the step
NO NO This ring was the step mothers 1st engagment ring from his father..she has since bought a larger ring, this was the ring the step sons father gave her, there still married...should the ring not come from his mother instead of the step mother...?
It sounds like you are
It sounds like you are questioning wether or not you want to give SS the ring... I think that if it is coming from a place of love and support, it is a beautiful gesture. Especially since you guys are still married. I think offing the ring from the failed marriage of his parents would be a little bad luck, honestly. However, if you aren't into the idea of giving him the ring that you were married to his father with, don't do it.
That depends on the dynamic of their relationship I suppose.
Some SParents are far more a parent and far closer to their Skid(s) than the corresponding BioParent is.
She has a nice ring that is no longer being used and the SS may not be in a position to afford as nice a ring as his SM is contributing.
It may be nothing but a nice contribution/gesture from a SM who has a good relationship with her SS.
What the BM may think... is irrelevant IMHO. As you describe... this ring has nothing to do with the BM. BioDad gave this ring to his subsequent wife and later they replaced it with another. This ring originally came from dad and has never had anything to do with BM.
Why should it be transferred to BM to then be given to Dad's son?