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Do your skids dislike your bio who is also their half sibling?

Luna1234567's picture

Ss6 came here today and when baby cried he started shouting out "he's so annoying" then he goes to his room shuts the door and starts shouting " I don't like him! I don't like him!"
Than he comes out of his room and says to DH " I don't like him and he's not even a real baby, he's an extraterrestrial. "

Extraterrestrial? !!!! .....where did he get that from. Baby is 2 months old and all the other times ss6 has been here it seemed like he loved him but this time as soon as he walked into the house he was being all weird.

Do any of you have step kids who don't like your bio who also is their half sibling?

notagain2012's picture

I don't have this situation or experience with it, but my god! That can't be good. Is this SS allowed to just go stomping around calling a baby names and saying he hates him without any consequences, even. Time out?

In anything like this, I would try starting with a family sit down and have SS express what he is feeling. He needs to be explained to that his outbursts are rude and hateful...and well...'annoying'

Might be hard to gauge whether he's jealous, angry, annoyed, etc, but sometimes getting to the root, can help find a solution.
He may, considering his choice of words, be getting some of this from BM if you guys don't have a good relationship. He may hear her say things, even on the phone with a friend, etc. She may have even said, oh, babies are just annoying.
This would really concern me. Esp if it worsens,

Orange County Ca's picture

The muling puking kid is annoying. Sorry there it is. Sibling rivalry is normal and I wouldn't think anything of his verbalizations. But you do need to watch that it doesn't become physical.

A sit-down with the three of you to explain how helpless he is and that he is his brother/sister may help with his attitude. Alien? Well he is 6 after all and space ships and such are in at that age.

Aeron's picture

I don't know what your relationship with BM is like, but there is always the possibility that his mother has said something to him about the baby. Maybe DH should talk to him and ask why he thinks his brother is "not a real baby".

Also possible that something was said by another kid at school, etc etc. I'd keep an eye on it though. He doesn't have to Like the baby, but he does have to be nice and respectful. That means no yelling at or about the baby.

sandby's picture

My skids have been absolutely mean and nasty to my DD and was taking out all of her anger at her dad at a little baby. They are complete alienated now and dont visit, but I'm scare when they do what they will say to my kids.

Peaches's picture

While I agree that sibling rivalry is perfectly normal for any kid of any age in any situation, I feel like I have to point out that these actions can be SO dangerous at the same time. A child at that age has very little understanding about how babies work, the fragility of them. Sibling rivalry can turn into Shaken Baby Syndrome and the loss of a child, which isn't a laughing matter. Little behaviours like "pinching" and "poking" this new intrusive little person can turn into something so much more. I think the step-child should have their bio-parent sit them down and have a very serious talk about mortality (IF there's been physical problems, the pinching and poking.. or taking the baby on a laundry basket ride now the stairs with ill-intention). It's scary, but in some cases necessary. Some children grow up twisted, and it's not their fault. It's just what they know. As the new mom of one of these intrusive little people in a home with 2 other children (both different mothers so they're somewhat used to the blended family thing), I am biased in saying that a situation like this is something I would keep an eye on, and I would not leave my BS alone with either of his half-brothers if they showed any sort of that behaviour. I won't take the risk, plain and simple. Though, OP's situation sounds like a mild one and just a child who thinks they're not as loved as this new little alien.

Lyn321's picture

My ss (14 & 12) treat my bd (4) like shit! My oldest ss treats her good if he's here alone, but when Lucifer (12 yr old ss) shows up, they think its cool as hell to treat my bd like s#|+.