do you think SD can go as far as to hurt my biokids?
after disengaging from SD12 there has been some retaliation. Things here and there, little punishments for my decision, little prices you have to pay because you are not doing everything anymore and you are more emotionally detached.
none of the little actions are giving her any results, and the volume is going up..sort to speak the long faces, the door slamming, the dram ,etc..Im still pleasant, present and helpful, just not involved at all or responsive to emotional games.
when she sees this, she starts playing the same games with my biokid 10. it is not particularly bad and if i tell you the things that happen, they are within normal brother/sister stuff.. name calling, ignoring, bad treatment….but form some reason...i started to develop this weird thought that she might want to "get back at me" by hurting my son (she knows that would get her “results”)
I actually had dreams of her hitting him hard, and some other horrible things... is it paranoia? why do i think that this is possible? should i listen to my gut and take some measures? which measures would those be? should i just relax and ignore? thanks for sharing your opinions here....
Is keep a close eye on them
Is keep a close eye on them and keep them apart whenever possible. Trust your instinct.
Trust your gut!! I have
Trust your gut!! I have dreams practically every night of GG being nasty or hitting me. And that has happened before!!
Trust your gut on this and
Trust your gut on this and keep them as far apart as you can...SD15 did lash out at my son, when her attempts didn't work with DH and myself. Long story. Old blogs about her bullying him on the bus...I stopped it really quick and did what was needed to eliminate her from him. Got the school involved, documented everything. Long story...But, I was not slow to react and it stopped the problems.
My ss13 also lashed out at my
My ss13 also lashed out at my ds and sadly it took me by surprise. It shouldnt have as the red flags were there, but it's just something I never would have imagined. I've learned that ANYTHING is possible in stepfamily life and if you have a funny feeling about things i would just keep the situation closely monitored. Hopefully, if this is out of norm behavior for your sd she will stop it after she gets over any initial anger from your disengagement.
I allowed my son to drive to
I allowed my son to drive to school once he got his license in order to avoid SD. I didn't want him to and made him call me when he left and arrived and he still does as a Junior. I would do anything to avoid him having to see her. I can't avoid it in the school but I sure as hell can on the bus...I never thought she would do the things she did. It snuck up really quick. BS didn't tell us for weeks what was happening. But, when we found out we reacted accordingly. DH knew not to stop me...
I learned the hard
I learned the hard way....never ever under estimate an emotionally charged person. Expect the unexpected!
SD6 slapped my infant son in
SD6 slapped my infant son in the stomach, TWICE. She never did it again, she has also pulled on his legs hard, got in his face and even tried to plow down the automatic swing he was peacefully sleeping in. SS8 seemed to not have any interest in my son at all then one day out of the blue he just casually got up, walked over to him and hit him sooooooo hard across the face for no reason, he just walked away as if it never happened, no remorse, guilt, no feeling, NOTHING. He hit my poor baby so hard he left a mark, BOTH skids are NOT allowed to touch my baby and have to be monitored at all times around him. Matter of fact SS8 is no longer allowed in my home at this point because of incidents like these and others like his violent/abusive behavior towards animals, other children at school like threatening to chop their heads off, stab them to death, rip their guts out. He also threw scissors at his teacher and pointed a toy gun at her and pretended to shoot it. I've been advised NOT to allow the children in my home until they have been seen, evaluated, diagnosed and show signs of improvement from CPS because if I do and something horrible happens I could be under investigation for putting my children in harms way. I 100% understand this so those are the measures I have taken.
Your situation may be different though, from what I gather your skid hasn't actually been physical with your child yet correct? It's just you having the feelings of what if? In that case I would monitor the children very closely when she is around.