Is it normal to...
Is it normal for DH to speak in third person with SD16 and SD12? He'll always say "daddy loves you" or "daddy has to work late tonight" or "do you understand what daddy is saying?" - you get the gist. I feel it's very childish and it drives me crazy to hear him speak like that to a young woman of 16! What are your views?
I don't think it's abnormal
I don't think it's abnormal enough to say anything. Certainly not more than once.
If they're that old, then
If they're that old, then yeah, I think it's weird, but I guess we all do whatever's comfortable. I've never talked to my boys that way. BM still talks to them in baby talk sometimes, and they're 9, 8, and 7. It's bizarre to me, but normal to them. That's just the way they do it.
DH talks to his boys that way, too, sometimes. He seems to be getting better about it, though. He doesn't do it as often as he used to. If the boys were teenagers, I think I'd probably say something about it. It's really up to him how he addresses them, though.
Unfortunately, I think you're
Unfortunately, I think you're right. It just seems unfair that we stepmoms need to adapt, change and conform to THEIR parenting styles, no matter how gut wrenching or inappropriate we find it, because THEY are the parents! My SDs live with us full time and it doesn't seem to matter how DHs parenting style makes me feel at all.
then sorry but i think your
then sorry but i think your dp is wrong. As your step children live in YOUR house with you full time, it should matter what you think and feel. You are inadvertently raising them along side of your dp.