How insulting
I am so pissed at my husband. He buys his son (17, we live in the USA) alcohol, he buys him weed, he lets him sleep at his girlfriend's house and last night he asks me "should I pick him up or let him sleep at his girlfriend's house?" Like apparently my opinion matters now, and not before he already said yes to these ( in my opinion) stupid ideas in the past. And AFTER I already voiced my opposition.
I keep my jewelry, and personal alcohol locked up because I don't want his son touching them. (He's stolen from me in the recent past) I want no culpability here. Some days I wonder why I married into this family. I truly hate to say that. I think my husband is a kind person but seriously! Get it together! You're only hurting your kid if you have no healthy boundaries.
Kind… but stupid.
Yeah, this would be hill to
Yeah, this would be hill to die on and I would file for divorce and call the cops.
Hope he turns 18 soon. You do
Hope he turns 18 soon. You do realize he is putting your home and anthing in joint name at risk should something happen?