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Blended family meeting tomorrow....advice appreciated!!

Ana88bac's picture

I'm new here and I'd love some input and advice from stepmoms.

I have two kids. My son, who's a tween, is from a previous relationship. Fast forward ten years...I got married recently and have a young daughter with my (awesome) husband.

I am BLESSED to have a great relationship with my son's dad. We never went to court, worked out money/time/parenting on our own. We're friends. My husband is 100% supportive of this relationship - we've all gone on family stuff together, the whole nine. It's wonderful, and great for my son.

I guess I should say, though, that we have worked HARD to make it good. We have totally different parenting styles and disagree often, and work HARD to keep it respectful and healthy.

My son's father also has another kid, who's 6, with a woman who he's no longer with (let's call her Mom2). Although her and I get along fine, she makes his life very difficult....basically is just angry their relationship ended, and years later won't stop throwing a wrench in things at every opportunity. (Mom2's not a direct part of the situation I'm looking for advice on...but her behavior is relevant.)

My son's father just got married. To a woman I thought was wonderful. Went out to dinner with her, just me and her, before the wedding to really get to know one another...seemed totally on board with helping to maintain the healthy relationship we have. I was so happy to have her in my son's life. I helped with the wedding. I thought it was going to be awesome. My husband was outwardly happy, but had his doubts....nothing he could put his finger on, but just felt something wasn't right.

Fast forward a few months, and the relationship with my son's father has totally changed. He's just sort of stepped to the sidelines and let her handle parenting conversations with me. (They have one phone. It's impossible to just get ahold of him, and I feel icky about trying to circumvent her anyways.) He acts if nothing has changed.

Communication has slowed to a trickle. Last week, they sent back a parent teacher conference form without even talking to me about the date/time. (We ALWAYS go to EVERY conference together.) I have to work on the night they scheduled the conference, and am now calling the school to try to make other arrangements. There were no apologies for not calling, no explanation. I get this vague sense of hostility from her every time I talk to her. (My son says things are fine at home - apparently it's just her interaction with me and/or my husband.)

I am totally at a loss. I want so badly to maintain the good thing we had going before she came into their home. I want to address this in a respectful way, without saying, "things were better before you got married to my son's dad."

She doesn't have any kids, and this is her first time as a stepmom. I wonder if the hostility from Mom2 has anything to do with it...? I don't know how it feels to come into a situation like this, and I'm at a loss about the weird hostility vibe.

I feel like I did everything I would want someone to do for me if I was becoming a new stepmom. I helped with their WEDDING. I told her over and over how happy I was that she would be the kids' stepmom. Everything was great. Then they're married, and now....huh?

I called a "family meeting" tomorrow. I am going to bring up the parent teacher conference (and other recent events like it) and explain how this made me feel, and try to figure out ways we can work better with each other.

But I'm nervous...any input or advice? Especially from stepmoms? The last thing I want to do is make things worse. THANK YOU!!

Ana88bac's picture


Ana88bac's picture


Ana88bac's picture


Gabriels Mom's picture

I don't get it...You sound like an awesome BM

you have no idea what I would do to have you as my BM LOL seriously.

If it's that big of an issue then she needs to back off and let you and your ex handle your son's stuff...what she has done is cut off communication with your child's father. That's crap. This situation sounds ridiculously stupid. This arrangement has been good for 10 years and since he got married it's not working anymore...why is that not raising red flags for him? If you sensed things were okay before and they aren't now and your behavior hasn't changed- then it's not you it's her...JMHO

I hope you get it all straightened out.

Ana88bac's picture


herewegoagain's picture

Good that you had that type of relationship. Now that they are together, I can see she needs her space. In addition, before she came along your ex could be flexible with your requests because it only impacted him. In a non-sexual or amorous way, you had two husbands...really...Now, if you and your ex arrange schedules HER life IS affected and thus you cannot expect for things to be the same as before. If you do expect it, then technically you are not considering the impact of your requests, schedules, etc on HER ...and thus I can see where although not ideal, you do need to realize that he is now married and therefore changes, favors, etc will not be the same or as easy as before. If you don't accept that, she will pull away more and resent you and your son more.

That is just my view on what is probably happening...Good luck. Sad

Ana88bac's picture

Oh my gosh - no, EVERYBODY goes to the parent-teacher conference. All four of us. To every single one. We go to the concerts, the plays, the games - everybody. Obviously we arrive separately, but other than that we're a unit. When both kids are involved, it's six of us - Mom2 and her husband too.

This TOTALLY affects her as much as me, in terms of scheduling. If she couldn't make it, I would reschedule, no questions asked. Same for my husband - if he couldn't come, my son's dad would have automatically rescheduled.

She's not my kid's mom, and my hubby isn't his dad - but they're both a valued and important part of his life. It's not a situation where he calls her "mom," or my hubby "dad," but his father and I expect both of them to be a solid part of the parenting.

Our self-imposed custody schedule (which is pretty flexible) is 50/50, so there are plenty of occasions where X is happening on my night, but they still come, or vice versa. That's the norm for us.

Ana88bac's picture


herewegoagain's picture

Please don't think I think X or not. I am trying to give a different perspective of what MIGHT be going through her mind. Also, I understand that you are great with everyone coming, etc...but, if she has not kids of her own, maybe she actually wanted to do X (go to her girlfriend's bday, stay in bed with her husband, whatever) on a specific day and yes, I agree that you all try to work together..but possibly one day she just doesn't want to go. Simple as that. You know? It's hard when you are not a BM and you are now in this SM situation where it seems that someone else's life runs yours. Yes, you might look for dates that everyone is available, but maybe she just wants to be KIDLESS... Dirol I know, she married a guy with kids, but again, not being an SM or BM before NEVER prepares you for this. I am thinking 50/50, see them and when it's the other parent's time, I have TIME ALONE WITH HUBBY...ever heard of anyone, including BMS! saying that here? And then you realize that no, this 50% usually really means sleeps in your house 50%, but at least on another 25%, you, BM, other sibs, etc...are all doing things together...sigh...

Again, I am not tying to make you look like the bad guy, I am telling you a perspective or view that someone could have to make things change...Just because you want everyone to go to concerts, plays, etc...doesn't mean she really wants to be there either...sigh...ah, this is one tough job.

Ana88bac's picture


Ana88bac's picture


Ana88bac's picture


Ana88bac's picture


cant win for losin's picture

Glad to hear all went well. I loved reading your story. Soo envious. Smile
It will be a blessing for ALL that wants to be involved in this situation. Best wishes that it continues for years to come

Doubletakex3's picture

Great to hear good stories about reasonable, rational and caring adults coming together for a common good. What are the odds? Glad you beat the odds! yaayyy