I cant stand my fiance's son
I care for my girlfriend dearly, we seem to be a great match, but her 4 year old son has behavior and attitude problems I cannot tolerate. I am an extremely patient man, my whole life that has been my virtue, however this kid seems like he was made in a lab specifically to counter my patience. I raised my sister and nieces and nephews my entire life and I know how to deal with difficult kids, so it isn't a thing about not having patience for children. It's only him and his rotten behavior. To be honest I hold contempt for him and resent his presence. Let me elaborate on his behavior so you don't think I'm just plain evil. He's prone to tantrums constantly, he cries for any and everything. He is disrespectful, rude, loud, obnoxious, undisciplined. He refuses and flat out ignores his mother when she speaks to him and tells him to settle down. He is very manipulative. He has a younger sister who is a year and a half, she is well behaved and minds her own, but he constantly takes her toys away making her cry just because he wants what she has ALWAYS. He is very attention seeking, constantly being loud, calling for his mom for anything. You constantly have to tell him to be quiet, stop fighting with his sister, stop being rude. He whines and cries for any and everything if it doesn't go his way or if he doesn't get what he wants with stomping and throwing himself on the ground. When he does go on timeout, he cries loudly for his mom all the time until his mom takes him out of it, which is a whole 5 minutes. He always thinks he can talk himself out of things by saying "I'm ready to listen" which his mom always falls for, even though he's at it again in less than 5 minutes, repeat process over and over and over. He constantly fights with his sister even hitting her and kicking her in the face, and that gets the same punishment as a tantrum. Yes, he ALWAYS provokes it, even though his mother says his sister does start with her brother also (she doesn't, it just seems like the mom's way of making her brat seem like less of a demon child... plus the girl is only 1yo). He gets all his mom's attention, constantly blurting out nonsensical words loudly because he knows his mom will celebrate it. He won't listen when you tell him to stop jumping on you. He makes a mess and talks back constantly, just by being plain disrespectful towards anyone who tells him he's wrong. I really could go on for days. In my opinion the mom is to blame for this as she always buys him what he wants. Instead of punishing the brat, she tries to talk to him about his behavior which never works, He talks back, refuses to potty (At age 4!). His sister always gets the short end of the stick attention wise, material wise, entertainment wise (she'll get the brat something, but not the baby. When the baby starts to act restless she just takes her to her crib in her room for hours and make her cry it out, but he can be a brat all day wherever he wants for as long as he wants) so she thinks I'm just targeting him. Me and my lady have gotten into spats after I point out the futility of her techniques on him and how he manipulates, and quite frankly he listens to me more than her because I am stern and don't fall for his tricks. Once I made him sit in the toilet for three hours until he went potty because I was tired of him manipulating his mom to let him poop in his diaper (he's 4!), and another time he had no toys, tv or anything he enjoyed for a whole day because of his rotten behavior. Plus once I put him on time out, telling him if he likes crying so much, he can cry as much as he wants because it's only gonna make him stay on timeout even more (a whopping 6 hours). He stopped his whining. But when she's around, or not sleeping, he's a demon who can't be reigned. It takes consistency and she often saves him from his proper punishment. His mother doesn't believe in spankings and isn't stern enough too, letting his bratty behavior slide. It's affecting the relationship because often I pass on seeing her because of the dread of dealing with him (which is always) and he's like this from the moment I see him until I leave. I leave that house relieved to be away from him, and just thinking about him or seeing his face fills me with anger. I'm re-evaluating my relationship with his mother because of him. She is honestly one of the best things to happen to me, but on the flip side he truly is one of the worst things to happen to me. I'm tired of having talks with her about him and if things don't start to change with her ways of discipline within two weeks, I'm gone. Which I really don't want to do because I do love her and truly want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I also refuse to deal with him and risking his sister turning out just like him making it double bad for me, or rearing a child while his horrible presence is influence. That's where I'm at any thoughts?
I don't see any reason to
I don't see any reason to stick around. This kid is going to run any house he lives in from this day forward.
I didn't read the whole thing - the first sentence is plenty. You can't tolerate and you can't change and you are powerless as all step-parents are.
Dotto on the paragraph comment above.
Going threw much of what your
Going threw much of what your going threw. Sounds like we are similar to our wants from our house hold. I am not yet coveinced leaving is the answer.
Some how, some way we must not let the brat effect us.
Funny thing is my DOG has more smarts then my step son. The kid acts worse then a donky .
Your woman, she might be great. You will have to decide if this will take that from you or if this kid becomes the pest you try to ignore like the fly we brush from our arm I guess.
My SASS13 (stupid ass
My SASS13 (stupid ass step-son) is yours but, well, 13 years old. He decided this morning after being told 5 times to get his ass moving that he would finally get up...only to miss the bus. He had to walk to school and while doing so decided that he would send his mother a text saying "I hate you".
I'm praying that he raises a hand to me after he turns 18. It would be time to call the thunder.
If you stay be prepared to be
If you stay be prepared to be treated like a second class citizen or maybe even a thrid or forth class citizen and go to work to support everybody and get nothing for yourself. When you feel angry just come on this site to see you that are not alone. Don't leave the house because then you are not showing the kids what a good role model you are. What you are experiancing now is nothing, just wait. Just leave your ego your dreams your plans for a happy future with the love of your life in the trash never to be seen again. You will become a slave with nothing to do except to serve them and your new step son. I know because I went through it and still am even when my 19yo SS is in college 8hrs away, except now I have a empty wallet and an empty bank account. When he is home I still have to eat all the left overs that he doesn't want while he gets to eat the freshes and best food my woman can buy. If I even look at it I get scolded and have to tend to my slop and be happy.
O'yea and while he gets to wear the newest and fanciest clothes I have to go to the thrift store to get my stuff. Hope you have fun like I am.
Thanks, things have improved
Thanks, things have improved over the last yes..... Solely because of me, the kid knows discipline, but he still has a long way to go. Still whiny, still acts like a bitch, and still acts and does whatever he wants when I'm not around (I'm married to his mom now). Quite honestly I don't care as long as he isn't mistreating his sister,because his mom gets what she sows, no discipline = no respect, that's her problem. And she still favors him over her baby daughter. But that's okay too because the baby girl prefers her "daddy" (me) instead of her mom, and my wife can't figure out why. Parenting doesn't mean just popping them out, right?