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blackandwhiteangel's picture

:? dh is confused, hurt, angry, sad, I understand why, he cant see his alleged bs right now, hes assuming the worst, thinks he will never ever see alleged bs again. he didnt want to get thru it with me as a couple, we have never gotten thru anything as a couple

bcuz we cant talk, c

onnect, we just argue, fight n yell. he left lastnight bcuz we kept arguing, I kept tryin to apologize, talk calmly n he kept blowin up. he seemed to be planning on leaving, called the gawdawful mil over to put his tools/ toolbox on her car( hes an auto tech) . hes sad and hurt he cant see his alleged bs right now, I confronted bm about the paternity of their child bcuz she confronted me bout paternity of my oldest bs, I admit it wasnt my bizz, I caused trouble but my intentions werent to keep dh away fr his bs. dh just takes bms s&$@ n threats w/ his head down n his tail btween his legs, I had to say something n bm is always purposely causing trouble tries to break us up, makes up lies, rumours, bm controls n manipulates dh, shes never wanted me w/ dh shes insane n posessive. so yeah I feel like dirt I wasnt tryin to hurt dh n his alleged bs, bm got her family and dhs family involved cried to them sayin im mean n pickn on her for nothing just cuz I hate her. I confronted her bcuz she was making threats to dh. so he left lastnight, he was furious, hurting, sad, confused, said he wants to break up then he doesnt, said he needs time alone, I agreed, he left and has bn txtn me all night, drunk, not making sense n bn mean calling me every name in the book. im a recovering alcoholic I have bn sober over 2 years now, he cant quit, hes tried cheating on 2 occasions im aware of when he was drunk, blacked out, he cant stay sober 1-6 mo. always finds an excuse blames me, lifes too hard, some1 passes away, some1s birthday, if we're arguing, arguing w/ bm, idk what to do he has lied so much, cant quit drinking, tried cheating he cant get over my past he cant forgive me bcuz I confronted bm n caused trouble bcuz his alleged bs is bn kept away for awhile, hes assuming the worst, hes told me hes friends w ex dhs of bms family bms sisters bm n her sisters r so mental, posessive, obsessive other exes have had to stay away fr their kids w bms sisters for a few yrs cuz it was just too hard, impossible live w their drama so ive bn tellin dh he should stay away maybe for awhile til his alleged bs is a bit older able understand everything n try accept me n mine n dhs baby. dh is extremely over emotional kinda dramatic jumps to his conclusions, believes all rumours, goes on his assumptions, im worried I know bms bm drank while she carried bm n bm drank when she carried her baby always wonder if dhs bm drank while she carried him too hes so much like bm idk what do I do now? just let him go? give him his space like we planned, so he can drink let it all out ?

Orange County Ca's picture

"Never gotten through anything as a couple". So a marriage doesn't exist and never has. Lets cut the losses and move on.