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Is My SD Stealing My Son

Litay's picture

My SD22 alienated herself from our family a year ago when she called me various profane names and said she hated me her whole life. My SIL, FIL and MIL are generally cruel to me.

Now they are playing a new game with my son. He is 17. He's an "us" child. Very sweet. Dh's family invited him to Thanksgiving but did not invite me or DH. SIL also invites BM who I thought was long gone.

In the end, I couldn't tell my BS not to go, even though it hurt like hell. I let him know how I was feeling but told him I understood. Of course, he came with us to eat with my family first. But still...

This is made worse by the fact that I have metastatic ovarian cancer. I would think they'd act decently or just leave us alone. I feel like everyone is waiting for me to die so that they can be one happy family again.

Acratopotes's picture

Oh hon sending you hugs, you will get well soon.....spite them and stay alive Wink

Regarding your son - remember it's his bio Grand parents and it's blood relatives, if he wants to keep in touch with them, there's not really thing you can do about have no right to ask him to choose, just hope and pray the kid has common sense and detaches himself from them sooner then later.

How you handle this will determine if BS stays or writes you off, simply allow him to go there, even tell him to go there, 17 year old boys does not want to do what their mothers told them to do, no this stage of their lives they do the opposite just because they can and to show you who's the boss.... BS is not yet there cause he went for sinner to your family first... he could've said not going... see the light Hon don't see the dark...

And if BS starts with I'm going to FIL/MIL/SD, smile and say, oh well enjoy it kiddo, then say nothing more..

Rags's picture

This situation turned my stomach. That they would play such pathetic and toxic games just pisses me off.

I think it is time to lock down the estate and work with DH to get the Will updated to leave everything in trust solely for your joint child with the exception to a publically read letter shredding your SD and BM and leaving a single dollar donated to a charity of your choice in SD's name. This situation should get your DH on board with that in a hurry. One thing is for sure... I think you and DH must provide DS-17 with every brutal fact of the toxic manipulations of your IL clan, SD, and BM. He deserves the facts and to be able to make his own decisions regarding how or if he will deal with them in the future. We never hid the facts regarding his SpermClan from my SS-24 and that has prepared him to protect himself from their toxic manipulations, pathetic ploys to get to his money, and to minimize their interference and impact on his life.

Give your son the facts. Not the feelings. Don't try to protect him from the facts, share the facts, all of them, good, bad, or ugly.

I would make the rest of my lifes goal to destroy these toxic morons and have a great time doing it.

Be well, get better, live well, exact your vengence, and enjoy every single second of it.


Litay's picture

We have only one minor child, not sure who else DH would have invited.

The comments here mirror my own confusion. My son has a relationship with this part of his family. I'm behaving like a petulant BM if I keep him away. On the other hand, they are toxic....

The three of us are going to Key West ffor Christmas- even if my next scans are bad-I'm getting out of town!

clark6292's picture

First, I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear of your severe illness.

I think anyone in your situation would be hurt. It is a shame that everyone cannot grow up enough and act peaceful in light of your illness because sometimes families come together during extreme illness. Apparently not in your case.

I'm really sorry to hear your situation, you deserve better. On a good note, it appears that DH has picked a side and it is your side he has picked. We cannot control anybody but ourselves. Once our kids are adults they choose for themselves. We definitely have no control over our in-laws.

One more thing...the emotional stress isn't good for your health so please don''t let this dampen your spirits. Live each day as if it is your last and find happiness, joy and beauty wherever you can, and find it often.

twoviewpoints's picture

Litany, your son dearly loves you, you know that. You've been a wonderful, caring mother who has installed all the right lessons as a mother, your son knows that. He's on the verge of adulthood himself now. You have brought him to manhood and can be proud of the young man you have shaped all these years through you nurturing and influence.

You are his mother. You do and will forever hold a very special place in his heart. No one will ever be able to replace you. Never.

Hugs to you, dear lady. Trust in the acknowledge of knowing you have performed your role as your child's mother and the never ending excellent job you have done.

Litay's picture

Thank you for your warm words and insights. It makes me feel so much better to hear from those of you who understand. Peace and love.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Love and peace to you Litay. I am impressed by the medical advances to treat this type of cancer; that is encouraging. I know you are saddened to deal with people who are this heartless and selfish; in the face of your illness they are truly showing their true colors. These nasty people have no place in your life, live it to its fullest, they no longer exist to you--so enjoy!

happystepmum's picture

Litay I'm so sorry for your illness. And completely horrified at the behaviour of your inlaws and SD! That they can't even extend some kindness towards their own son, who must be in so much pain as well is absolutely unbelievably callous. What rotten, lousy people.

Focus on yourself, your son and your husband. The three of you are all that matter here xx

IslandGal's picture

Im so sorry Litay. Sending you positive vibes and healing light. xx.

Now. As for SD and those cold, unfeeling, vindictive asswipes. They can all go root themselves. They can get fukt 6 ways to sunset. I would cut them out of my life..snip! goneski! You dont need to deal with their ridiculous, pathetic attempts to cut you down..even going so far as to show your own Son how they despise you by not including you. My Son would be fiercely protective of me and tell them to go sit on a volcano. No way would he want any part of their stupid, petty games.

Make memories with your family. Your Son and DH. Enjoy your happy..and for dont need their crap. If someone tried that with me, they'd better have their will updated cuz I'd have their asses. Flamin wankers.