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Help, Annoyed!!!

Dee84's picture

I have a tyrant SS and I dont like him much but I do love him, hes spoiled and takes no responsibility for anyting and his dad lets him. I think is from years of being in prison and his son in foster care, he has that syndome of guilt. So I have 2 girls of my own 12 and 13 going on 14, the problem with this is they are watching his behavior as well and I see them trying to do what he does with his father. I dont play that, so we dont get along as he is disrespectful and has no cares in the world at age 22, he spends his money on junk food and eats all our food as well. His youngest brother who now lives with us he is 16 is now disrespectful, sneaky and is acting like him as well. He is very disturbing to the other kids when they are trying to do homework, chores etc. Try to addrss any issues, he makes it seem as if Im picking on him. The other issue is his grandmother(Husbands mother)whom is very negative and judgmental first, I think shes a narcissist she is unemployed currently and my step son is paying her bills, which is nice but she also comes to my home and try to run my home as she pleases. She will just come by and do things without asking us if we want it done. Example- added items to my front garden as if to say it looks tacky, we werent moving fast enough for her. She even brings food she likes to cook for us to cook and items that I dont even use in my home as I am very heath concious. I am thankful but there is so much that I see is disrespectful and no consequences for actions. This is just the last 6 months, after moving back here from Florida its as if I can see all of the issues I was afraid to talk about before. I can add more detail but this is what ive got this morning. Am I crazy?


tog redux's picture

So, as is common on here, your DH is the problem, he's allowing these people to behave this way. 

captjacksprrw's picture

You will not change a 22 YO (Trust me on that one) nor will you be able to get him to nove out and launch on your own.  Sit down with DH, communicate openly and see a decent counselor.  Yes, this adult manchild is also at fault but the crux of the issue is the marriage.  That lesson took me about 4 years and a lot of issues that now need worked through in order to realize. If DH will not come to his senses and work with you as his equal partner, then you may have to consider options.

Dee84's picture

This is so true!!! Its different when coming from someone else I have never felt like his equal partner more like a help for hire or conveniently take up the slack for him (parenting)when he doesnt feel like it. -Manchild Syndrome. Sometimes I wonder if he even realizes this is very wrong and the atmosphere is unhealthy longterm, for everyone. Thank you for this.

ESMOD's picture

Why was your DH in prison.. why was his kid in foster care.. are you sure this is a healthy environment for two preteen girls?  It sounds a bit like this situation was rushed into and perhaps would have been better to live apart until the kids were old enough to be out of the home.

Dee84's picture

Yes!!! I should have waited. DH has a history of which I wasnt aware the extent in the begining, so rushed into is correct. We lived togther and I moved away for 1 year and returned this year -way too fast. His kid was in fostercare as there was noone there to take care of him in another state. When he was returned he was abused in numerous ways, this is now concerning to me as I have returned and my girls get older.

shellpell's picture

I wouldn't have two young teen daughters around older, disrespectful non-related males, no way, no how. If daddy doesn't get the 22-year-old out and the younger one on track, I would move out and raise my girls in a calm, peaceful environment.

Dee84's picture

Amen!!! Yes I decided a few montha ago we will be moving this January or end of the school year(so far way) it couldnt come any faster. Which sucks because I do still love them all. Thank you for this

Winterglow's picture

What the others said plus tale MIL's key away from her. It is not her hime and she shouldn't have unlimited access.