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Lost and in need of advice

Stepdad2024's picture

A very quick history, I came into my wife's life when she already had a daughter (6yo). Bio Dad ran away from finding out she was pregnant and has never been involved. I was the only man my wife let stay around long enough for SD to call dad and I am the only dad she has ever known. When she was 8 we had our middle boy and 10 we had our youngest boy.

SD always had an issue with lying mostly over silly things but is has been constant from fairly young. We thought she got over it when she went to university. She has also been quite 2 faced. There have been many times where she has taken a conversation she and I have had where we have joked about things mum does then twisted them when talking to her mum which has caused arguments between me and my wife. She has always struggled with friends, never had a great many and when they became close friends there would inevitably be a fall out and she would lose that friendship. Normally because she is quite bitchy behind people's backs. We have tried to help her with this.

I've always considered her "my" daughter. When my wife and I had no money my mum took SD on holiday and so did my brother. Even though I was the only one working she wanted for nothing. She went on all school trips and got the clothes etc she wanted. I paid for her to learn how to drive and I wanted her to live rent free while she went to University so she didn't end with loads of debt. I got her the brand new iPhone for her 21st. I'm not perfect and I made mistakes but she got all the love and support as though she was biologically mine.

In her final year at Uni she got with a new GF (her sexuality has never been an issue). Suddenly she dropped all her friends, family and paid little to no attention to her studies. She was always reluctant to bring new GF to meet her family and on the 2 occasions she did she made sure we couldn't get any real time to speak to new GF. Having spent no time with her own family from Oct to Christmas SD spent almost no time with us at Christmas too which caused an argument. My point being she should be able to exsit in her relationship and still have time for family. Both my wife and I were concerned because he behaviour had changed so much.

After her 1st set of exams, in Jan, SD had a meltdown, she had dropped her studies so much she wasn't prepared for her exams. So we had a conversation and I told her we would not be supporting her to become an amazing GF but we would support her to finish Uni so the choice was to continue to ignore Uni and start paying rent or limit time with new GF and focus on Uni for the last few months getting a good degree. She agreed to focus on  Uni.

SD then started coming home crying claiming that she had arguments with GF because GF wanted to see her all the time. She was describing new GF in very bad terms. GF spoke to her like crap in front of her friends and family and "as long as she controlled when she was her she was fine". SD told me that her friends had described GF as a "psycho" and she should dump her quickly. One night she sent messages to Mum and I saying she knew she couldn't stay over that night but she wanted to call us for us to say no. Stupidly I agreed. That night she came home crying saying it had caused a massive row and GF said she feels like she is in a relationship with a child. Really worried that she was entering into an abusive relationship, it caused a lot of stress at home and she began lying again. When she was claiming to be in the library she was with new GF. My wife was just as worried as me and even contacted new GF's ex because SD described so many red flags and her behaviour had totally changed. GF's ex described her as controlling and manipulative.

SD basically started to cut me out of her life. Started to ignore me when she was home, stopped messaging me and was being quite frosty. When I told my wife this she didn't want to get involved. So I took a step back and started to ignore SD. Hoping that she would see what she was doing and how it felt. When SD told my wife suddenly wife had a lot of opinions about it and it was all my fault. This continued for a few months until SD came home and announced she was moving out. She had said that GF was living with GF' brother and his wife and things were cramped and they felt uncomfortable there.

SD has a place on an advanced degree course and I was worried this would interfere with it. So my wife called her and wanted to speak to her about them both moving in with us so she could continue with her studies. Finally SD gave my wife attitude and wife saw what she was like so my wife said she needed to take a break from the situation. SD because very upset and new GF messaged my wife saying she was happy to take one for the team and tell SD she couldn't move in with her.

 I was instantly confused. That wasn't the action of someone who is controlling so we asked new GF to come round without SD because it had reached a ridiculous stage where SD had a totally seperate life. New GF is actually very nice and it's SD who has been very clingy and over reacted to GF wanting some space and has come home to us and told lies about what GF is like. The occasions where GF has spoken to her like crap were nothing of the sort and because SD is so clingy she has blown it out of proportion. Arguments that we were told had come from GF were actually SD lying so we would back down. GF was actually telling her to go home and see her family because she also needed space but SD would break down asking what she had done wrong.

She has at times cut me out of family times because I believed her lies and wanted to keep her safe. It's almost caused my wife and I to divorce because she blames me for all the tension. SD has reverted back to twisting things I've said to cause trouble. 

Now I've disengaged from SD. She has moved out but I don't feel like I can trust her or even have a conversation with her that isnt going to be twisted and cause my wife and I to break up. Wife thinks I'm at fault because of how I reacted and refuses to see what SD has done and just how messed up it is. We have gone from SD being "our daughter" to SD being my wife's daughter.

I'm not willing to get divorced over this and cause a broken home for our sons because when SD isn't on the scene things are good.

I feel a massive sense of loss but I just don't feel the same about SD as I did.

Is this normal for girls of her age and am I mental?

Kes's picture

No, the behaviour you described is not normal for girls of her age - I imagine she is early 20s? And no, you aren't mental.  Tbh, your main problem isn't your SD, it's the fact that your wife is blaming you.  I know how difficult it is to be on the same page with this sort of stuff going on, I went through similar, in 2022, and it almost caused me and DH to break up.  Maybe have couple counselling?  I think you've done right to disengage from SD, and it's good she doesn't live with you, but maybe both you and your wife need to back off and let this young woman run her own life. 

Stepdad2024's picture

Thanks for that.

SD is now 22. One of the reasons I'm so upset by all this is, this is the first time I don't feel like her dad. I feel like I've lost "my" daughter but it feels very toxic. I don't feel like I can speak freely without something getting twisted and I don't think my wife will understand my side.

I floated the idea of couples therapy a while ago but she wasn't keen. I perhaps need to suggest it again.

I feel like I've been going mad these last few months!

Harry's picture

There are grate  when SK get everything they want.  But once you put your foot down they dont know you.

Cut off all the money,  SD is an adult it's her problem. She will handle then as an adult.  She doesn't care about you.  Face that fact. Stop chasing her.  The  Next information SD gets ...are photos of you spending her inheritance.. 

'your DW is taking her DD side " I floated the idea of couples therapy a while ago but she wasn't keen. I perhaps need to suggest it again."  DW  is telling you to suck it up.  Don't do the coupled therapy. It will go nowhere. Because DW will not change her mind 

Rags's picture

Time for SD to get the clear message that she is immediately cut off from family financial support. Period. Dot.

Once they are no longer minors, they are kidults and they need to be held fully accountable for their shit choices.

So, SD gets the clear message of what she will do and when she will do it... or.... she is on her own.  No discussion, no quarter, no tolerance, and no one Cent of support.  

This whole playing mommy and daddy against each other, playing her GF and her family against each other, etc..... Just no. Time to bare her ass each and every time she plays this manipulative bullshit.

I understand the position you are in. I am the only dad my SS-32 has his first memories or and the only dad who raised him.  His SpermIdiot was absent at best and willfully toxic and manipulative at worst.  I am fortunate, my DW and I are partners first and foremost above all else including any kids in the mix. As it turned out, SS is an only in our marriage.  Kids are never the priority over hte partners and their marriage. Ever.  Minor kids are the top adult responsibility regardless of what flavor the kids are (Bio, Step, etc...).  A key that will immediately solve your issue.  Kidults are neither a priority or a responsibility.

So, stop laying this idiot kidult's games and write her off to figure it out on her own.  Kidults have only one choice. DO what they are told, or launch.  So far, she has not been forced to do either.

Light the burning platform to get her to launch, keep the fire well fueled, and tolerate nothing less than her engaging in her own adult life on her dime and her own time. If she F's up a quality education, that is on her. Let her rot.

Good luck.  With a coddling mommy/DW and an idiot Skid, you will need it. Stop sacrificing your resources, home, and family taking those things away from your own young children for this train wreck lying manipulating SKidult.

Take care of you.

Rags's picture

Time for SD to get the clear message that she is immediately cut off from family financial support. Period. Dot.

Once they are no longer minors, they are kidults and they need to be held fully accountable for their shit choices.

So, SD gets the clear message of what she will do and when she will do it... or.... she is on her own.  No discussion, no quarter, no tolerance, and no one Cent of support.  

This whole playing mommy and daddy against each other, playing her GF and her family against each other, etc..... Just no. Time to bare her ass each and every time she plays this manipulative bullshit.

I understand the position you are in. I am the only dad my SS-32 has his first memories or and the only dad who raised him.  His SpermIdiot was absent at best and willfully toxic and manipulative at worst.  I am fortunate, my DW and I are partners first and foremost above all else including any kids in the mix. As it turned out, SS is an only in our marriage.  Kids are never the priority over the partners and their marriage. Ever.  Minor kids are the top adult responsibility regardless of what flavor the kids are (Bio, Step, etc...).  A key that will immediately solve your issue.  Kidults are neither a priority or a responsibility.

His mom and I were clear with him once he reached 18 and graduated HS he could go to Uni anywhere on the planet he wanted to go on our dime. He chose differently. So, he became our live in chore beck and call service until he launched. He did launch when he joined the Military at 18.  4 years later, he asked me to adopt him.  Based on our experience if you and DW firm up your parenting of this kidult and hold her accountable, she will launch.  Boundaries build respect in both directions. Spineless coddling, creates a shit show of life long proportions.

So, stop playing this idiot  lying kidult's games and write her off to figure it out on her own.  Kidults have only one choice. DO what they are told, or launch.  So far, she has not been forced to do either.

Light the burning platform to get her to launch, keep the fire well fueled, and tolerate nothing less than her engaging in her own adult life on her dime and her own time. If she F's up a quality education, that is on her. Let her rot.

Good luck.  With a coddling mommy/DW and an idiot Skid, you will need it. Stop sacrificing your resources, home, and family taking those things away from your own young children for this train wreck lying manipulating SKidult.

Take care of you. Take care of your LOs.