On The Fence
So very grateful to have happened upon this forum. It's been extremely helpful to read the stories of folks going through similar similar situations in their experience of parenting their significant others children. Although I'm not a step-parent officially, I've been living with my fiance for a little over a year and a half. She has two boys, seven and ten, both of whom I get along with to the point where they refer to me as their step-dad both in public. Consequently I write this with a heavy heart, as I'm very much on the fence about whether or not I can stand living with them any longer. A little back story.
I'm a divorced male in my early 40's. My fiance and I met online a little under two years ago. At the time she shared joint custody with the SKIDS' BF whom she did not get along with. Although they split because the SKIDS BF was caught cheating on her, BF told his friends and family it was because she was a bad mother. A few months after we met the SKIDS' BF died of a heart attack and a couple of months later I moved in with them. She was working full-time and as I work from home I would wash & fold the SKIDS clothes pick them up from school, take them to sports, etc. It seemed the right thing to do, what with me working from home and all.
At the end of the year, we got engaged, not so much because either of us felt the need (having both been married previously), but because she felt it was important for the SKIDS sense of security in the aftermath of their BF's death and so I agreed. A few weeks after our engagement she quit her job due to as yet undetermined health issues. Although she'd been making good money, she hated her job and dealing with the aftermath of her ex’s death, as well as the boys was had become too much for her. Given that she stated there was enough money coming in from her ex’s estate to make up for the loss of income, I agreed that she should take some time off from work.
As I've gotten to know her better however, I've come to recognize that she does not handle stress well at all. Whereas I tend to tackle things in a more direct manner, she tends to retreat. I sure wish I’d recognized as much previously or taken more time to get to know her better before moving in with her. A huge red flag, albeit a few months late, was a conversation we had earlier this year in which she revealed she’d never wanted kids but had them because her ex wanted them. She also admitted that without me she wouldn't be able to raise the kids alone and that she was feeling suicidal prior to my arrival. She often jokingly admits to fantasies of leaving the country so she can get out of being a parent, which I suspect is more serious than she admits.
Despite that, I've set these admissions aside and set my sights upon taking the high road (as so many of us here seem to have done). Having come from a broken family myself, I know the effects it can have on a child and the last thing I want to do is to inflict the same suffering on an innocent being that was inflicted upon me. I didn't meet my dad until I was 17 and having grown intolerant of my mother's alcoholism and erratic behavior (we lived in well over two dozen different locations over the course of my upbringing), I left home when I was 16. Looking back I believe that's why I never had kids in the first place, but I never really understood why until now.
Fast forward twenty some odd years and I finally find that noble dictum has come home to roost. Given my chaotic upbringing I place a high premium upon peace and quiet and when the SKIDS are home it's absolute and utter chaos, what with the constant fighting, whining and crying. This is particularly troubling when I'm working, which is pretty much round the clock considering I'm self-employed. I can't tell you how many times I've told them not to bother me while I'm working, they still burst in complaining about one another and uttering the dread announcement, "I'm hungry!", which has come to resemble the sound of nails on a chalkboard for me.
Another issue I find particularly troubling is the filth. Despite my chaotic upbringing I was raised to respect cleanliness and pick up after myself. Well, all three of them are absolute slobs, leaving clothes, cups and plates wherever they happen to be at the time. It's not uncommon for me to find several glasses of rotten milk at their bedsides. And though my fiance will often moan about how dirty the house is, she does very little to do anything about it herself. The only time the house gets cleaned is when I do it myself, or when the cleaners come.
Although I've addressed the above issues with both the SKIDS and my fiance on several occasions there's been little in the way of change. My fiance recently began working from home part-time and we now share the same office space, which has become totally trashed and entirely unpleasant to work in. She knows how I feel about this but does nothing about it. I've made several attempts to get the SKIDS on a schedule of daily chores with points earned for things they want, but I've given up as it's just plain exhausting trying to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Having grown up without a father I have no point of reference for how to discipline children. That said, I've been winging it for the most part and though I've been quite hard on them, which I feel they need, particularly as their BF had no disciplinary style whatsoever, I've never been physically abusive. Nonetheless, my fiance has corrected in front of them several times when she feels I've crossed the line, which has made me feel totally undermined in my effort to instill the kind of discipline their father should have developed in them by the time I arrived upon the scene. This is particularly disconcerting when I see and hear her do the same things all the time.
All of this leads me to where I am today: wondering if all of the above is worth the minimal amount of enjoyment I experience in their presence. Although at first I was quite taken with my fiance, the lack of respect she has for herself has turned me off and I miss being single. Although at one time I thought I'd like to have kids of my own, this experience has turned me off of kids. I realize now that I'm not parenting material myself and this is as far as I ever want to go with parenting kids, be they my own, or otherwise. Although I do love my fiance & the SKIDS very much, I just plain can't stand living with them and am very much on the fence about whether or not to continue or go back to the life I had before. I know the grass is always greener, but that last patch of grass was one hell of a lot quieter and cleaner.
I hate the idea of causing them pain, particularly the SKIDS, given their BF's passing. I also fear for what may happen to them in light of their mother's admissions about her own parenthood, however I feel as though I've made a huge mistake and am doomed to a life of misery and despair if I stick around. Although I appreciate any observations you guys may have about what I've written, I don't expect any answers as I know they're already within me. Just having a hard time distinguishing between what would be the most selfish and/or selfless thing to do and reconciling myself between the two.
You do sound like a good
You do sound like a good man...and best to do this type of thinking BEFORE you marry.
This is not a partnership.
Sounds like you are having to be a parent to all of them...your fiance included.
This is supposed to be the "honeymoon" phase...
The character you demonstrate
The character you demonstrate by investigating these feeling before you marry this woman speaks volumes. Good for you. Now, you moved in with your current fiance so leaving does not represent as major an upheaval as it would if they had moved in with you and they were leaving.
I would go. As soon as you moved in your DF quit her job due to as you say "as yet undetermined health issues". This speaks volumes about her. With the added stress of her proclamation about not wanting the children she has already born, the manipulative comments about committing suicide if you did not ask her to marry you and the cleanliness issues I would say you should leave. Now. Do not wait, just pack your stuff and go. Tell your former fiance that you are leaving, why you are leaving and then just go. Get an apartment, get your office set up in it, get your internet and communications service installed, then leave and move in to your own space. If you chose to help your XDF then do it from your own secure space.
It is better for you to go now before you marry and have a very expensive departure later. It is also better for the kids.
All IMHO of course.
Good luck.
This is wonderful advice. I
This is wonderful advice.
I would also advise you to get out while you can. Do not waste another year of your life on this woman. She is a leach.
You also need to look after YOURSELF and worry about your own health. This can cause depression and stress which will manifest as severe illness. Trust me I know.
Feel the quilt and move on. You know in your gut that it is not working. Just thank goodness you didn't marry her. Her kids are so young, you have such a long way to go before they are on their own.
I wish I would have taken my own advice and left years ago. Being a stepparent and being married to a man with a vicious, greedy jealous ex has been the worst, and darkest time of my life. Eleven years of pure hell I can never get back.
Leave! Look after yourself.
Hi guys, thank you so much
Hi guys, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. It's so difficult to maintain perspective when you're smack dab in the middle of a situation like this, so every last bit of advice helps. The prospect of helping kids in other ways. The point about partnership. Planning in advance for the transition. Good constructive advice, all of it. Still struggling with a boat-load of guilt at the moment though.
Having been brought up in an alcoholic home, I've struggled with co-dependence and being a caretaker my entire life and though I've done a great deal of work on myself and have come a long way, I know I have a way to go as the prospect of leaving them is really tearing me apart. I feel so very responsible for their future pain and suffering.
At the same time I think back on my prior life: the joy I used to experience working from home on a daily basis, training 20+ hours a week for my next big cycling event (I'm an ultra-endurance cyclist, which has fallen to the wayside due to lack of time), the ability to spend time with friends whenever I pleased, my beloved home town which I moved away from to be with her and the SKIDS...all of these things I miss dearly.
At any rate, as fate would have it my fiance expressed to me last night how very grateful she is for my presence in her life. Out of the blue, which struck me as odd. Then, SS7 asked me to come watch T.V. with him, I sat down, he grabbed my arm and put it around himself. Though he can be a little s**t at times, he can be quite sweet as well and I know it's going to hurt him horribly if I leave, what with his dad already having passed on last year and all.
Finally, my fiance told me that her ex's family (whom she maintains contact with for the SKIDS sake), have recently expressed appreciation for all I've done for the SKIDS. This after their initial disapproval of our engagement, despite knowing absolutely nothing about me as a prospective parent to their ex-sister in-law's kids. Very high and mighty of them, but given their initial response, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
That said, the timing of these things made me feel an immense wave of guilt over how I've been feeling lately. Seems every time I'm on the verge of major change in life, things like this occur to challenge my resolve. I truly wish I had taken more time to get to know her and the SKIDS better, but too little too late on that score. It's taking that next step in MY LIFE that's gotta' happen, whatever it may be.
My fellow Brother in Arms. I
My fellow Brother in Arms. I am in the same situation with one SD6 full time. Although her and her mom moved in with me. So I feel double guilt they have to move out and can't afford it.
Its always a bittersweet thing. I miss being able to workout and see my friends. My single life. I want it back. But as you said now the holidays are coming up and its so hard. bad timing. But before that it was her birthday, then school starting.
I am sick of my life revolving around her and her ex's kid. I want out but its hard. I feel your pain. My soul is aching. And she cries and is broken hearted every time i bring it up. Im kind of the first guy she really dated since her ex. Sucks. I am starting to hate my life. Not a way I want to live but its hard to get them to leave....depressed.
If I were you I would pack my stuff and leave. You only have one life bro. The place I have now is $250 rent as it is owned by my company. I could never find a place that cheap so I can't move. Idk what to do....
I hear you CaptainObvious,
I hear you CaptainObvious, thanks for reaching out. A bittersweet thing indeed. On one hand I want to take the "high road", to do "the right thing" as it were, but the only barometer I have for that is how I feel and well, anyone who's read this thread knows that much: I feel as though I made a huge mistake and must now extricate myself from a situation where three people who depend upon me for such much are going to be terribly hurt. So I hear you loud and clear, it does suck. I'm telling myself after the holidays, but evertime I see myself driving down the road, I also see them waving goodbye with tears in their eyes, having first lost not one, but two men who should've been there for them.
This is a bad situation. If
This is a bad situation. If your fiancee won't change, undermines you, won't listen to reason, and cannot or will not discipline her children, there's nothing you can do for them. You being there and loving your stepkids is nice, and helps them to a certain extent, but if they're allowed to continue being messy and inconsiderate (encouraged to by the example of their mother, even), there's very little you're going to accomplish by sticking around. Basically, all you're going to accomplish is making yourself miserable.
As has been pointed out, you are not married and these are not your children. You've done your best. You've done all you can do. You have to go, for your own sanity.
You seem to know what's
You seem to know what's needed. The only thing that is stopping you is guilt and you're not a monster, you still love this woman and her children but sometimes, sorry to sound cliche, love isnt enough. You could give it a little more time, see if this new appreciation by her and the kids is genuine. Problem is, this sounds like it's been going on for a while now. From a factual and cold point of view: you are not their BioDad, you are not her legal husband, you have given over and over, it's very one sided, because BioDad is dead you feel like you need to be that replacement, she is only working part time, and you sound like the main breadwinner. However, you are not receiving the love and respect back you ask for. What you are asking for is not unreasonable. Much as it pains me, I have to give my two cents that I think deep down you know it's over. Guilt keeps us trapped. You have gone above and beyond for this woman and her children. Time for you to be selfish and rightfully so.