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PAS Campaign: Can the SP be the "target"? * Venting Session, also - sorry *

Sleepless's picture


Holding myself back and without going into any of the real history and specifics, I posted before under the subject line "In re SD12 - Advice Please!" and am very grateful for the responses I got there. Most seemed to think that this is a case of PAS and I have since been reading up on it. I, however, now find myself feeling increasingly wary, distrusting, morbid and, yes, angry.

I need to "vent". I need to get off my chest how I am feeling. I have been quiet for too long. I also have questions. And there is no safer place than amongst strangers. Strangers can be objective. A BP can't. In the result, I don't even try to talk to my DH about any of this. In turn, that leaves me feeling frustrated and alone.

No condemnation please! I couldn't handle it right now. I am ACUTELY aware of the fact that I am an adult and that SD12 is a child. That does not, however, make my situation any easier on me. It only tells me that I am EXPECTED to robotically "suck it up". It doesn't magic away my own emotional experience / needs or those of MY children.

Where are the resources for the SP? Everything that I have read speaks to the needs of the SC and how to best handle these situations in THEIR best interests. What becomes of the SP and their children during the process? Are SPs expected to just be emotionless nobodies? And what of our own offspring and how the SC's behaviour is affecting them / their home life?

Here's my story, my experience, MY truth:

I love my DH and I am in for the long haul, but we come from very different backgrounds. DH is a good looking man and, when he was younger, he was a player of note. He had one woman after the other, including SD's BM. BM fell pregnant soon after they met and subsequently asked him to marry her (she actually went so far as to formally propose to him). He declined and they split ways. This was over a decade ago and there is no CO governing visitation and access. They simply proceeded on the basis of him seeing SD every second weekend and in school holidays, subject to the whims and dictates of whatever mood BM is in. SD has historically also been included in all his family's significant ocassions (provided BM has agreed to her inclusion).

Over the years, both BM and DH have had one relationship after the other, to which SD was exposed. At present, BM is living with a man with whom she has had two further children, in close succession. DH and I are married and have also had a child together. So, I get it. SD has not has an easy life and she has had to make a lot of adjustments over the past few years, especially.

BM and I are polar opposites. I am a responsible adult, who comes from a stable family background and maintain a professional high-stress, high income job. I am reserved and serious. BM is a flighty, immature drama queen, who believes in magic and fairies (no jokes) and has nothing to show for her life. She is one of those people who is constantly looking for attention from and gossiping about others. You know the type that inherently has it in them to stoop so low (verbally and otherwise), that any self respecting individual would rather avoid them, than confront them? One of those who use social media to self promote, forever telling others how "amaze-balls" and "awesome" and "beautiful" they are, whereas in reality they are just a normal, run of the mill, plain Jane like most of the rest of us? The type who claims to have "less than zero" interest in DH's personal affairs, but then uses SD as a spy and makes use of every available opportunity to discuss him and his private affairs with others? The type who without fail receives CS every month, but feels the need to text each month, before it is due, demanding that it be paid (like DH is going to ignore the CO). The type who supports SD in her sudden refusal to visit DH, telling him not to bother fetching her, but then goes behind his back and sends SD to stay with her cousins (HIS brother's family) for the weekend, only for him to discover this on Facebook when photos of the weekend are posted by his sister-in-law? [The irony also is that within a few weeks of DH and I having married, BM (who doesn't know me from a bar of soap) suddenly wanted SD to come and live with us full time because she "wasn't coping" with her. At the time, we were not agreeable to same. Yet now BM claims that "she doesn't know what goes on in our house, because she doesn't pry into our business", but that SD is extremely "unsettled" about coming to us and doesn't want to see us anymore. Also that it will be over her dead body that SD will ever live with us.] THAT is who BM is. She and I have NO common ground, she loves to claim that DH is responsible for SD coming from a "broken home" (actually, there was no "home" to begin with) and she irritates the living daylights out of me.

Insofar as SD is concerned: In the beginning, I genuinely liked her and was even willing to concede that, despite all her tartiness, BM didn't do a bad job raising her. Now I'm not so sure and, with hindsight, there were warning signs that all was not as it appeared to be. I just didn't know what I was dealing with.

To begin with, SD was lovely, polite, helpful, engaged, caring and openly supportive of DH and my relationship. She actively encouraged us to get married and also genuinely seemed to care for my child. When I fell pregnant and subsequently had a child with DH, she also genuinely appeared happy for us and to care for our baby. We then bought a house (we had been renting till then) and were excited about now having a lovely home, with a room for each of the kids and a big garden and pool, for our kids to grow up in. But soon after, things began to take a turn for the worse.

SD started getting sent to us on a weekend with a bag full of dirty clothes, no toiletries and filthy dirty. I'm not exaggerating. It was DH who first commented on how the child stinks and in what a shocking condition her clothes are. She would ask to use my GHD and the whole house would reek of oil from her hair, afterwards. She'd come to us with hair riddled full of lice. She'd be menstruating and have no sanitary provisions. I'd buy, she'd leave and I'd find used sanitary towels thrown into her cupboard and dirty laundry just shoved into her drawers. She started dressing increasingly inappropriately, with low cut tops, bright coloured bras sticking out and skin tight pants (she's not a slim girl either). Then the pouting started. Whenever there was any ocassion, be it granny's birthday or a family BBQ, she would mope around until someone asked her what was wrong (nothing would actually be wrong) and only then would she stop pouting and sulking. Exhorbitant demands for material things suddenly started, whereas my husband is not a wealthy man. Demands for lavish parties and designer clothes. Comments also started being passed by her, in my hearing, that my 4x4 (mine, that I paid for) was going to become hers when she can drive. Then the lies started. Lies at home, lies at school and even lies at her church youth group. And stealing. From us, from others... and not small amounts either. Oh, and the manipulation! Every audience gets a different story about the same event. She knows exactly how to work on each individual's unique weaknesses and sympathies. ...Then boys and lies about boys. Sneaking out to meet them. Unsavoury, gangster types. After that, my BD5 also started becomming emotional after SD had been around. When questioned, I was told that SD gives her hidings behind my back (!!!) and that she tells her that DH is not her real father (her real father disappeared during my pregnancy and she doesn't know anyone other than DH as a father, so this is extremely confusing to her and difficult for me to handle). Then SD took the angle of "needing to talk to someone" and tried to tell me details about DH's sexual past, e.g. "He had a one night stand with a woman with the same name as you and I heard them having sex all night. I'm still so traumatised by it." These are but a few incidents. If I list every occurrence, we'll be here for weeks.

Then the sudden, inexplicable withdrawal from us occurred. SD out of the blue, on the day that she was due to come to us for a weekend, asked him to phone her and then informed him that she has decided that she needed to "emotionally withdraw and detach herself" from him and would no longer be coming to us for weekends. When asked why, she told him it is because when she comes for a weekend, she wants him to do things with her without the rest of us - she wants it to be just he and she on weekends, like it was before he got married. She also proceeded to tell him that she effectively blames me for how she feels and that she is "extremely upset". She added that if he wants to see her, he can come and take her out alone and go and do something with her, to our exclusion. Then BM jumped on the bandwagon and every subsequent weekend when SD was supposed to come to us, DH would get a msg telling him not to bother fetching her. BM also took away SD's mobile phone, making it impossible for DH to contact her without going via BM. During his most recent conversation with SD, he asked when she would be coming to us again. Her response, without any emotion in her tone (it almost sounded fake and rehearsed) was: "I don't know, hey. I'm still extremely upset and I am still thinking about whether or not I want to come to you." When he made ready to end the call, she quickly interjected: "But you can come and fetch me after my exams and take me out alone".

The situation is bizarre. There was absolutely no trigger, from our end, for this behavior. There is NOTHING that ever happened under our roof that substiates the allegation that she is so extremely upset. She was at all times treated lovingly. Actually, she was spoilt. And I am the one who is most guilty of that. I tried so hard not to treat her differently to my own, that I actually gave her more of my time, energy, attention and money.

I feel like I am being targeted in what is either a joint operation between SD and BM or a singular venture by SD to get rid of me and to break up our family. She never asks how my BD and I are. Only how DH and our daughter together are. Like its "them" vs "us". She has no regard for what she is doing and seems devoid of guilt or genuine emotion. I don't know if I am capable of ever feeling the same towards her and I entirely distrust her now. I don't like what is happening to my BD, who is confused. She says that SD doesn't really love us because she doesn't come to us anymore. How I am meant to explain things to her? I am also scared of what SD might be capable of and question whether I should ever be alone with her again, in the future. Am I being paranoid? Or is there reason for caution?

My question: Everything that I've read up on PAS indicates that it is usually directed at one of the biological parents. In my case, it seems indirectly directed at DH, but that the real target and the true motive here is to get rid of me. Is that something that happens? And what do we do in the circumstances? I feel like our lives are being held ransom by a 12 year old!

Sleepless's picture

My post may have been a tad on the long side - LOL - but I feel a bit better having let it out (even if it's too much for others to read). Thanks for your reply.

Rags's picture

You should consider yourself and your family fortunate that the toxic presence of your SD is no longer interfering in your family and in your home.

I know she is 12 and being manipulated by her BM but as a parent I would not tolerate SD-12 having the negative influence that she has on your two younger children.

As for your DH being your BD-5's dad ... he is her dad. The only REAL dad she has ever had. I am that to my SS-21 and have been since his mom and I started dating when he was 15mos old. I was the first person he ever called Dad(dy) and it was his choice. A child who has a loving father, regardless of the biology involved, should not have that love and trust polluted by a toxic influence even if that toxic influence is another child.

Yes, PAS can be targeted at a Sparent. The SpermClan definitely targeted their PAS efforts on me. I think that this happens because as a Sparent who is the same gender as the toxic BioParent in the blended family opposition they fail by comparison. My DW was no threat to the DickHead SpermIdiot so he never targeted her. Not that it would have done him any good if he had. DW had SS at 16 and went on to graduate with her HS class with honors, a dual major BS with honors, an MBA with honors and is successful CPA. SpermGrandMa sure did though. DickHead's PAS focus was on me as was a significant part of SpermGrandMa's ire because as a degreed engineer, graduate degreed high income professional they could not hide the abject failure status of the SpermIdiot who is a voluntarily intermittently employed plumber with 4 out of wedlock spawn by 3 different baby mamas. My SS is his eldest and our only. The SpermGrandParents paid his CS on my SS for the 17+ years of the COs, they continue to pay the CS on spawn #2 while raising spawn #s 2, 3 and 4 in their home with no help from their worthless POS son who lives rent free in their rental property and drives their hand me down cars.

The BM targets you with her PAS for the reasons you clearly outlined in the beginning of your original post. You are a successful, focused, mature, hardworking adult. She is anything but that. Her chosen PAS tactic is to turn her daughter in to a mini-me road whore and then release that influence in to your home and family.

Sadly IMHO there are only two ways to deal with this. Destroy BM by barring her idiot ass every opportunity she gives and dragging her to court every time she so much as thinks about deviating from the CO. If there is no CO... get one that clearly outlines DH's visitation rights and schedule. Or, ignore the whole thing and write SD off.

As I said at the beginning of my post, you are fortunate that SD is no longer a presence in your home. That is best for your younger daughters IMHO. However, I would battle it out with BM if I were your DH. She is evil, must be destroyed and more importantly her toxic influence on SD-12 has to be confronted. But, that is just me.

All IMHO of course.

Good luck.

Sleepless's picture

Thanks so much for your advice. I really appreciate your having shared your experiences and views. Just one question: what is IMHO?

emotionaly beat up's picture

Well all I can say is I hope your husband does not stand for this. A 12 year old doesn't get to run your home. If her father fails to see how she is manipulating him, trouble is ahead.

You can do nothing. This is dhs place and his alone to deal with. He needs to tell that child he's sorry she feels that way, and she will always be his daughter and PART of his family. If she changes her mind she is welcome anytime, the operative word being PART. She cannot be allowed to see herself as number one in daddy's life it will do her no good.

Then he needs to keep,contact. Phone calls, birthday cards, dinners with your family if she will have them Christmas cards and gifts etc.

But if he fails to stand his ground on this God help you. It will be hard at first, but if he does it, he may just keep his daughter for life. If he gives into her, it will eventually come between you and him, he will find himself having to choose and one day, the very thing he doesn't want will happen he will lose her.

Time for dad to be a dad and not put up with her nonsense. He cannot let her have this power over him. If he gives into her, he is giving into emotional blackmail, and like all blackmailers, if you pay the money, they come back for more. That is exactly what she will do. Keep coming up with more and more demands.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I think this girl is crying out for help - LOUDLY. She is emotionally disturbed, and all her acting out is her - negative - way of getting positive attention that she must feel is being wasted by her parents on other, younger, children, leaving her with nothing. She wants her piece of the pie, and she will look for love from all kinds of unsavory candidates because in her mind she is not getting that love at home - at either home. Yes, she wants you gone, and no, it will not endear her to you, but i think you need to help your husband get her professional help. You write like a lawyer. Are you one? Can you scare her school into getting her significant help? How is she doing in school? The trajectory she is on will lead her into the deep end of the pool, if it hasn't already. It will by the time she is 15.

I would have her evaluated by a psychiatrist, put into heavy-duty counseling, and start looking for residential programs that cater to kids with her issues.

Another resource is this book:

It was recommended to me on this forum, and it is the best thing i have read in a long time.
If the person who mentioned it on this forum a few months ago is reading this, i am so grateful to you for suggesting it! I wish i remembered your name! Today i am passing your wisdom on.

Sleepless's picture

I agree. The manipulation will only get worse. Especially considering that the apple didn't fall far from the maternal tree. I however do not want to get involved. I don't even want to offer advice to DH. I will not be the one who is later told that because my advice was followed, I am responsible for whatever the outcome may be. I'm more interested in hearing from others who have been through something similar, how to safeguard myself and my kids... and what further craziness may lie in store for me.

twoviewpoints's picture

Remember that the Little Apple is being raised by a bi-polar mother. She's also been raised by parents who had more BF/GFs streaming through the child's life that child really didn't have stable proper role models (yeah, your DH included, what a thing for a child to listen to all night, a father banging his current interest of the week).

The child needs therapy. While you, yourself, may not desire to 'get involved', someone in this pre-teens world has got to try to get the child professional help (including full psych eval, bi-polar can be hereditary) and see to it that this kid has some guidance and supervision. When BM turned to DH for some 'help', that issues were forming, Dad said 'no thanks'. DH can't even bother to properly file for a standard CO for visitations. He seems quite content to stand by and say 'there's nothing I can do'. Something happened that six months ago that began this 'change' in SD. But, hey, nobody wants to 'get involved' (and no, I'm not indicating that 'somebody' should have been you). My guess is BM went spiraling down in a cycle and the child fell through the cracks while nobody was paying attention. She started arriving with a bag of dirty clothes , being filthy herself and inappropriately minding her menstrual necessities. Now it's revealing clothing and sneaking out.

This kid is going to be a living nightmare in another few years. Why you don't want to advise Dh nor be blamed for any advice (no it's not your place or responsibility), you are still the one who is going to have to go through the teenager/dysfunctional adult trouble and drama that surely headed his way. IMO there is more than PASing SM going on here.

I really do feel bad for you and totally understand you disengaging from the SD troubles. I just don't see this being 'fixed' by simply making SD come visit every other weekend. Her parents are going to have to make a choice here. They either continue to do nothing or they step up and do all they can for this kid before the totally lose her.

Sleepless's picture

@ Pilgrim Soul. Thank you. And, yes, I'm a lawyer. So obvious? But the type who puts criminals away. Not the type who works with family matters.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Sleepless, you are welcome. These kind of matters require intervention, as they are highly unlikely to improve on their own. A stitch in time sort of thing. Your SD will be one of the criminals you put away if she spirals out of control at her current speed. She will get into more disturbing things as she gets older. I deal with kids like her in my line of work, and i am telling you, somebody better intervene now or there will be hell to pay later.

I see that you are in South Africa, and i can only speak for US, but there must be resources available to families of troubled kids. Her treatment of you and your BD is only one - unpleasant - issue, she has bigger issues that left untreated will threaten her safety and her family's sanity, so somebody better step in (no pun intended).

To see what girls like her do when they are teens, you could watch In Treatment Season One, Sophie's story line. It is an incredibly insightful show, and even though the family situation there is somewhat different, is is not entirely unlike yours. You and your DH could watch it together and that will help you get a conversation started about what to do with SD.

Jsmom's picture

Sorry it was too long to get through. But, yes we can be targets of PAS. BM did it to me and everything was my fault. Fast forward 5 years and SD who sued us to live with BM is back in our lives. Completely damaged and hates her BM. I do feel you can battle PAS but, you have to do it consistently and early. But, once it happens for us it was the day we got served, we should have quit fighting it. Would have saved thousands and thousands of dollars and our sanity.