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making room

ao's picture

This is my dilema....if I'm wrong plz tell me
my adult sd moved back in with us after being on her own for 4 yrs, however she's hardly ever at home maybe 2 or 3 days a week. She spends more time with boyfriend cuz he lives closer to her job and school. The problem I offered to help my sister with two kids by letting her live with us till she can get on her feet. I didn't expect my sd to still be in our extra room and now its time for my sister to come over and I ask my hubby if sd can share bedrm with younger sd and he totally I wrong here?

poisonivy's picture

No, imo, you are not wrong. Sounds like everybody in the "family" is making sacrifices to help each other out. Welcome back to the "family", SD.

DH and I have ongoing conversations about this type of thing. When skids are here, he doesn't want to bore or burden them with chores (bios have them). Fine. But, when its time to go to the movies or get allowance, he wants skids included. How convenient, but I don't think so.

A family sacrifices together.

sixteensmom's picture

How old is the younger sd? Does she live with you too? Will your sister and her two kids all share older sd room? Why does he get to decide who lives in which rooms in your home? How long has older sd lived with you?