Well It has been decided! My children and I will be movin out!
It has been decided that my kids and I will be moving out. I am so torn about this, I know and accept why this needs to happen, but my heart is torn at the same time. We are going to take a few steps back and let everything that is ment to be fall into place. The stress level with SO's divorce is causing way to much havic for us all. THat along with trying to blend this family, and my S4 behavior issues are just too much all at once. We plan to still blend, just on a different level. I think this will send a very positive message to my children, and his as well...
Just wish in the mean time that BM would stop playing head games with the girls D10 and D8. Either way one day I know this will all come back to bite her in the A$$......
Just an update for now.....
While I can understand your
While I can understand your upset, I can tell you now 2 households works best for my SO, myself, my daughter and his two kids.
Far less drama for me
I'm having such a hard time
I'm having such a hard time with this, things are better than they seem, and he's back on the fence, BF can't let me go, he talks about it and then wants me to stay I feel like I am on a roller coaster ride from hell....
Now he wants our pastor to come to our home and bless it and pray with us and help us through this all!! Though I think I should stand firm in my decission to go, and give my kids their own space and his and his kids the space and time they need!!! UUURRRRGGGG!!! why must this be so hard...
Not respecting your decisions
Not respecting your decisions and manipulating you to do something other than what you want is a form of control. Didn't you just say you left an abusive relationship? Maybe this guy doesn't smack you around, but it sounds like he's already very controlling. Not good.
We have met with the Pastor
We have met with the Pastor many time through all of this. We are the best of friends and this is a big step either way! THe pastor knows the whole story!
To start with this man is not controlling he is just very confussed!!!
1. His wife married 9 years ago, cheated for the past 8 years,
2. He still tried to make it work for his kids, as I did with the abuser
3. He caught her in the act
4. she had an abortion without tellig him unti after
5. almost had another one with the D10 ( he talked her out of it)
6. The Pastor has led us to do things the right way by the LORD
This woman we are dealing with is evil, not just because I am bias, just because she is..
Really who sits their kids down and says " we are getting a divorce because I haven't loved your dad for 8 years"
Now she wants him to pay for her to move on! WTF
Really, this whole thing is so frusterating!