step kids
I so need help!!!! I have been married for 2 yrs. My husband has 3 children, 17 and 11 yr old twins, all girls. The oldest has never been to our home and has never talked to me. She stopped talking to her father shortly after we got together. The twins we here Christmas Eve and now refuse to come back. They have tried to cause so many problems that I'm relieved they aren't coming. that being said the guilt for feeling this way is eating me alive. I don't know what to do. With all that has been said and done, my husband says if they don't want us in their lives that's their choice. I continue to ask the younger 2 if they want to come over and they say no. The older one honestly I never want her in my home now. I need help.
It does bother him. He loves
It does bother him. He loves them, but he says all their lives the mom has tried to turn them against him. He knew it would come to this. She tells them he doesn't pay child support and doesn't want them. Its all lies! Its the first bill I pay every month! I have 3 kids of my own and I adore them. I can't imagine how I would feel if the tables were turned. I don't know how to ignore them. I do know I don't want them in our lives.
maybe I'm the reason hes
maybe I'm the reason hes giving up.
I'm well past having any
I'm well past having any children EVER. Mine are 23 (teacher) 18 (army) and 12 yr old. I wouldn't have another child with ANYONE!!!
Im at the point, I don't want
Im at the point, I don't want even him to be around them, I know terrible person. As I said in another post, they have slapped me, pushed me, rubbed poop all over my bathrooms, and showen no respect for anyone in my home. he says BM has never allowed him to have a relationship with any of them and he basically lived hi life and they lived theirs. Not for me to judge. My concern is now. They tell everyone they hate us, and I know they have been told to feel that way and completely brainwashed. However, I believe they are very smart and they know right from wrong.
We got them phones 2 yrs ago.
We got them phones 2 yrs ago. they wont answer for dad. They were coming over some, completely stopped after Christmas this yr. 17 yr old, didn't have much to do with him when parents were together. He and I have always been friends. She blames me for the split. BM left him, a few months. Neither of the 3 had much to do with him. He allowed it, I feel. He let BM take control of them and he lived his life and they lived thiers. Not my place to judge that, even tho I don't agree with it. My kids are my life and I wouldn't let anyone turn them away from me.
As much as I love my
As much as I love my children, I would never force them to be here with me. I firmly believe no matter what the relation, you cant force someone to love you or want to be with you. These children are brainwashed. I know I'm going to get condemned here but Im ready for them to go away if that's what they want. The twins have slapped me in the face, pushed me, wiped poop all over my bathrooms several times and I'm the one they treat good!!!! They won't even speak to BD. the oldest flips us off when we see here and has never answered her phone and on;y texts when shes being very nasty. It has to end at some point.
Good Lord, why would you feel
Good Lord, why would you feel any guilt? If my SD had ever done ONE of those things, she would not have been welcome in my home and I would not have felt bad about it.
If your DH does not want a relationship (or willing to work on one) with them, that is on him.
^^^ Word.
Perhaps a compromise would be
Perhaps a compromise would be to suggest your DH take the 11 year olds out somewhere by himself so he can see them? I agree at that age he shouldn't give up on them, but I think maybe subjecting YOU to them is a bit unfair. If he took them out on his own it might help alleviate your "guilt" (doesn't seem to me you have anything to feel guilty for), and help him build a better relationship with them.
I know there are lots of people on this board who take the "we are a team, they have to accept me if they want to see DH" approach, but it sounds like that's not working for you since you feel guilty.
I LOVE it when DH wants to see his kids without me.
Kids don't get asked about
Kids don't get asked about visiting the NCP. They do what they are told in compliance with the CO or the CP goes to jail for contempt. Your DH needs to step up, put his foot up his X's ass and against the backsides of all three of his spawn and drag them kicking and screaming for HIS visitation time.
No discussion. Tell or call the police to enforce visitation and immediately file contempt charges.
Zero tolerance, no guilt. No guilt for you or for DH.
If these things are tolerated they just get worse and end up being a life long drain on DH, on you, and on your marriage.
Time to give your clarity that he needs to man up and start an offensive against his X. He needs to counter every lie with facts. Show the girls that he has paid every penny of CS for however many years he has been paying. There is nothing like the clarity of BMs toxic lies that comes when dad sits the girls down and shows them the numbers. $XX,XXX.XX paid over Y years. Every lie, counter with fact, every time. Demonstrating his support and care by giving his girls clarity on the shallow and polluted end of their gene pool is the best thing any parent can do for this kids in a divorce/blended family situation if there is a toxic side to the equation. This arms the Skids with facts they will need to protect themselves from the toxic half of their family for the rest of their lives. Share the Custody/Visitation/Support CO. Share the official CS payment history. Share proof of BM's lies. Nothing goes unchallenged or unclarified.
This is what we were able to do for my Skid. We kept the Sperm Clan under control while he was a kid, we shared the facts with him in an age appropriate manner as he grew up, and now as a self supporting young adult he can effectively deal with his toxic Sperm Clan and their continued manipulative bullshit.
It worked for us.
Good luck.
Rae, you've described three
Rae, you've described three giant jerkfaces. You don't want them in your life, and I can understand why you feel guilty about that...they are your man's children after all!
Now, I'll give you a moment to grieve the loss of your dream of a blended family...and once 60 seconds is over, realize that you've dodged a bullet, girlfriend. Pop open the champagne!!! These jerks flip off dad and wipe poop on your walls. Are you really ready to attempt to "fix" this behavior? Because dad is obviously going to need help fixing it (as he has been unsuccessful at parenting/countering BM's influence even with three opportunities and 17 years).
Maybe they'll be back with apologies when they're 25-30ish; until then, don't waste your emotional and mental energy on people who don't deserve it. You're off the hook...nothing to feel guilty about. Dad effed up by 1) choosing BM to be the mother of his children and 2) not being an effective parent. YOU didn't break this situation, so you have no reason to try to fix it.
Now flee! GO live your life woman! Enjoy your man, be happy and don't get dragged into step hell because of your guilt. You've been given an out! Take it.
BM told him she was on the
BM told him she was on the pill when she got pregnant with the first child. Later she confessed to not being on it. The younger ones haven't been here for 3 months and the guilt is easing from my heart. We have seen them at numerous community events in the last few weeks and if they see us they will turn and go the other direction. My husbands job puts him in the position that he sees them 4 mornings a week, they barely say goodmorning. I will confess I still text occasionally, but they have stopped answering at all. He refuses to even talk about them and the situation anymore. I'm glad they are out of our lives. The stress has finely eased and my home isn't a battle groud anymore.
Women who claim to be on BC
Women who claim to be on BC then later reveal they lied should be prosecutable for fraud and scamming CS and a father for their children. If they want children so badly as to lie about being on BC they should forfeit custody, any visitation and be liable for paying CS equal to 100% of the cost of raising the child from birth through a PhD degree.
The same goes for men who claim to be unable to father a child who then end up impregnating a woman.
I have zero tolerance for that level of dishonesty and manipulation.
Couldn't agree more!!!
Couldn't agree more!!!