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Scared and so confused

scorpio's picture

I have 1 ds and bf has 2 ds. I always wanted another child but not bf. We had our ups and downs in the last 2 years and now things are great. BF even changed his mind about addidng to our family.

I've been wanting this for so long.. Should'nt I be happy?? I'm so scared, these thoughts are always on my mind:

- how will the ss react?
- will it go back to being a bad atmosphere in the house?
- what if I want to leave him again, I will be a single mom of 2 kids 2 diff. dads?
- how will family react?
- just started a new job, how will boss react?

I know you will say we should wait but bf turned 40 (we have a big age gap) and was clear that it had to be now or never since he doesn't want a child when he's 45/50.

I should be so happy.. why am I getting all these negative feelings inside?

DaizyDuke's picture

You should go with your gut. You say "if I want to leave him again"... why did you leave him before?

scorpio's picture

Yes issues that caused me to leave before are resolved. I was just tired of ss treating me like crap and now BF stands up for me.

but life happens, that's why I said what if? I thought I would be with my ex forever.. so I don't really believe in forever. I just hope for it.

scorpio's picture

oh and as for my job, I would be eligible for FMLA since it's a new job but at same company (been here over 10 yrs).