Ex-wife and Facebook
Hi, I'm new here, hope it's okay to jump in with an issue and hoping for some good advice!
Anyone else dealing with ex-wife making Facebook friends with your in-laws and friends? They've been divorced over 10 years and she hasn't had any contact with his family since. DH made a FB account recently, he has only 25 friends. Suddenly his ex is a new friend with a few of them and I suspect she's friend requested more and they either declined or haven't gotten around to accepting yet. I admit I'm not happy to see her name come up again and again in my family & friends comments. Plus too we have the same last name. A few times she has "liked" the same thing my DH has, putting only their two names together. Maybe she's done so on purpose? Makes me not want to comment/like and I feel like telling my DH not to either.
How do others deal with this?
Block her it is! Simple
Block her it is! Simple enough. Thanks!
I blocked SK as well - I
I blocked SK as well - I think he was hurt, had to have a conversation that included the mediator. I explained that while I understood this may upset him, that he knew how much his mother disliked me and I felt that he couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't have access and I wasn't ok with her using his profile to see me (again like many there is nothign bad on it).
It wasn't weeks later SHE proved me right. Stole his phone, started sifting through it all. Had him change passwords (him and DH had a parent/child agreement) and basically took it over...AND is notw using MY teenage DS against me (stupid F* teenagers).
Block, and block anyone you think would be on her side.
peace of mind.
okay, DH and I will block. So
okay, DH and I will block.
So does anyone feel betrayed by family accepting ex's friend requests? It hurt my feelings to notice his cousin who I am quite friendly with and we socialize with regularly. And now I'm thinking there'll probably be more who accept her as FB friend.
It's no good realizing she'll always be in our life in all sorts of ways ~ not happy being 2nd wife tonight :sick:
No, this doesn't bother me at
No, this doesn't bother me at all. I don't think DF's family has to end relationships they have had for years (crazy BM about 20 years, nice BM about 17 years).
They do not invite her (crazy) to dinner, weddings, parties, BBQs.... They don't sing her praises or constantly bring her name up when I'm around.
I blocked the crazy one years ago so I never see anything she post or likes on facebook.
If you're close with hist
If you're close with hist family I think you should be able to tell them how it makes you feel and perhaps they'll unfriend her.
Our BM is a stalker. SHe follows every single thing I do, everything I post on fb or instagram. it's nuts. I think you're right - she's just watching you because she has no life.
Agree with Echo! Same thing
Agree with Echo! Same thing happened to me with my ex hub. He friended my famz and friends on FB and they accepted. I sent them all a message telling them if he was still there in a week, I was deleting them both from FB AND my life. They all blocked him within 2 days.
They need to show YOU loyalty. Sometimes our famz and friends don't realise the impact of this and this is when we need to tell them.
Hopefully, they and your DH will understand and block her immeditely.
I was addicted to CrackBook
I was addicted to CrackBook for a long time. I have two adult kids in another state, so I justified having a CrackBook account for ease in keeping touch, sharing pictures, etc. All the excuses we all use.
Set yourself free, get rid of your account.
I've been CrackBook-free for 15 months now and have never missed it. Thought I would miss it, but I don't.
That's all well and good…but
That's all well and good…but what about "StepCrack". How do I free myself from this new guilty pleasure! }:)
LOL!! I'm guilty too. At
LOL!! I'm guilty too. At least StepCrack isn't as personally confrontational. Did I just make an excuse for my StepCrack addiction? Whoa. I need to attend a meeting.
@tabby yabby do" I'll sign
@tabby yabby do" I'll sign off if you'll sign off! JK I got to get some more done around here! Have a great Friday all.