
tylady's picture

I have been a stepmom since October 2014. For the first 2.5 years the girls' biomom never called them, sent anything, or even scheduled a supervised visit to see them. She said she didn't have the money to etc.. then instead of scheduling a supervised visit she took us to court in January 2017. She then got 6 supervised visits every other weekend then unsupervised every other weekend after that. Things have drastically changed. The girls called and still call me mom since seeing her but they act more distant and talk about her all of the time. I guess i'm having a difficult time adjusting to this. Also, the girls do say that she says she will get them each their own puppy and mopeds and at the last visit got them each a cell phone without talking to DH about it. Anyway, the oldest said after the visit last time that she thinks her mom is trying to buy her happiness because at the end of each visit she says are you happy do you like what I got you etc..
Anyway, she has moved 3 times since January of this year and doesn't appear to have changed much according to DH.. i'm nervous the girls will get hurt when her drug use takes precedence over them and they are put into bad situations.. guess i'm just looking for some advice or something..

fairyo's picture

I'm not sure I have too much advice except to say this woman, for all her faults, is the mother of these children. You haven't said too much about DH except that he seems anxious about bio-mum's drug use? I think you have done well for your skids- I think they feel a bit confused now that she has come back into their lives. DH is the one thing they have in common with you, and the responsibility lies on his shoulders. Let him sort it out, be supportive but not intrusive.