Seriously his family is crazy!
No idea what is going on with DH's family. First it was steps on Monday saying they don't feel welcomed and now his niece is acting weird!
Wednesday his niece who I haven't talked to in over a year in half (because of course I'm a horrible second wife who keeps hubby from his family) Facebook messages my two daughters who live out of town at colleges asking if I was ok. Niece then goes on to say she saw a car like mine in a bad wreck and wanted to "check" on me. I'm at work and I start getting panic text and calls from my two daughters. I had to walk out of a meeting because my phone was going off so much I though something was wrong. My poor daughters were so upset and scared! I calmed them down then text dh and told him get to tell his niece to stop which he did. I was so mad when I got home I had the girls screenshot me the messaged. They were crazy! saying she saw a car just like mine in a bad wreck and asking if they have heard anything. She made it sound like it was me!
I lost my cool and shouldn't have done it but messaged her telling her in the future to message my husband not my children. She of course starts a fight saying she can't call him since she doesn't have his number and how I keep him from his family and lots of rambling about him being my puppet and his family can't talk to him because I'm following along behind him all the time. I replied back she could have Facebook messaged him just like she did my girls and that he was a grown man with his own phone, car, and Facebook if they want to talk to him then do it quit blaming me! Then I blocked her.
Honestly I'm so annoyed with myself! I don't know why I let her get under my skin like that. I honestly think this was planned because his family knew if they upset my girls then they would set me off and they wanted a fight. I'm so tired of his family blaming everything on me! He is a grown ass man with a phone, car, and own bank account. He is not being help hostage by me!!!
The only reason to do that
The only reason to do that was to scare your kids and start drama. Yes, you allowed her to get under your skin. What matters is that you know the MO and can take steps to avoid a future repeat. And like others have said, have your kids block her number.
What is your DH's opinion and
What is your DH's opinion and what does he say? I'm curious, because my DH's family began to treat me very cold, ignore me, make snide remarks to me, and the nasty social media began, such as yours.
12 years of getting worse every week; I was lost and wondering what I was doing wrong; we had been married 20+ years when this began; I thought all was well.
Come to find out, DH was running to SD's house every day, while I'm at work (DH is disabled), for 12 years. DH and SD began tearing me down and gossiping about my family and friends. SD threw DH under the bus, lost her cool, and wrote me a very nasty email, one year ago, repeating all most every conversation they had. I couldn't believe this all came about and I was so trusting of my DH, I never dreamed he made his family hate me. Of course I'm disengaged now to protect myself.
Just wondering where you DH stands here?????
This sounds horrific. You
This sounds horrific. You went to work everyday to take care of you and partner and he went over to sd and destroyed you , your character and your integrity to his family??? That's how he repaid you???
Did you ever try to clear things with his family? To tell them that what had been done ???
I don't know if I would have stayed- to me personally I would consider this a complete destruction of trust and our life. It struck me as so awful and touched such a cord with me that I had to post.
I don't understand how he could do something like that to you. What an awful situation - you must be very strong to have been able to handle this and for so long. 12 years like! Holy c**p!