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resources to read? wanting to help a friend find support here

quickstudy2's picture

I'm posting for a friend, wondering:  

Where are the go to blogs to read about why disengaging from these toxic step related situations is needed, how to do it, etc...?

Are there recommended books?

Are there recommended articles or books for the bioparent to read to help them understand the dynamic at play here?

It's always the step adult's fault for everything - not the step child's - despite the step child having some very serious issues (trauma, ___, ___ and ___ that don't get addressed and they are not held accountable for their behaviors.  Priorities such as tutoring, counseling, mental health, exercise and nutrition get lost.    Add in some serious overstepping by other step adults and a well meaning but clueless member of the community in the youth's life, and it's a mess.

What are your recommendations for someone just starting to learn about and understand the dynamics at play here?

Also - Can anyone relate to it being a step niece or nephew - rather than a step child?   with the Bparents losing all rights?  Youth has lived on and off with aunt/uncle over the years.   And Bgrandma causing issues/misusing her power, overstepping Stepadult, and continuing the narrative that it's all the step adult's fault. 

With thanks,



Maxwell09's picture

You can use the search bar. Search for keywords: "grey rock method" "nacho" "nachoing" "disengagment" as well as "SS" or "SD" with the number of their age behind it to find stories of other stepparents with the same age as these stepchildren. (ex. SD23 or SS14) Once you pull up some of the articles posted to this site you can read the comments for other who have similar situations and find other keywords or suggestions to look up.