Steppunk has discovered a way to possibly not work
My Steppunk who will be 19 next year got inspiration from biomom to apply for SSI for being "mentally ill." He has a diagnosis of ADHD but I really dont think he has that otherwise a medication would have made some difference a long time ago-not only that but he didn't get diagnosed until 9 years old. If his ADHD was that bad they would have caught it sooner (I personally think he doesn't have ADHD and he's using it as a crutch). He has been on a host of other meds, I have no clue what but I remember researching one of them one time and one was for heavy-duty stuff. Thing is....all these medications he has been on HAVE NEVER MADE A DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE!! So the only conclusion I can come to is that he isn't "mentally ill" he's spoiled and used to violent temper tantrums to get his way.
I just really hope he gets denied because I know of a few people (hubby's friends and a family member) who get SSI for being drug addicts and it irks me that my tax dollars are going for such BS reasons!
On the plus side, he was pushing his girlfriend around so they're broken up!! Hopefully he doesn't find another girlfriend anytime soon-last thing I want is for him to pop out kids.