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Placement schedule and half sibs

Catlover's picture

DH and BM have been fighting over the placement schedule for the skids 9 and 12 for over a year now. We have 50/50 with her, and are scheduled to go to court in December for a fixed placement schedule. DH and BM have gone back and forth with stipulation proposals that detail every fricken day of the year just about (each parent is entitled to see skid on skid's bday, skids shall be with their parent on parent's bday, mothers day with BM, fathers day with DH etc). Now the one thing that ticked me off is there is NO mention of us being able to have the skids for BD1's bdays (skids half sister). I specifically told DH that was important to me, given that the last year BM had the skids on BD's bday and refused to let them come over to see her. In fact BM ended up having something else to do, and dumped the skids by BM's mom instead of letting them come over.

Seeing that every other person's bday, mothers day etc is detailed out, I wanted BD's birthday in there too. For whatever reason DH's lawyer left that ONE thing out of the stipulation he sent over to BM. DH flat out told me that "If you want me to go to court over BD's bday, I'll do it...but understand that it's going to cost us lots of money....and BM will just fire back that the skids then have to be with her for the skids step sibling's birthdays." I had to take a deep breath and say..fine whatever.

Truth is I'm still hurt and pissed.....but I don't know that its worth the 300 dollars it will cost to redo the stip....or the 3000 dollars to go to court.

Do any of you have placement schedules that include half siblings?

buttercup123's picture

We have the same issue. We decided to let it go and we celebrate with them on a different day. No big deal. We make it really special for them and as the divorce is hard on them we tell them that the one good thing is that they get 2 b-days each:) It`s not worth spending a ton of money on that could be better spent elsewhere. I`d rather give the skids a b-day they will talk about for the next year with that $300.00 (I`ll bet it would cost WAY more actually). That would drive BM nuts and make skids very happy. A win, win in my mind.

wicked-stepmother's picture

We currently don't see my sd(14). She lives in another part of the country with her mom, but used to live with us last year. My husband and I have two young daugthers, who adore their big sister very much. This year my sd forgot our youngest daugthers birthday. Had to remind her on FB that she forgot it. I felt horrible about it. My sd has an older brother that is her half sibling. They were raised together in the same home though and so, she never forgets about him. I am sad that my children love their sister so much and she treats them so poorly.

I think it is acceptable to include days for half siblings. I never wanted our daugthers to consider their sister, a half anything. But, she is stepping out of our lives and this is the way it feels now.