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I need to vent...I love you guys :)

quippers01's picture

Before I start I just want to say how great it is to have a place like this to get it all out of my head. It's like having a support group at my fingertips. Thank you all for your advice, sympathy, and for just sharing your stories so the rest of us know we are not alone. I found this site when I googled "can't stand stepkid" and got a link to the "I can't stand my stepdaughter thread" and it is still one of my favorites.

Warning: I am on pain meds so some of this may not make sense, please bare with me. :?

Now for my rant: For the last 2 weeks I have been in excruciating pain due to a medical issue. I will spare you from all the details because it's pretty disgusting. :sick: For 2 weeks I have been on the couch in the fetal posission with tears in my eyes (which I don't do), except to go to the bathroom and to get water to take pain meds and 3 trips to the Dr and one to the ER.

My H has been pretty great during all this. Always asking if I need anything, if there is anything he can do to help, and if I'm ok. Even though after the 100th time it got really annoying it's still really sweet that he was so caring. I'm the kind of person who prefers to handle things on my own wherever possible but I will ask for help when it's needed. I did not want to be a constant burden so I tried to do what I could myself and said to hell with the rest (chores and what not). Luckily my own kids are at their BF's for the summer so I didn't have to worry about tending to them.

My H went with me to an appt earlier this week that I thought I could handle on my own but ended up being so thankful that he insisted on going and told him so. For the first time since he has known me he saw me cry like a little girl whose kitten just had it's head stomped on. I hardly ever cry so this was a big deal and he knew that I was in serious pain. I can honestly say it was worse than childbirth (the epidural is the greatest invention ever)and even before the epidural I did not break. In the Dr.'s office my husband said I've never seen her like this, she's one of the toughest people I know. Now I'm not saying this to brag, I'm just trying to make it clear that my husband was well aware of what this all was doing to me anad how out of my element I was.

So what the Dr did during that visit didn't solve the problem and a day later I was right back where I started. I made another appt and it happened to be the next day and at the same time he had to leave to get his kid for the weekend (2 hrs away). Now let me point out that I know how much his time with her means to him and I ask for only 5 minutres of his attention during their time to say goodbye before work. Outside of that it's all their time as far as I'm concerned and I'm ok with that. I'm saying this so no one gets the wrong idea and thinks I'm acting like a jealous teenager competeing for his attention.

Now the reason I'm upset is because knowing how bad the last appt was and having a full day to try and reschedule his visit it never even crossed his mind that being there for me when I was in so much pain and terrified of going back was more important than playing barbies and tending to the princess this weekend. There's a good chance due to schedules that BM would not have wanted to nor could she accomodate this but he didn't even try which just made me feel like a serious problem that I desperately needed my husband's support for was less important than the possibility of disappointing his kid. He was all about being there for me as long as it didn't interfere with anything else he had planned. I'm just so hurt and wondering why he keeps telling me he will always be there for me when the one time I truely needed him more than I have ever needed anyone, he chose barbie playtime over my very serious pain and fear.

So I went to my appt (I could barely walk BTW) which was more involved than the last one so it was also longer and more painful. Thank God for that wonderful nurse. When I got home I packed a bag and left for my sister's for the weekend. He called to check on me and I told him I was going to her house for a couple of days and he just couldn't understand why. I tried to explain that I was scared and hurting and wanted to be somewhere that I wouldn't be alone. He said he would be there so I'm not alone. By "be there" he meant during the times he wasn't out and about spending a small fortune entertaining the kid. So, I told him no he wouldn't be and that he already has his hands full. When she is there she is very needy and demanding of his attention so if he did try to tend to me she would be right there up his butt and it just wasn't something I wanted to deal with all weekend. At this point he starts in with the whole "you hate my kid" argument and insists that is why I am leaving.

First of all I do not hate his kid, I just can't stand being around the two of them together. It's nauseating, irritating and I am just not up for the toll it takes on me right now. I've tried to explain this to him, that it's not her I can't stand, it's the behavior he encourages in her that I can't stand. He doesn't get it but whatever, that's a whole different rant. We have only been married a couple of months and together for about a year and although there is so much love between us I just don't see how I can spend my wholel life with this man who can't see past enjoying being a 5 year old's bitch to make choices from time to time that she may not like. It will certainly not endanger his relationship with her to also care for his relationship with his wife. This incident has done some very real damage to us and my ability to feel like I can count on him when it really matters. I don't want him to put his kid second to me I just need him to be able to see that on rare occaisions I will truely need him more and for him to have the courage to risk a minor disappointment to her. We all have to experience disappointments in our life. You can either let the kids experience the little ones while they are young so they develope the skills to cope with them as adults or shield them from it all and watch them melt down as adults when you can no longer protect them from the world.

Thank you for letting me vent, I already feel a little better...may be the dose of pain meds I just took kicking in though Biggrin

Kay2's picture

It seems to me that you did everything you could to accomodate your husband and his daughter, regardless of how much pain you were in (physical and emotional). He should have been greatful that you were even willing to do that. I totally agree with you that he should have atleast tried to make other arrangements. Or put his foot down with her when she came.(judging by your previous posts, I am unsure on whether or not he would do so). It sounds like you need to have a serious discussion with him on this matter, and figure out if this is something that you are going to be able to live with. You have to put you first, because in this situation no one else will.

quippers01's picture

On one hand I want to say it's nice that someone understands what severe pain can do to a person but on the other I am so sorry you can understand. I don't wish that kind of pain on anyone. So far what they did at the last visit seems to be helping. I'm still in pain but it's not crippling pain anymore. As for meds, here's the the middle of all this I found out I was pregnant so there is only so much they can do in that regard.

I have so much going on and am crushed that my H just doesn't get it. I already have 2 kids and did not want anymore. H felt the same and had volunteered to get snipped but never actually made the appt. I didn't push because I felt bad that he would have to go through that. After all this I don't feel so bad anymore but too little too late now. I don't want to have a child with a man who can't be there when he's needed. What if our child ever needs medical attention? Will I be left to take care of it on my own because SD has a scheduled visit or a recital or whatever trivial thing he may choose over a child we have together. Guilt is a very powerful thing but why have a child that may lose out due to his guilt over his other child. I'm truely at a loss and feel so very alone right now.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

There have only been 2imes I've told dh that I didn't want him to go ahead with scheduled visitation on a weekend both were when I gave birth!! So I understand. After childirth I felt like being alone, still sore and medicated for pain, exhasted, etc. You just don't want to deal with someone else's kid and you really need dh's help. I'm sorry he wasn't there for you. When DD was born (a fri night) I was dh's weekend. I told him not a good idea- ss stool came and even stayed one night in the hospital with us. Talk about totally uncomfortable. I hated it and was so mad that JUST THIS ONCE he couldn't reschedule or something. Then when number 3 was born, the following weekend ss came over. That time wasn't so bad because I could just hide (sleep) in my room. But I totally feel for you!! And to make it worse you were in pain. Just know that one day he'll be in pain and need you to help him. At thy point he'll realize what a jerk he was.

quippers01's picture

Thank you so very much. I am feeling better, what the Dr did this last time seemed to help as I am now able to move about the house for a bit and the pain meds are more effective. My sister and her H have been great.

He has been playing that card ever since I tried to explain the way I see things from my point of view. I did this with as much delicacy as possible because I know none of us take well to having our parenting attacked. I stressed that it wwas her behavior, not her specifically, that I had a problem with. That conversation went well but I think he just bit his tongue because he comes right out with that little gem in any argument we have now and most of which have nothing to do with her at all. I think he just wants me to keep explaining myself because he can't understand how someone could not fall head over heels in love with his kid.

quippers01's picture

Wow, I really don't know how you survived that for all those years. I would have snapped by the end of the first year. Actually I think I'm pretty close to it now. I'll be damn if I would have H's kid around even a week after giving birth. The last thing any woman needs after that is stress and her visits are nothing but stressful to me. I would tell him to take her to his parents house for their visit and if he wouldn't I would probably go to mine...which would just make me angrier to have haul a new baby and my other 2 kids out in that condition. You are a much stronger woman than I. I am sorry to hear your H has to put up with their ungratefulness after being so determined to keep them around at all costs but I'm glad to here you are finally getting a break from the stress. How I long for the days when BM refused to let my H see his kid.