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Feeling Sad

wicked's picture

I'm feeling sad today because DH is not only going to be out of town for the next 3 days on business, but then he and SD22 decided that this next weekend is when they will be going to get the rest of her stuff at her mom's house in another state - so he will come home Wed nite and leave Thu morning for 4 more days to be gone for a total of at least a week. He knows I hate it when he goes out of town and I don't know why he couldn't have chosen a different weekend rather than extend his time away for so long.

Anyway, besides that, I tried to have a discussion with him a couple days ago about this revelation I had about why he is so clueless about setting boundaries with SD22. (Of course, I tried to use more tactful words...) It's because he never had any prior experience with blended families - not himself or anyone in his family or any friends that had gone through it. And as much as he is into psychology stuff, he really hasn't read anything on the subject. So he has little idea about the different dynamics of a blended family. On the other hand, my mom remarried after I was an adult so I had some understanding of step issues going into the marriage and have been reading/learning more since then. But he was not open to the discussion at all and just got really mad and wouldn't say why and went into his cave ever since then and won't talk.

Now I have to work an 11 hr day today, and that is how he chose to spend the last 2 days we really had together before he leaves tomorrow for a week. Sad

bridge's picture

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope he is worth it and somehow you can get what you want out of the relationship. Just keep in mind that if he can't talk, then you may have a big problem.
Take care. Smile I know the feeling. U R not alone.

CandyLou's picture

Hi wicked - I know how hard it is when your partner/DH goes away. It's such a horrible feeling of being excluded. Will he stay in touch with you during the 4 days he is with SD?