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Hi I'm new - Have crazy blended family issues, I doubt I'm unique... HELP!

bluecollarmoxie's picture

I'm engaged to a man. We've been together 2 years.

He was with a woman for 11 years before me, married for 5 of them. He had separated before meeting me. We're together, have no children, plan on getting married. His divorce has been finalized a year.

She is older than him. Had been married before, had 3 children. When they met, there was girl A Diablo girl B (4) and boy J (6mo) he was with them for 11 years. Her first ex husband committed suicide. A few years in they got pregnant, boy A (may 2005). They got married, divorced later.

Now, girl A (18) is not around. Girl B(16) not around. Boy J (12 years old) considers my fiance his father and comes around. He is an absolute angel. But then there's the biological child (boy A) who is a NIGHTMARE.

Boy A tells Boy J that he's more important because he actually has a dad, and that his dad is not Boy J's Dad. Boy A is 8, and honestly believes he's better than everyone. My Fiance perpetuates these ideas, despite the fact that he says Boy J is just as important.

Boy A put my laptop under the truck, so it was run over and destroyed. Boy A puts wedding photos all over our home. Boy A spits on me, starts shit, calls me names, and then cries and denies it to my fiance, thus causing huge problems. Boy A has just failed 2nd grade, and says it's my fault because I ruined his family.

My Fiance has started to get cross with me because Boy A says he isn't comfortable with me.

I just don't know what to do. Trying to be nice hasn't gotten me anywher.e

CrazyWithConfusion's picture

Stop it now. It will not get better unless your fiance trusts you enough to know that you are truthful with him. For me it is not about the child, I love my skids, although I do not like the way they behave. But they behave how they are allowed to behave, thats what children do. If he sides with the boy, take a second look at where you are headed. My DH takes the side of his SD regardless. Tells me I am the adult and should put up with it. I did not see it coming, I cried everyday. Stress. Had to go see a counsellor because DH made me feel so worthless and continually blamed me. Before committing to this marriage, I would suggest you look for a way to ensure this will not become a way of life. Good luck to you.

Jellybeam's picture

Spits on you? I would tell DH you're not comfortable with that! There's no way in hell I would put up with that. don't have any advice except maybe spit back. Oh, and destroy the most expensive favorite thing the kid and/or dh own, make a wreath out of it and hang it on your front door.