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would this upset you?

alwaysanxious's picture

I have become overly sensitive lately with the step situation and so I am not sure when something should upset me or if I am overreacting.

SO's mom called and chatted with me about a conversation she had with SD15. "SD15 said you and SO are trying to have a baby"

Well I know SO has told the skids in the past that at some point we want children together, but... currently trying to have baby?

Given this is true...

Is it me or was that inappropriate for SO to share that info with SD15?

caregiver1127's picture

I don't think totally inappropriate - she is 15 I have not read your whole backstory but since you are on here it probably is not good so you are probably pissed off that he even said anything. See I like to tell my SS that DH and I are trying to have a baby which will not happen because DH got the big V about 3 years ago - I just love to look at his face after I tell him we are trying again and he just gets so upset - he hated when we had DD5 because he is a spoiled brat so I like to keep him on his toes and it is my little way of pissing him off. Funny what brings us enjoyment when we have to deal with skids!!!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Because it's kind of a sensetive subject for a lot of women, I think it's kind of inappropriate that he told anyone at all. But that's just my personal feelings on it. I had difficulty carrying to term, so I never told anyone we were trying to conceive and I never wanted anyone to find out I was pregnant until I was about 5 months or so along...

NancyL's picture

I would not like it because I would feel that my privacy had been violated. Also, I would wonder what else he would tell them such as bank accounts or passwords.

Shannon61's picture

I too think it was a violation of your privacy. But did you tell your SO not to tell SD your business? If not, he may have felt what's the big deal. I've found that men have to be TOLD just about everything. Going forward set him straight about keeping your business between the two of you.

When I first moved in w/DH an SD, everytime we left the house he told her where we were going: to the cleaners, Walmart, out to dinner, etc. I drove me crazy and I asked him if we knew where she was going everytime she walked out the house. I demanded that he stopped telling her our play by play plans. Before I moved in I told him I didn't want to discuss private matters in front of SD because she'd run back and blab to MILs and they would tell the rest of the family. I'm sure she's already done because it took DH a while to finally get it. I'm very private and make no apologies for it.