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Pregnant again?! Also other skid quick question

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

Dh's "stepdaughter" (read prior posts) is pregnant again. She'd had a kid prior and gave him away when he was 8 months old. From what I could gather from Dh's conversation with her hearing his side, she's happy about it. I asked him what she wanted (when Dh saw she called he said kinda annoyed "f#2%. What do you want, sd?"  Turns out she's pregnant again. I said "she doesn't even take care of the kid she's got. How stupid!" Dh goes "I don't care. I don't wanna go there." I said I don't want her trying to pawn the kid off on us. Dh repeated he didn't wanna go there.

Is Dh saying he doesn't wanna go there defending her in a way? Hard to gauge his feelings on it, but considering that "sd" has only shown interest in me in the past when I've ran into her and we had to be cordial, or wanting something. When I detect someone is only interested in using me it's pretty off-putting. I love kids but I have no desire to play grandparent in this girls life. Perhaps if she tries to pawn the kid off on us I'll say, "not gonna go there." 

Skid who's in prison keeps telling dh to say hi to me in letters or when he talks to dh on the phone. Dh doesn't pass along the message and so claims skid "doesn't know" that I don't want a relationship with him. Even if nobody has said anything to skid directly, shouldn't my lack of response be a hint? Am I wrong to consider his continuing to try to engage me by saying hi harassment?

Rumplestiltskin's picture

To me, things like that are only a problem to the degree that they affect me. Do you think your DH will want to babysit all the time? That will affect you. I would ask him what he envisions his role will be in the kid's life. If SD constantly has him watching the kid, it's steplife all over again. 

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

i don't know. When her first kid was a month old she tried to get us to take him overnight.  I hope he doesn't cuz I have no desire to babysit this kid. I don't want to be involved with her and it'd be a constant uphill battle not to have her take a mile every time we gave an inch. 

Rags's picture

If ever there was an example of the necessity of requiring a license to breed it is your DH and his polluted gene pool.


didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

This isnt his biological kid. She "feels" like a daughter to him cuz he dated mom for the first 5 years, then they lost contact for 10 years at which point "SD" reconnected with daddy waddy.

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

Why not?

didn'tsignupforapunk's picture

He has to a degree. However he didn't let her stay with us when she wanted to, though he did throw me under the bus telling her no. He's got a lot to learn for sure.