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I need some advice

Newyorker's picture

Just would like to start by saying hello and thank you for having me.

I will try to make this short and sweet.

My current situation. Married 3 years with 2 step sons (7, 10), 1 biological son (2), and my daughter (9) lives with her mother.

I have visitation with my daughter just about 2 times a week and every other weekend, holidays and what not. I get her pretty often.

My Wife very caring , nurturing women but has big time issues with my daughters mother. she doesn't believe she properly prepares my daughter for school, visitation, and life in general. My wife has spoken badly about mother to my daughter and has also given this mother a piece of her mind on few occasions. Now i would agree with her points but do not agree with delivery methods which are screaming profanities and what not. Situation is beyond casual constructive criticisms. My wife would assault this woman if giving the opportunity (crazy i know).

It slowly got to this point but non the less is here. I cant blame anyone, perhaps my self. but it has taken on it own life. My wife actually doesn't even want me speaking to this woman and only wants email communication, which i think is crazy, so i speak to her.

now there is more to this but a particular situation arose that has me really assessing my marriage.

My past weekend with my daughter started with my mother getting my daughter because i had work that night and then passing her off to my wife. we had an early morning outing and required my daughter be there when we woke. My wife did HW and studied with my daughter. next day all went well. Sunday came and things got really bad. I was studying with my daughter and not using index cards my wife made up and she basically flipped. We were laying on the couch and i would review word and she would give me meaning. It was also dark in the room. Anyways my wife got upset and started yelling that I'm not teaching her proper technique of studying, she also questioned my daughter why she wasn't using these index cards. Well from here it escalated and in the end she thought my daughter was disrespectful.

THIS is the part that gets bad. She then proceeded to berate my daughter about her mother and me and then said that me and her were going to get divorced and that my daughter was the reason for it. She also told my daughter that she no longer is welcome in our home and that she should take a good look around because she isn't coming there anymore. This was at a high pitch scream that was so unnerving that i had to physically get in between them and then remove my wife from the room. there was plenty more which in sued and was said, i cant recall everything. It was really bad. As i was listening it got to the point of me thinking NO No NO , dont say that! like a slow motion sort of action. I didnt see it coming. Oh she also tried to hit me and i had to restrain her. Also the 7 year old and 2 year old were also present.

PS it been a week i have been having visitation at my parents until my wife acknologs her actions and apologizes to my daughter and her mother. I dont wanna bring my daughter to my home, but the mother told me i cant and if i do she will call BCW and go to court to file a restrainig order of some sort. i know that not possible, but i agree with her. how can i bring her daughter into this environment. first thing we agreed about in years. Smile

anyways i know i am leaving out alot but this is the gist of it and it has me questioning my marriage. My wife blames me for driving her to this point. I may be a bad husband or whatever but i believe nobody makes you do anything and that children should not be spoken to that way.

I love my wife, but she making me make a choice between her and my daughter. I choose my daughter i will never let anyone hurt her.

So what do you think?

It was long sorry.

sparky's picture

Your wife is mentally disturbed and she needs help. Your daughter should not be around her because I am sure she scared the kd to death. Its time for her to put her big girl panties on and realize that she is the adult and she needs to take responsibility for her actions. Eventually it may get a lot better, but this will always be between your wife and your daughter. Your former wife is right and you need to keep your daughter away from her.

decodonna0909's picture

As a stepmother to 4 SDs and a BM (2 daughters), I sympathize with your wife (my SDs are very difficult), however, we must NEVER blame children for shortcomings in our relationships and they should never be involved in arguments between the adults. Your wife may need some counselling as well as family sessions with all the children. It's a tough situation. Tell your wife that everyone benefits from cooperation and the ability to respect one another and to respect boundaries. The children also need to learn this so everyone can co-exist peacefully. Good luck...

Most Evil's picture

What has happened in the past that your wife feels she was driven to this? It sounds like she has reached her limit and may indeed welcome a split, so if that is what you want it may be for the best for all of you.

But I would consider your wife's perspective and what has led to this, as a learning experience for you in any future relationships.
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

livinthedream's picture

I have come close to blowing up like your wife did quite a few times & I understand where her frustration comes from. Sometimes we feel left out & it can fester inside of us until we blow up like a volcano. Your wife went thru the trouble of making up the index cards. Also, your wife takes care of your children, which to me is going above & beyond. I understand your wife's frustration with BM. It is a competitive situation. I have a rule that there are no arguements,blowing up or blaming around kids.