No more Christmas Eve
This is about my SS44, whom I rarely have problems with. Since his father died twenty years ago, I have prepared a traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve dinner, as my first husband was Ukrainian. Halupki, perogi, etc. Both my husband and mother in law died weeks after we had our last traditional Christmas Eve with them. The party grew over the years when my stepson married, and I remarried. We've each had one child. His wife, who was much beloved in our family, died of breast cancer two years ago. Last year, at Christmas, I learned my ovarian cancer recurred. My stepson has decided to cancel Christmas Eve w/out talking to me, although he mentioned it to my husband. All the years and traditions gone. My husband, son and I are taking off to
Key WestThis may be my last Christmas. Should I say something to my stepson? I understand he is grieving all the lost people in his life. Still, it hurts.
I'm lost - why do you accept
I'm lost - why do you accept the fact that SS cancels Christmas?
You are an adult as well, you can simply laugh and say, sorry no SS, you have no right cancelling my Xmast, I will have it the way I always had it, feel free to join or not...
Because it was a family
Because it was a family tradition that we shared with his father. Without the father or son, it doesn't make sense.
^^^THIS^^^ and a very big
^^^THIS^^^ and a very big (((HUG)))
Do what makes you happy! I
Do what makes you happy! I understand that the actions of your XDSS hurt but.... do what you need to do to be happy.
so sorry to hear this!! Hugs
so sorry to hear this!! Hugs to you-focus on you and your health!
Your SS may be using
Your SS may be using avoidance behavior. Keep on having your traditions, he may change his mind, keep the door open for him. Also include at least one other person that you have never invited before.
I pray that you will find
I pray that you will find hope and peace in this Christmas season. Not in the traditions of the past, that are fading away, but the gift of eternal life, through Christ.