Has anyone called CPS before?
Recently SS has been coming home covered in flea bites, and he scratches them so bad that they bleed quite a bit. This prompted DH to ask him about the living conditions at BM's apartment. We've always known that her apartment is dirty but we had no idea it was that bad. Apparently there was cat urine and feces everywhere, as well as cockroaches and rotten food. Her other two kids poop and pee all over the house and she doesn't clean it up. She left a pile of poop on one of the beds for over two weeks. DH informed the attorney about it and she told him to call DHS/CPS and make a report. Apparently they came on Monday when she wasn't home and her neighbor saw them and told her. She cleaned up the house today and called them back. They obviously found nothing. Now it seems as if we were making false reports which i've read is extremely frowned upon in court. I have no idea how CPS works but if she called them back she obviously knows that they were trying to pay her a visit and would therefore cleanup so how is that a 'surprise' visit? Has anyone experienced this before?
Btw I noticed that I've posted way too much in this forum and i'm sorry if it gets annoying! I have no close friends that are stepmothers that can give me advice or share their personal experiences with me. I've gotten some great information and advice from this forum though
CPS calls are supposed to be
CPS calls are supposed to be confidential, and while BM may think it is you, she should not be able to confirm her suspicion.
If they saw anything that concerned them they will be back for another visit.
I'm sure that CPS didn't tell
I'm sure that CPS didn't tell her that it was DH who called but I think it's pretty easy to figure out who made the report. She cleaned up the entire house and said to DH that they didn't find anything at all.
So BM told DH they didn't
So BM told DH they didn't find anything at all? Bullshit! Why would you believe her?
I bet they told her she has a warning and they will pay random visits over the next 6 weeks.
Here, CPS cannot, by law,
Here, CPS cannot, by law, tell them who called.
If SS is scratching to the point of bleeding the school could have called.
When she told that to DH she was fishing to see if he would admit he called.
Hopefully, the visit scares her to keeping a cleaner house (for a while at least).
Cleaning up the house won't
Cleaning up the house won't make SS's flea bites instantly poof or take the smell of cat piss away. Even if BM managed to make the house look clean, there is likely enough 'evidence' lingering CPS will know report wasn't made without some merit.
Court won't care. If BM is
Court won't care. If BM is smart she'll never bring up that she was reported in the first place.
I have called CPS before and
I have called CPS before and nothing has ever really been done. They investigated and blew it off
Same experience here (called
Same experience here (called twice) as BM enjoys many cocktails and driving or trying to drive with SKs. Then she and my (call them now ex SKs)then paid us back by coming up with bunch of lies and calling CPS on me.
Yes. I have called. You have
Yes. I have called. You have to call many, many times before they take it seriously. They are overwhelmed and under-funded. Unfortunately, even though it matters to you, it doesn't matter to them.
Keep calling. Take pics of the flea bites.
I've been on both ends of
I've been on both ends of this. We moved into an apartment that had "dormant" bed bugs. When you move in, they come to life. We couldn't figure out why SD woke up with bites on her (we only had a few). Since it was summer, we thought it was spiders or mosquitoes. We tried everything. Benadryl, calamine, teal tree oil, baking soda and the bites kept welling up. Naturally BM took her to the doctor who identified bed bugs. We went to court. We had an exterminator come out who found them in the sofa bed. We threw out the sofa bed had two exterminations, and a few months later we moved. SD also went home with horse fly bites as she is an equestrian. We too, have cats and birds and she screams and runs if the cat throws up, or the bird poops somewhere. Everything is cleaned immediately. Her mother has no animals so she will never see poop or vomit over there. BTW, court did nothing when we told them we had two exterminations (which we did).
Other side-we had videos of SD doing a "strip tease" that she saw her brother watching on the computer. Complete with caressing her breasts and removing her clothes. We also had videos of her crying and screaming that she will be punished by BM if she doesn't steal all her clothes from our house, as BM has no clothes for her. DCFS did nothing.
The lawyer said that the burden of proof is so high it is very difficult to get them to indicate. The only time they indicated her was when she tried to commit suicide in front of them, the older boys missed two days of school and went to school crying on the third day. DH had custody after she became homeless. Guess what? At trial judge gave her back to the sick mother.
Good luck. I still say don't give up and if you can, call CPS again, or send police to do a wellness check next time kids are there. It's an uphill battle with BMs.
Yep. When the prior
Yep. When the prior relationship spawn of the SpermIdiot's womb donor #2 pushed my SS out of a second floor window into a bush on the ground below and he came home all bruised and scratched by the bushes and also with bite marks all over the middle of his back.
As usual... CPS was useless and nothing came from hit.
We also called CPS on my ILs when my SIL was 14yo and living in my IL's toxic waste dump of a home with little food available. Again... useless. "She is old enough to clean the house if it needs it" followed by the noise of ... closing the file.
We lived in another state and my guess is that it was easier to write it off due to our distance away than actually step up and do their job.