Just wanted to say thank you for opening up my eyes!
I am very happy to have found this site after reading what a lot of you had to say I have to say that I was def being very spoiled and not thinking of what I actually have in front of me. A lot of you have issues that would make me go crazy. I only have one SD who will be turning 18 in 4 months. Although I can't stand how unmotivated she is and how she only calls my DH for money or material things, and she's just not academically functional (Im a teacher so I am raising all my kids that education is first) I have to say that I don't have to deal with a fourth of what a lot of you put up with daily. No BM to deal with as she passed four months after DH and I met, SD hasn't lived with us in over a year n now that we just bought our new home she is saying she doesnt want to live there because her and DH don't have the best relationship, and she just mentioned leaving for the NAVY again today. MY DH is great with my preteen and 6 year old that are my BD's and of course with our son and the one the on way. Also BM had no real fam except my SD's sister that is not related to my DH and lives in Mexico. I feel that a lot of you here are a lot stronger than I could ever be I'm not sure I could survive with an evil BM around my DH is lucky that unfortunate for my BD's they have a father who is not in picture only pays cs and lives in another state so he doesn't deal with drama basically he's been Daddy and since he doesn't complain, pays for all their things, and takes them to doctors appointments, etc. I have to take back my last blog and say that I will pray for myself to continue having patience and get rid of ill feelings towards SD and I will pray for all of you with so many things going on. Thank you for sharing it has really helped me see that what I have is not so bad after all.