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Gravity's picture

The last time my adult SC came to visit, I decided to take the advice from others on this forum and disengage my feelings. It worked fine for about a year. Then my husband told me that his son wanted to come for a visit and I told him I would rather he went to visit his son. I don't want to feel uncomfortable in my own home and his son is extremely disrespectful to me (the story is in another post). I did notice that my husband was putting his son off about paying a visit. Unfortunately, my husband got very sick and I felt bad because I know he would like to see his children. I told him I would consider calling my SS to try to work through our differences so he can visit without all the drama. When he walked in the door, one of the first things he said was that he wasn't leaving anytime soon. I was under the impression that he would stay for a few weeks and go home. My husband and I had to go to the city three times in about two weeks.

Gravity's picture

Sorry, I thought that if I hit the "save" button, I could finish this post later. I'll continue..... I didn't like that he was alone in our home, but I was put in a bad position. My husband has been in and out of the hospital for about two weeks now. He is home now and is doing a lot better, but my SC will not leave us alone to get back to our normal way of life. My SS , although I do appreciate the help he has given us, has also been going off for weekends to cheat on his wife.
I ended up getting in a huge argument with him because Friday morning he TELLS us that his sister will be here in a few hours. I have told him in the past not to take it upon himself to invite people to our house without asking us. He started yelling at me in front of my husband (of course, my DH stuck up for his son), telling me that I knew she was coming and that I forgot. My husband and I lead a very quiet lifestyle and we like it that way. It is overwhelming for me to have to share my home with people that I know don't like me and do everything they can to piss me off. They come and try to take control of my home. Well, it turned out that I wasn't told she was coming. SD had texted her father, and he never told me. But the damage was already done to the relationship between my SS and myself.
So now my SS tells my SD about the argument and I'm on her s...tlist. They stayed busy, working around our farm. I find it really odd that they can be so helpful, but then do something that they know is going to start a fight between their father and myself. What kind of respect is that showing to him? So now both of them come out into the living room, and start talking to each other about the next two weekends coming up, but they are waiting for us to ask them what they are talking about. When I heard his son ask his sister if she was also coming up in two weeks when his wife and child were flying up for a week to visit, I asked them what was going on. My SS is going away next weekend and wants his sister to stay here (how about asking if we want someone here, maybe we want to have some time alone in OUR home), so she said she would come back with one of the grandchildren. I told her we will be fine alone, but she gave the excuse that she wants to stop her son from smoking those vapor cigarettes so she thinks bringing him here for the weekend will get him to stop. Oh, and SS is going off with his girlfriend for the weekend (he didn't say that but I'm not stupid, the last time he came back with a hickey on his neck) I'm surprised he's not worried about me telling his wife what's going on. He is also a "disabled" vet (back problem brought on by himself). A disabled vet that goes hunting and wading through the swamps at night trapping gators and catching frogs. He can do everything but serve his country, but brags to everyone that doesn't know that he's fought and served his time in an honorable way. Not so. I know I am venting to everyone so please forgive me.
My husband said he figured out what they were doing in the living room and he is going to tell his daughter that we want a weekend alone. After I left the room and they went to bed, I heard his son walk back in the living room to discuss something with his father. I don't know whether to leave him and start over or not let these two get their wish and get me out of their father's life. Any advice or questions, would be appreciated.

Gravity's picture

I often wondered how he got away with riding his Harley (a gift from Daddy) to the base, getting or signing for his pay but claimed he couldn't serve his country because of a back problem. If my father was alive, he would have spit on him. His wife gets paid to be his caregiver. He used to tell the family that he was being sent to fight in Afghanistan. The last time even his father doubted he was telling the truth. He came with a military weighted vest, showing off to all our neighbors. Guess what, he never went. Told his father he was too afraid to go and changed his mind. I never heard of a military person being able to make a choice to go into war or stay back home. Have you?

sandye21's picture

No one should ever be allowed to come into your home and take over. Period. Your DH is an ass for throwing you under the bus and taking sides with SS. Do not ask - TELL them they are overstepping boundaries and must leave until they can respect you in your home. Then inform DH he is free to visit them outside of your home - or move in with them.

Gravity's picture

I have decided to put our home up for sale this summer. After I see what equity we have left after expenses are paid, I am going to let my husband know that either he grows a backbone or we split the equity and go our separate ways. I can't live this way anymore. It is going to be hard financially for me and I will miss my husband because when we are not around his kids, we have a great life. All it takes is one of them to visit and we take a huge step back. They are just chipping away at our relationship.

still learning's picture

That's a huge life decision but life really is too short to live miserably. If your husband does not have your back then you don't have much of a marriage.

I recently read a thread on another board that was similar to your situation except it was from the Adult Skids perspective. They talked about dad being sick for years and how the "stepmonster" was "evil and interfering." Apparently stepmom left dad, and the skids "finally had their father back!"

In the end the skids won. This happens when DH does not have a backbone and no boundaries are set.

Gravity's picture

Funny how the Adult Skids feel that their father's wife is interfering. I have been in the same position as my SC. My father died suddenly when I was 16. About a year later, my mother met someone else and I was very happy for her. All I wanted was for her to find happiness with a good man. I loved my DSF as if he was my BF. He also passed away suddenly years later and I took his death extremely hard. I would never have been disrespectful to him or embarrass my mother by being rude to the man that gave her such a beautiful life. I guess I was raised to treat people the way I would like to be treated. My SC played one parent against the other. Their mother drank herself to death. I often wonder what part her children played to cause that poor woman give up on life.

still learning's picture

It seems that the Skids feel like SM is interfering in "THEIR" inheritance. Sadly it usually boils down to that. The fact that their father was happily married, healthier and may live a longer life because of it does not matter one bit.

Just like the Kasey Casem case. Near the end of his life Kasey was happily married and being well taken care of by personal doctors, nurses and his wife. Kasey was conscious, happy and cognitive of his surroundings. Oldest daughter went to court wrestled right of care from the wife and immediately discontinued his medical care and killed their father. They got their trust then went after SM saying she committed elder abuse because that would invalidate the wife's estate. Luckily SM Jean was one step ahead of them and their plan failed.

Gravity's picture

I knew that SS's family was coming up to visit but I didn't know we were having a family reunion. The timing is not good for multiple long visits. My husband's vocal cords are partially paralyzed so it isn't like he can carry on lengthy conversations. We don't have the income from our business coming in, so with the extra expenses of hotel stays in the city and healthcare expenses that aren't covered by our insurance, we are finding it hard to make ends meet. A few weeks ago, my SD and I were talking and she told me that the three of them SS, SD and DH) don't like to be told they can't do something. She said if someone tells them "No", they will do it to be spiteful. So that is why they will not leave my husband and I alone, because they know I want to get our life back to normal and they want to prove to me that they will go when they are ready, not when I want them to go. It's a control issue and they play their father like a fiddle...they always have. This time is different though. I am not going to allow them to humiliate me in my home and if my husband doesn't back me, I AM going to make plans on leaving him. I can't play these childish mean games for the rest of my life with these two adults that I don't even want to try to get along with anymore. She thinks she knows her father so well, but he does not retaliate when I don't agree with him. He has changed in that way as he has gotten older. I am just tired, I am not feeling well either and I don't need the headaches that come when they visit.

Gravity's picture

You had to see him at his grandmother's funeral wearing his military formals. I felt like telling him that this day wasn't about him, it was for his grandma. He loved the attention. I had to laugh when a stranger stopped his car to "Thank Him" for serving our country.
I wish you lived closer dtzyblnd because he would probably crawl into the sewer where he belongs.

A well deserved THANK YOU to you and your husband for keeping our country safe!

Rags's picture

You have a perfect opportunity. Have the locks rekeyed on your alone weekend and have SS's shit on the curb when he returns from shagging his GF before his wife and kids show up. Call SDIL to let her know not to come and also tell her to check the credit card bills for the weekend sex hotel bill.

Time to nip this shit in the bud.

IMHO of course.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I agree with Rags, too. This has gone entirely too far. DH is not well, the entire game these skids are playing is not helping your health....You need to be secure in your own home!

How old are these skids? I'm thinking they are in their 30s? I have an SD19 in college and I am on the fence about not letting her into my home. This is her "home" 4 months out of the year, but she is disrespectful, lazy and defiant. I wish she were older so it would be easier to call the police and get her ass out. I'm getting closer, though.

Do what Rags says. Blow the cover on SS and change the locks, too. DH doesn't need this aggravation and neither do you.

~ Moon

Gravity's picture

SS is 40 and SD is 50. I am going to have a talk with my husband today. This can't go on like this any longer. I'll get back later and update. Wish me luck!!

angelbeth's picture

Shame on them for treating you the way they do. They both need to grow up. I am 52 and have seen kids act better then them. I hope that everything works out for you.

IslandGal's picture

"Shame on them for treating you the way they do"..and..Shame on your hubby for ALLOWING them to!!

He is failing you in his role as your husband. He is meant to protect you and make sure you're respected. Allowing his own spawn to disrespect you, is allowing them to disrespect HIM. Why in hell don't these idiots see that!!

Op - For real - get out of this if this is how you're being treated. Life is wayyy too short to put up with this shit in your life!!

It's more dignified and peaceful to be single and content then stay in a relationship that makes you miserable and stressed!

Gravity's picture

IslandGal, that is exactly what I told my husband. They are disrespecting him by treating me like this. My SS is gone for the weekend :). He gave me a hug before he left :sick:. I will just keep the fact that he's cheating on his wife quiet for now. That is a huge problem to have hanging over his head, unless he thinks his wife doesn't care. His father acts like he doesn't know what is going on. What kind of close family is this?! Is that what families do to get along....look the other way when their children are committing adultery? His son called to tell his father he was at his destination, and his father told him to "Have a good time." Really?!
The more I think about the way my SD treated me last weekend, the more pissed off I'm getting. I treat her three boys better than their grandmother (her MIL). We have taken them for at least a week every summer for the past 10 years. I'm the one that agreed to take them and I really do enjoy the time spent with them. You would think I would get even a "thank you" from her, instead of coming to my house and causing trouble. She didn't even say hello to me when she walked in my house. I know she will be back for round two and I am going to have it out with her. Wish me luck!

Gravity's picture

TY, TY, TY for all of your advise and support. Here is an update: SD left this morning (1 down, 1 to go) and said she will come back in about a month. My husband told her that we need some time alone and he feels his life is falling apart around him. I know it is the calm before the storm because I saw the skids talking in the driveway so they are not going to just let us have our way without a fight. They both know that I have declared war. I have been very vocal, which is something they haven't seen before. In the past, I have pouted and gone to another part of the house because I don't like confrontation. The mistake they made was taking my kindness as a weakness and pushing me to the point that I don't care what they or their father thinks of me anymore.
I am going to pull my camera out and start taking pictures of this "disabled" vet bending over and lifting heavy equipment. I wonder if he brought his new semi-automate rifle with him to "accidentally" kill me. No, I'm not afraid of him. He's all bark and he knows I am not backing down anymore. I know he has a mental problem. Last night he tried to get us to believe that he has PTSS, but is one of those vets that keeps it hidden. His sister believes him, but I told him that I believe that it can be a problem for our vets, but only the ones that actually served their Country. He left the room.
To be continued......

sandye21's picture

Good for you for standing up for yourself. Glad to see your DH at least made a minor attempt to keep them out of your home. Are there any friends or relatives you can ask over when the skids are there? Witnesses are like gold and you will have backup. Another thing - it is unlawful to masquerade as a uniformed soldier - especially with fake medals. One man was recently in the news for it and was incarcerated. An anonymous tip is all it takes.

Gravity's picture

You too MarieJeanne. Such a shame and disrespect to our brave military that have risked their own lives for our Country.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Speak up and say NO MORE! Enough is enough. If your DH doesn't have the spine to stand up for your lifestyle together - you need to do it.

Tell DH you plan to take the reigns - if he won't back you then there is a bigger problem here than the skids. I really hope he backs you up and you can have your home back.

Good luck!

Gravity's picture

I hate when I just post a comment, and it doesn't show up Sad . Now I have to write it over again.

I know tog is right about expecting something worse than the last childish game my SC have played. I'm ready to fight back, no holds barred. SS was extra sweet yesterday :sick: but this morning he was in text mode, my guess is with his sister.

I'll try to update later.

peacemaker's picture

turn him in for fraud..problem solved.....Now that you have the responsibility of knowing...the question is what will you do with that information...This is sooooo wrong on so many levels..He put you in this position..Someone who would use the venue that protects our veterans for that kind of self gain should be punished all the way.....

Gravity's picture

I can't do that...not now anyway. I would like to find a website that can give me information on his "disability" though. Shouldn't all that information be open to public record?

Gravity's picture

I'm sure a lot has to do with inheritance. I do know that my SS has gotten A LOT of inheritance from my LMIL. She kept a record of it, which I have. In fact, he was the only one that got anything, until she figured him out. My SD has millions, but she seems to never have enough. Her husband makes millions on Wall Street.

I can't change the locks on the house because we don't lock our doors. Never did and it would raise a few flags if I started too.

Gravity's picture

I can't believe what I just read. I knew something was up because at the same time that SS was on his way back from his rendezvous, my DH got a text from his daughter asking if she can come and drop her son off, stay for the night and come back in a week to pick him up and stay for a few more days. She used the excuse that she wants to try to stop him from smoking vapor cigarettes. Give me a break!! She could care less what her kids are doing. She is NEVER home. I knew she wasn't going to just sit back and take no for an answer and respect her father's wishes to not come back so soon because we are trying to get some normalcy back in our lives. I didn't think she would make it so obvious that she was just saying that to come back here and be a pain in the ass.
Well, the text her father wrote her back shocked me. After all these years, I really think his backbone is starting to grow!! He told her straight out NO. He wrote that it seems that her and her brother forget one thing and that is that I am his wife and he loves me. He also said that the two of us make all decisions together and in the future, if she wants to come visit, to talk it over with me. (I thought I was going to faint.) He also told her that a week with us is not going to stop her son from smoking and that it is not his responsibility to watch what her 18 year old son does, it's hers.
That text was sent this morning and since then, SS has been getting tons of texts, I'm sure from his sister. I also think they are getting a friend of my husbands involved. My husband is alone with his son for the past few hours so I'm sure my SS is going to try to change his father's mind. This is getting exciting!!

peacemaker's picture
